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Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Blue Banisters  

899 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Blue Banisters?

    • Text Book
    • Blue Banisters
    • Arcadia
    • Interlude - The Trio
    • Black Bathing Suit
    • If You Lie Down With Me
    • Beautiful
    • Violets for Roses
    • Dealer
    • Thunder
    • Wildflower Wildfire
    • Nectar of the Gods
    • Living Legend
    • Cherry Blossom
    • Sweet Carolina

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4 hours ago, bewhitehotforever said:

so what’s everyone’s thoughts on BB now that it’s lost it’s hype. is it still in everyone’s favorites/top 3?

I still really love it. It already holds a very special place in my heart. This album came at the most perfect time in my life, and I think that it's gonna keep it's spot in my Lana top three, which would be:


1. NFR

2. Honeymoon

3. Blue Banisters 


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5 hours ago, bewhitehotforever said:

so what’s everyone’s thoughts on BB now that it’s lost it’s hype. is it still in everyone’s favorites/top 3?


I cannot put this motherfucker down. (I'm an old fashioned CD kind of guy!) It's my AOTY, and I am convinced that it is LDR's greatest achievement (so far). 


(BB even caused me to finally join this forum. Too many of y'all were meh about this magnificent album. I needed to counterbalance that.)  :)

Edited by Skuj
Additional comment.




A.K.A. Fuckin' Mr. Brightside. 

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1 hour ago, FallingCherry said:

BB is a really strong fall album (it even feels wintery at times) and that’s something that was missing in Lana’s discography before


I like this comment. I like it a lot. 




A.K.A. Fuckin' Mr. Brightside. 

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6 hours ago, bewhitehotforever said:

so what’s everyone’s thoughts on BB now that it’s lost it’s hype. is it still in everyone’s favorites/top 3?

well, in fact, it grew on me just in time to be in my top 3:


1. Ultraviolence

2. NFR

3. Blue Banisters (sorry my dear Lust for Life, but BB had to take your spot).

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it's just so fucking dynamic. and it's honestly? at least for me, just masterful genius. 

UV can sorta enable u, HM can get u drunk, Paradise is viceland, BTD's quick jabs, LFL's hopes, COCC's breathing rests, and NFR's camp, it's all softly overshadowed by this one. I think it's because, it's one of the most wholesome of albums. 

at least for me, it kinda started w cocc's peaceful breathing, but this? it's on it's level, and what it does or has the capacity to do, is to allow the listener to be able to listen to themselves more in a subtle kind of life changing way. like, it makes u feel uncomfortable but in a good way that makes u want to change for the better. 

it transcends from just listening, to actually doing. how fucking magical is that? 


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My favourite 3 shaped up to be Thunder, Wildflower Wildfire and Nectar of the Gods; they happen to come right after each other.


Nectar of the Gods is truly heartbreaking. The way she delivers the lines, her voice and even the sound of the guitar sounds so painful, I feel every second of it.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it


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5 hours ago, Vertimus said:

What I like most about BB (the album) is the overall range of emotions that arise from it----it seems to me, in that regard, like her 'healthiest' and 'happiest' album yet. Maybe facing her demons head-on in WFWF allowed some serenity to follow. 


COCC was also a definite move in this direction, and, emotionally, in retrospect, seems like the perfect precursor to BB.  


I like the emotionally-tortured Lana of 'Old Money,' '13 Beaches,' 'White Mustang,' etc., and the haunted Lana of 'Swan Song,' but I like this Lana best so far. 



You are right on the money with that final statement. I was 18 when I first discovered Lana, now I’m 28, and it has been so special as someone becoming an adult in that time to listen to her grow through her lyrics and sound over time to this more self-assured place that she’s in. It gives me hope for myself, even if I often don’t feel like I’m growing up fast enough.


(some unsolicited advice for those in their teens/early twenties: part of becoming an adult is recognising that that NEVER happens, you never feel like an adult, you simply do more adult things, and maybe make less of the same mistakes whilst constantly making new ones).

