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Sky Ferreira

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seriously. long dry spells like this are horrible, and the only thing that makes them worse are the constant back and forth teasing she does. 

many other artists go years and years between releases, but they're also not periodically posting about how new music is coming very soon, then continually pushing it back whilst berating their fans for asking for said material.

if she'd kept her mouth shut from the beginning, all you'd be seeing in this thread is a barrage of 'where is she where is she i need new music' posts instead of the few remaining fans she has left mocking her because she's low key turned her career into a joke.

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she could at least do the re-release of NTMT she was talking about a few months ago, idk what her reason for delaying that is. but either way we all know that it will be worth it when she finally does release something!

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Well I'm going to be optimistic, as I always am. I don't understand why people on the internet treat her as if she is doing all of this maliciously. She has expressed almost every delay that she can't explain why, but it's clear it's a mixture of outside forces (such as the label) + being her own worst enemy (perfectionism/anxiety/health issues)...


She obviously has been working on music since 2014, she's had the title that long, Guardian was performed that year... we've heard snippets for many different songs. There has a been a sonic and thematic shift. It's been a process and there is material. It would be nice to get music on a more regular basis but that's just not the type of artist Sky has ever been (or even able to be). 


Anyways, dragging her or posting the same jokes about date changes/the year the album will come out for billionth type like it's funny at this point just makes you look retarded. Loosen up, we get it's been a long time.


Like others have said, it's not the fact she hasn't released music in so long, it's the fact that she sets a certain deadline after explaining her situation, but making it seem as if everything's good to go, then not coming through with it. I know life happens, but I've never followed an artist who uses that many excuses before. And I can't understand at all how her counterparts who have less of a privilege as her, have already surpassed her. Other artists have their personal demons and issues with their own labels, but they're still doing what they love. When Charli XCX was going through a rough time touring, she made it clear to her fans that she would take a break and leave the joint tour with Bleachers. Since then (3 years ago) she's been releasing her music despite the problems she has with her label. Girl, how do you take a year to do a song while artists like Lana can make an album in about 15 months? And it's not even about the time it takes either, what I mean is that there are legit unknown artists rn making music in the comfort of their own homes bc they don't have the money or platform Sky has, but they're hustling, doing what they love out there. She seems shady af bc she does things like- idk if it was last year or what, but she captioned a pic with a date and her fans (obviously) thought it meant a date for new music, but then she got upset when they were upset it ended up being for something else. Why not just say what the date was for to avoid confusion??? It's one thing for your mental/physical health to be so bad, it hinders your ability to do your job (THAT, I have empathy for), it's another thing to use your health to guilt trip your fans for having expectations after you kept making promises to them (THAT is shady af to me). That's why I said earlier she should be honest with herself and stop teasing dates or album announcements.

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well on a "optimistic" note if this work ever even see's the light of day I know it's gonna be the record of the decade with how much time she's meticulously worked on it..Voices Carry was just ethereal and if that's just a teaser to the record than just damn.


she's still a stupid bitch tho.


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Okay... that's the last time I try to redirect things and be a bit more positive in here lol. I have followed sky since I was 14, pre-ghost/wild at heart etc. I know how frustrating this woman's career has been. But even with all the set backs and false promises... I don't feel jaded, I don't bring her down over it. And I don't think the service of a restaurant is on the same level as an artist, bit of a false equivalence. 


I think I'm more inclined to defend her because again, I don't think she does this maliciously (usually). Do I think she fucks herself over (maybe even more than outside forces fuck it up?), sure! I think that's absolutely the case a lot of the time. But what can be done? Acting like sheep saying "coke head/in 2896 maybe" etc. is not even funny at this point or worth commenting. 


She seems shady af bc she does things like- idk if it was last year or what, but she captioned a pic with a date and her fans (obviously) thought it meant a date for new music, but then she got upset when they were upset it ended up being for something else. Why not just say what the date was for to avoid confusion??? It's one thing for your mental/physical health to be so bad, it hinders your ability to do your job (THAT, I have empathy for), it's another thing to use your health to guilt trip your fans for having expectations after you kept making promises to them (THAT is shady af to me). That's why I said earlier she should be honest with herself and stop teasing dates or album announcements.


And yes this is one scenario where I think feeling betrayed was justified. We will never really know why she did that or why it played out like that (for all we know something music related was coming and then she decided against it or was "blocked" which is something she has mentioned time and time again). Either way it was wrong. (also that within 60 days thing lol)


ANYWAYS enough of this boring conversation. I really do think things are coming this time and I don't care if I'm gonna have to eat my words if it doesn't because I'm enjoying being more positive about it again than I was 2016.

Sky Ferreira / FKA Twigs / Lana Del Rey / Charli XCX / Angel Olsen / Bat For Lashes / Selena Gomez / Roisin Murphy / Hannah Diamond / Rihanna

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