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Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Blue Banisters  

899 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Blue Banisters?

    • Text Book
    • Blue Banisters
    • Arcadia
    • Interlude - The Trio
    • Black Bathing Suit
    • If You Lie Down With Me
    • Beautiful
    • Violets for Roses
    • Dealer
    • Thunder
    • Wildflower Wildfire
    • Nectar of the Gods
    • Living Legend
    • Cherry Blossom
    • Sweet Carolina

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1 hour ago, Taylor Secman said:

you can enjoy this album, its personal taste but the fans who are enjoying this album are definitely in the minority and the numbers show it 





Okay, in all honestly...


1. The album has been out for only 4 days 

2. It had the best debut of the week on Spotify and also 2 best debuting songs (IYLDWM and Dealer)
3. It holds the highest score of all time by users (9.7) on Metacritic 

4. The streaming numbers are actually good
5. The final sales have been penalized by delayed physical copies - which constitutes the 60% of Lana sales - so that's the only real and practical reason why she probably won't score #1

6. It's her second record in the same year and the 8th of her discography 

6. Who cares?


Do you know how many artists would KILL to have the results that Lana has today?  So, one point is to say "I don't like the album, along other fans" and another is to pretend that "it tanked because fans didn't enjoy it".


And aside from all that... I always think that some of you can't properly understand one fundamental thing about nowadays' Lana career. Lana is no longer just a singer. Lana is not just an artist. Lana has fully become a singer-songwriter, which means she will always make more personal and less radio-friendly music. Period. In fact, this was the first time that the album didn't have a "proper hit", a catchy song, which generally helps with charts. And you know why? Because BB is not that kind of album. Perhaps someday she will make something lighter for the GP again, but this is not today and that's fine, thank God for that! 

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3 minutes ago, barttttender said:


I never said it's a fact.... It's just, like, my opinion. 


I completely love and respect the fact that y'all like it. But it seems to be that there are no memorable songs on it, and that we won't have another Love or Video Games on our hands with this album. I'd be hard pressed to add any of the tracks  on BB to a LDR best off. None of the songs, except maybe Black Bathing Suit, carry any weight in terms of her discography, which was far more adventurous and memorable on her past records, including Chemtrails.


But again, this is just one opinion, guys... Why get your panties in a knot? If you're that sure the album is banging, you won't care about what I have to say, right? Just enjoy the record. Love to all (from someone who - remember - has every right in the world to DISLIKE the record, as much as you like it). Peace

I don’t think anyone is challenging your opinion on the record (which you are absolutely entitled to). People are taking an issue with the fact that you invalidated people’s fan-ship based on THEIR personal opinion, that just so happens to be contrary to yours. Nobody has called you a “fake fan” because you dislike the record, so it’s seemingly fallible for you to suggest that people are “fake fans” because they do like it. 

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1 minute ago, Sportscruiser said:

The year is 2091. Lana is already dead and fans will still cry about her not doing hip hop beats and Blue Jeans 2.0 from beyond the grave :bebe:


Also in 2091, all new generations will be discovering these albums and won't care in the slightest how many people clicked on it on a Tuesday in 2021 

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1 minute ago, barttttender said:


I never said it's a fact.... It's just, like, my opinion. 


I completely love and respect the fact that y'all like it. But it seems to be that there are no memorable songs on it, and that we won't have another Love or Video Games on our hands with this album. I'd be hard pressed to add any of the tracks  on BB to a LDR best off. None of the songs, except maybe Black Bathing Suit, carry any weight in terms of her discography, which was far more adventurous and memorable on her past records, including Chemtrails.


But again, this is just one opinion, guys... Why get your panties in a knot? If you're that sure the album is banging, you won't care about what I have to say, right? Just enjoy the record. Love to all (from someone who - remember - has every right in the world to DISLIKE the record, as much as you like it). Peace


Again, no one says that you can't dislike the album, but you stated that people who love the album aren't true fans, which is obviously absurd lol. Clearly missing the point on why you caused a reaction in people...


Anyways :twirls:

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I think a lot of people missed the memo that Lust for Life was a gift for the fans and just a transition to where she's going now, which is deeper into a more personal and contemplative nature of writing music 


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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6 minutes ago, Sportscruiser said:


Many users have stated time and time again that they wish Lana made songs like she used to. The user I was referring to reinforced that.


I was lukewarm to Lana using old songs as well until I heard them in the project the way she intended us to. With all due respect but simply saying that she’s “lazy” or “unimaginative” because she’s readapting old songs (which leaks she had no autonomy over - what in and of itself doesn’t make it a RE-USE as you said) is just looking at this project through very strained and close minded goggles.


I can’t imagine a previous project of hers being able to fit in Cherry Blossom and Living Legend within their narratives and concepts for instance. Both songs are so intricately tied to the themes of motherhood through very different meanings and perspectives - considering this is the very first project of hers in which she openly talks about her difficult relationship with her mother and the overall impact her family ties have had in her own perception of intimacy building and how the failures of her romantic relationships are intimately tied with her own upbringing, I’d say this is the first time CB and LL (for example) actually make any sense being included in a LDR album; CB is a lullaby to an imaginary child and LL is an homage to her surrogate mother… which then flows right into SC which itself is a direct reassurance towards her sister who’s about to become a mother herself: these three songs in succession being positioned at the back half of an album that gently delves into the toxicity and abandonment of her own strained relationship with her biological mother figure is a good enough reason for those songs to be included. It’s not just going to a vault and picking up whatever demos she thinks are cool enough to be released - there’s a distinct narrative purpose that is very new in her discography and it makes perfect sense that she would feel like those songs found a home in the vision she wants to share with the world.