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Also, the chorus of Black Bathing Suit makes me feel like sauntering and bopping my entire body in slow motion down the street and winking at a “real cute” stranger. I feel such a burst of confidence listening to this song, which is a rare feeling and one I really value.

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58 minutes ago, Thoth said:

My favourite 3 shaped up to be Thunder, Wildflower Wildfire and Nectar of the Gods; they happen to come right after each other.


Nectar of the Gods is truly heartbreaking. The way she delivers the lines, her voice and even the sound of the guitar sounds so painful, I feel every second of it.

NOTG really grew on me overtime. The vocal delivery on the verses is strikingly emotional and heavy

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Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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1 hour ago, Whore of Tropico said:

well, in fact, it grew on me just in time to be in my top 3:


1. Ultraviolence

2. NFR

3. Blue Banisters (sorry my dear Lust for Life, but BB had to take your spot).

same as my order. you’re also the only other person on this forum who seems to like LFL

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8 hours ago, bewhitehotforever said:

so what’s everyone’s thoughts on BB now that it’s lost it’s hype. is it still in everyone’s favorites/top 3?

I think there’s a good chance it’ll remain in my overall top 3 along with UV and Norman… but there’s times when I’ll listen to like btd, paradise, or HM and I say fuck that there’s no way this isn’t in my top 3 so like… whatever lmao my top 3 is never truly solidified. 

1 hour ago, Thoth said:

My favourite 3 shaped up to be Thunder, Wildflower Wildfire and Nectar of the Gods; they happen to come right after each other.


Nectar of the Gods is truly heartbreaking. The way she delivers the lines, her voice and even the sound of the guitar sounds so painful, I feel every second of it.

The 1 2 3 punch of these songs is truly mesmerizing 

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current ranking:

  1. Dealer
  2. Black Bathing Suit
  3. Thunder
  4. Nectar of the Gods
  5. If You Lie Down With Me
  6. Living Legend
  7. Arcadia
  8. Text Book
  9. Cherry Blossom
  10. Sweet Carolina
  11. Wildflower Wildfire
  12. Blue Banisters
  13. Beautiful
  14. Violets For Roses

Beautiful and Violets For Roses were 2 of my fav at first but now I'm very :/ about them lol. I love the twinkly piano and the chorus of Beautiful, but absolutely hate the "what if somebody asked picasso not to be sad" line, and the way she says Picasso so it fits in the song, hate it. I looove the pre-chorus of Violets For Roses, it's so beautiful, but I hate the chorus. Such a bland chorus. I actually really like the title track tbh. Not my favorite LDR song but I def don't dislike it. Nectar of the Gods would've probs been higher if I haven't overplayed it since it leaked, love that song.



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18 hours ago, bewhitehotforever said:

so what’s everyone’s thoughts on BB now that it’s lost it’s hype. is it still in everyone’s favorites/top 3?

I still love Thunder, but not as passionate as its demo version. It's nicer to listen to, now that everything is all autumn-y, but I still miss it's former punch

Nectar Of The God really established it's spot on my"favourite Lana songs" list

Can't really decide on a third spot though.

Text Book and Living Legend still rank really high and both Arcadia and Cherry Blossom grew on me a lot.

Meanhwile, I still enjoy Wildflower Wildfire but it almost sounds out of place with all it's theatrical sitting between the laid-back Thunder and the ballad-lullaby portion of the record.

And while I don't consider Beautiful a very exciting track (it's solid but she's done songs like that a hundred times before), it's the one that gets stuck in my mind the most for some reason.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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I think for me, and it always happens with every era, each album always clicks when the "hype" dies.  

That's why I'm mostly always late on trends, or checking new music. I find it hard to form a genuine opinion on a song, when everyone around seems to be like "This one is the best song!" Because as much as I love hearing different opinions, I don't want to be biased. 


I think the album is really nice. Is it her best? In my opinion, it isn't. But it holds a very special place in my heart, and unlike Chemtrails or Paradise, I can actually listen to most of the songs without actually having to be on a particular mood. 

I think this album is relatable and unique. It's different, yet arguably "more of the same" as some would say. 


