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Songs & Musicians That Sound Similar to Lana

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Yes, on a case like this, I'd say ~reminds me to..., or ~make me wanna listen to..

I personally think I'm Too Sexy ~ Brite Lites ~ Blurred Lines

No one is copying/sampling anyone, but they all have similar strands of where a percussion instrument or two, serve that groovy acid funk jazz tempo.

Dare we say, they share the same DNA? The same spirit? The same soul? That tar black soul~ :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:





I just stumbled across this. :hdu: This is the both the worst thing ever and... kind of amazing? Please tell me there's a full length mashup or make one. I need it. (Less Robin Thicke tho.)




Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Can't believe no one has posted this yet



cus it doesnt sound similar, radiohead are trash



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this song came out AFTER lana’s tho, so they copied her. they also copied parts of shades of cool in their song all of me as well as the music video for it


yeah I know, it's just that it's 90% similar and I can't believe they have tried to silence everyone that has exposed them!

everybody knows it it's a fact smooch smooch  :hoe:

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