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LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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1 minute ago, Flowerbomb said:

I just realized we need this for LDR9



This but scrap the piano for real production. Strings even???


☆♬○♩●♪✧♩ Life is just a bubble and it's filled with air ♩✧♪●♩○♬☆

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Maybe I'm just delusional but has anyone else been noticing a shift with her these past few months? The V shoot/interview, instagram posts, sightings...there's a fascinating new energy brewing within her. I can't wait to see what form it takes and I don't care anymore if it we have to wait until next year to hear it

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2 hours ago, Flowerbomb said:

I just realized we need this for LDR9




she could literally just use this for an unreleased album and make it either an intro, outro, or an interlude. i don't want any more unreleased leaked stuff on the usual albums, so tired of that at this point


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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55 minutes ago, hashtagtylerh said:

what's the other thread site that BOZ and Eclipse comment on sometimes? it's not resetera but it's kinda like that? I can't remember the name for some reason lol


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1 hour ago, Brow Bone said:

i thought about it i did i thought about how we got tulsa jesus freak after larkin can u imagine what kind of track lana'll make that's jack inspired can u fathom it must be amazing im fuckin ready EZcZRTJ.gif


chicago drug lord

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3 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:


she could literally just use this for an unreleased album and make it either an intro, outro, or an interlude. i don't want any more unreleased leaked stuff on the usual albums, so tired of that at this point

beggars cannot be choosers x

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Why are Lana stans such one track minds?



- track is not newly recorded by Lana 1 hour before vinyls are printed "OMG SHE'S SO LAZY I DON'T WANT ANOTHER MIXTAPE"


Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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19 minutes ago, Thunder Revenant said:

Why are Lana stans such one track minds?



- track is not newly recorded by Lana 1 hour before vinyls are printed "OMG SHE'S SO LAZY I DON'T WANT ANOTHER MIXTAPE"


- Hating on the producers for the artistic choices SHE make. 

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I don’t expect LDR9 to sound very summery, to be honest, and I’m fine with that, but if she decided to go back to more summery sounds, something like The White Lotus soundtrack could be amazing (it’s an incredible series by the way, very cynical and funny). 
that piece, in particular, could fit Lana’s vibes (and hell, it has piano in it :godlaugh2:)

other standouts from this soundtrack: 


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13 hours ago, Flowerbomb said:

I just realized we need this for LDR9



This is the clip I've mentioned many times, and LDR posted it on FB at the time of the LFL release. Thanks for posting.


Now if I could only find the print interview where she stated that RBFY was just an intro and outro to the LFL album, and not a full song in itself, I'd be happy. 

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9 minutes ago, Vertimus said:Now if I could only find the print interview where she stated that RBFY was just an intro and outro to the LFL album, and not a full song in itself, I'd be happy. 

She didn’t say that in a print interview, but in her Apple Music / Beats Radio 1 interview with Zane Lowe on July 12, 2017!  

Jump to 4:16 :) 



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