I like that it's raw, even if it's not the direction I would have gone for. I love the lyrics, and the vocals are very interesting. The production while simple, is lovely. It's like Lana finally reached the middle-point she failed to reach with Chemtrails. It's not a perfect balance (Norman is) but she's getting there.


Some of the songs I particularly dislike, aren't necessarily bad. It's not the fact they aren't relatable, or have a simple production, but rather, they just don't click. Text Book, Violets for Roses (even though I love that one!) Nectar of the Gods and Sweet Carolina. They're really lovely, but I'm not crazy about them. 

The rest, on their own way are incredible :oprah:


Anyways, I can't wait to see what she does next. While I think she should try to shake up things a little more and go on a different route, I won't be mad if she doesn't. As long as the quality remains the same!

My rose garden dreams set on fire by fiends... :illumilana2: 

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19 hours ago, Pineapple B00ST said:

it's just so fucking dynamic. and it's honestly? at least for me, just masterful genius. 

UV can sorta enable u, HM can get u drunk, Paradise is viceland, BTD's quick jabs, LFL's hopes, COCC's breathing rests, and NFR's camp, it's all softly overshadowed by this one. I think it's because, it's one of the most wholesome of albums. 

at least for me, it kinda started w cocc's peaceful breathing, but this? it's on it's level, and what it does or has the capacity to do, is to allow the listener to be able to listen to themselves more in a subtle kind of life changing way. like, it makes u feel uncomfortable but in a good way that makes u want to change for the better. 

it transcends from just listening, to actually doing. how fucking magical is that? 

Exactly, it's 'wholesome' without being mawkish, queasy or 'mellow.' I haven't tired of it yet either, not one bit. 'BBS,' 'IYLDWM,' and 'VFR' only continue to grow on me, and 'Aracadia' went from 'blah' to 'great' in my valuation. 

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This album is similar to Chemtrails for me, where I have a few favorites, but generally don’t care for the album a whole lot. Like I can easily listen to it, and it’s fine, I’ll enjoy it, it’s cool. But I don’t have the urge to keep coming back to it and not a whole lot is memorable for me.


It’s weird too, because I’ll listen to a song, and I’m like “this is good! I’m being too harsh.” But then I forget about it and start to become bitter towards it again. I have a hard time rating the individual songs because I both like them and don’t like them at the same time ??? I never have felt so confused and mixed about an album as I did Chemtrails, and the same sort of feelings have carried over here. I just think I have to accept that both Chemtrails and Blue Banisters has a certain vibe that I’m just not fundamentally connecting to. 


Ironically, I never cared for Blue Banisters the song until like a week or two ago where suddenly I became obsessed with it. I still think it’s a little odd, but I appreciate it more now.



1. Nectar of the Gods

2. Dealer



3. Black Bathing Suit

4. If You Lie Down With Me

5. Cherry Blossom



6. Wildflower Wildfire

7. Blue Banisters

8. Living Legend

9. Violets for Roses

10. Sweet Carolina


Bottom-Tier (Skips)

11. Arcadia

12. Text Book

13. Interlude - The Trio (I like music like this, but it just doesn’t fit on this album. Very jarring.)

14. Beautiful

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One thing Lana does is always makes an album that attracts new fans, and sometimes current fans aren’t fans of the work but the material that they love is still so strong that they still listen to her and their interest keeps her stacks high


she’s always creating (even if we’re not witnessing it in real time through insta or something ) but I’m always on my toes waiting for the next one will dancing round to the current or old ones


I love her, I loveeee blue banisters , I love witnessing her career from 2012 to the present


The album is one of my favs of this year and I’m my top three now. And as always I’m waiting impatiently for the next xoxo


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22 hours ago, bewhitehotforever said:

same as my order. you’re also the only other person on this forum who seems to like LFL

i guess cause most of my best memories of my life basically revolves around the Lust for Life era. I had the best time with this album & this period speciafically. I know most stans hate it but for me, this era was a celebration of life literally: A 16-track album, beautiful out-of-this world visual, futuristic vintage (the O.G future nostalgia) concept - We were super spoiled.

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