With that said, I don’t want to keep trying to explain whatever concept or narrative reside within this album. Either you get it/relate to it/appreciate it or you don’t and that’s fine. What I think it’s unfair is to try and extrapolate general conclusions about what’s a real fan or not based on individual responses and opinions towards Blue Banisters. I know you weren’t the one who started out this conversation but you intervened and here we are.

Look, At the end of the day it’s personal taste, I like “get” the record, i get the symbolism of violets for roses and the banisters that are blue and green and grey etc, i can see the brilliance in her songwriting but my attitude to this whole album can be summarized in Lana’s own words which she said in an interview with Jack a year ago


“I don’t really care if you mush an amazing life story into an alternative record. If the melodies don’t stun me, I kind of don’t care. I think it’s interesting if you’re yelling and shouting and talking about where you’re going and what it’s been like, but to me that’s not a record. That’s a therapy session.”


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16 minutes ago, Taylor Secman said:

Seeing my own Last.Fm streaming numbers I’m barely listening to this record and thats reflective of the general listening numbers of me and my friends who have been long time fans of lana, from personal experience and what I’m seeing in numbers from this record


You said previously that Blue banisters is “what keeps us stay and keeping up with her” and i was using streaming nunbers to say you’re wrong, people definitely wanted to keep up with her in the past and thats evident when she was debuting with 100k a week for every other album, how could you say this album is what makes us want to stay keeping up with her with only 25k people, more people would be streaming this album if we wanted to keep up


Now you are making things so personal lol. The last.fm of yours and a few of your friends DOES PROVE us - the rest of the fandom - that we love this album or not? That this album is well-received or not? Since when? Now what kind of logical reasoning behind this sir? Your ass barely listening to this album does not make EVERYBODY barely listens to it. The numbers also reflect how the GP interact with this album, not just us. 

Therefore, your point is far from valid, as for the fandom - Blue Banisters is clearly what keeps us stay. Just because you - as a stan hate it. Does not make everybody else hate the album, we are still streaming and the numbers is still growing. And just to remind you: for a millionth time: THEY DO NOT COUNT THE FIRST WEEL PHYSICAL ALBUM SALE THIS TIME AND BB HAS BARELY RECEIVED ANY PROPER PROMOTION AS PREVIOUS ERAS DID.

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I think the lesson we can all learn here is that some people need to get a hobby that isn't obsessing over an artist and their numbers :coffee: I just find it so baffling that people care more about proving that an album is bad by pulling out streams than, I don't know, listening to the music you actually do like??


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Just now, Thunder said:

I think a lot of people missed the memo that Lust for Life was a gift for the fans and just a transition to where she's going now, which is deeper into a more personal and contemplative nature of writing music 


This is so true. Lust for Life has always been misunderstood and called incoherent, even though its "incoherence" was exactly the point of the album, as it was about shedding one thing and building another. It's actually a really important turning point in her career and has led us directly to the sounds that we now have on Blue Banisters. If she ever revisits a more upbeat sound, I imagine it will be more in the vain of Black Bathing Suit or Dealer, and never really back to her earlier sounds.

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3 minutes ago, Thunder said:

I think a lot of people missed the memo that Lust for Life was a gift for the fans and just a transition to where she's going now, which is deeper into a more personal and contemplative nature of writing music 

lana after making lust for life as a gift for the fans and then seeing the fans consistently rank it as her worst album



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the little acoustic guitar that comes in before lana says "I guess this is really.. the end"  in Text Book >>>>> :oprah: literally such an incredible song when the singles came out I played it first and was like "ok... next" but now its literally my top 3 on BB I can't get over it 

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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1 minute ago, uhauIjoe said:

Y'all are reading too much into the album LMFAO. Living Legend is about her friend Jane. let go...


And you aren't reading enough into the album :oprah3:


What @Sportscruiser wrote about Living Legend and Cherry Blossom is actually very beautiful and true to the themes of motherhood on the record, so there's no need to undermine other people's analysis and tell them to let go. This is a discussion forum for Lana's music, this is exactly where we should be reading deeply into the album. :true:

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We're back in that part of a post release era where all we do is fight I see :awkney::toofunny:


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Just now, IanadeIrey said:

OK I need to get off LB before I launch into a Question for the Boards that nobody asked for :byeh8rs2:

Wait, I want this now :ma:


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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11 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

I don’t think anyone is challenging your opinion on the record (which you are absolutely entitled to). People are taking an issue with the fact that you invalidated people’s fan-ship based on THEIR personal opinion, that just so happens to be contrary to yours. Nobody has called you a “fake fan” because you dislike the record, so it’s seemingly fallible for you to suggest that people are “fake fans” because they do like it. 


I see your point, probably shouldn't have said. It's just kind of unfathomable to me how some people can rank this higher than her past records. It's such a half-arsed effot from Lana in my view. But again, grateful that she's given us two albums this year, and hope it grows on me


Can we all chill out now

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16 minutes ago, Whore of Tropico said:

chill sis, the album has only been out for 4 days, it's not always about whether or not the fandom loves it. Remember: this album is doing all of these numbers without receiving any proper promotion, no radio plays, no playlisting, no hype at all to begin with, the social media is the only place to promo the album and give it more hype but Lana chose to sign off & deactivated all the socials ONE MONTH before the release, think bigger.

And one more important thing, billboard rules change like everysingle day, and sadly the first week physical sales does not even count.

Try to understand the situation shall we?


If TikTok is any measure, she has like two albums worth of unreleased music which have never been promoted, radio plays, playlisting etc that are being listened to more than any song on this record 

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