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Supreme Court overturns constitutional right to abortion

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I'm from Eastern Europe and terrified that this will motivate pro-lifers to do something here. Abortions are legal since the 50s and people don't really care about abortions here but everything's possible with enough of propaganda. 


As for banning abortions, they should really see Romania's history and how many children had suffered in orphanages and how many women had died. Actually, who gives a shit about children once they're born, it's all about controlling women. I don't see any law that controls men but men have the audacity to complain about child support. Sorry this is all over place, I'm just irritated by how people can be vile. The meni behind this campaign would probably pay their mistress to have an abortion. 

I'm fucking crazy, but I'm free 


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2 hours ago, BlueINK said:

Isn't also the bigger part of Americans pro-choice? Like, that's not how democracy works. A handful of backwards people making decisions against the will of their citizens?? That's a dictatorship.

Unfortunately it’s a state by state issue and majority of states have more republicans representing local government than democrats, Trump made sure of that before he got booted. Democrats are being out voted all over the place on this because there aren’t as many of them in governing seats. It’s so frustrating.

Americans will need to be the ones voting out republicans from each state in the upcoming Novembers state elections. If people want to see this shit show end, it’s up to them really pushing with votes.

The thing is, women aren’t a minority like gays or trans people, they make up over half of America’s population. If women want to vote and completely destroy republican representation across states by joining forces, they can, they have the numbers.


I’m hoping this idiotic decision ends up shooting republicans in the foot. It’s easy to bully a minority, good luck pissing of 100 million women in your own country. 

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26 minutes ago, Coney Island King said:

I’m hoping this idiotic decision ends up shooting republicans in the foot. It’s easy to bully a minority, good luck pissing of 150 million women in your own country. 

if only that was the case. the number of american women i've encountered who genuinely believe in a national ban not only on abortion but also contraception like plan b and iud's, is just sad.

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2 minutes ago, House of Balloons said:

if only that was the case. the number of american women i've encountered who genuinely believe on a national ban not only on abortion but also contraception like plan b and iud's, is just sad.

Please, i can’t….i have to tell myself those types of women are far and few between otherwise I literally have no hope for humanity. 

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4 minutes ago, House of Balloons said:

if only that was the case. the number of american women i've encountered who genuinely believe on a national ban not only on abortion but also contraception like plan b and iud's, is just sad.



Before I started my current job I worked in a super conservative part of America. Some of the things I’d hear the women say were just so backwards, it was like living in an alternate reality. In addition to their strong abortion ban stances I remember them saying “I don’t want to think for myself, the husband is the head of the household and he’ll make my decisions for me. I just want to stay home and be the perfect housewife to please my man.” :air: Not to mention their attitudes toward reproduction and reproductive health: “I don’t believe in condoms, if the good Lord wants me to have 9 children then it is His will” :air2: Ofc they didn’t have the incomes to support their children either. The list goes on and on.mp3


Anyway, I do agree that women aren’t a minority group but there are a staggering number of conservative thinkers who are similarly aligned. We really need to turn up at the polls this year because a lot of people stayed home for Hillary in 2016. I’m not saying she was the best candidate but we could have had a better shot had people been more motivated. I truly hope this is a big wake up call for folks…

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15 minutes ago, Coney Island King said:


Americans will need to be the ones voting out republicans from each state in the upcoming Novembers state elections. If people want to see this shit show end, it’s up to them really pushing with votes.


This is literally the only hope. Anything else would be absolute lunacy.


Luckily it is not only women being pro-choice. I trust that a few men also care. I see many speaking out against out on social media, let's see if they're gonna help in the elections. 


So is there a slight chance that after the elections in November, this decision could be brought up and possibly overturned again? I don't fully get the entire US system tbh, the SCOTUS seems to have unlimited power... 


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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2 minutes ago, BlueINK said:

So is there a slight chance that after the elections in November, this decision could be brought up and possibly overturned again?

No, the justices on the Supreme Court are on there for life :/ that decision won't change. Right now the hope is to elect democrats at a state level to make abortion legal in their specific state. Unfortunately abortion won't be a protected right for (most likely) a very long time. 

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I need an American to help me understanding:

There are these 9 people who are judges in a COURT and COURTS are supposed to be impartial not political but this court is political for fuck knows what reason and they have to keep doing the court stuff 'til they die and when they do the president gets to pick their replacement and of course they pick people from their side of politics and then those 9 people get to strike down 40-year-old laws and the president can't do anything (only if they die) and so these 9 people essentially get to govern over 300 million people


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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11 minutes ago, alienprincess said:

No, the justices on the Supreme Court are on there for life :/ that decision won't change. Right now the hope is to elect democrats at a state level to make abortion legal in their specific state. Unfortunately abortion won't be a protected right for (most likely) a very long time. 






Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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5 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

Yes it's only when they die

On the plus side, half of them look like Prince Phillip, age-wise 

Two are in their 70s, the rest in their 50s and 60s I think.

...people get old nowadays though except school kids in Dallas #prolife.


Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible

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1 minute ago, BlueINK said:

Two are in their 70s, the rest in their 50s and 60s I think.

...people get old nowadays though. 

Most of them are men (of course) and men don't live as long as women let's stay positive shall we :agree:

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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5 minutes ago, Pale Fire said:

This is a very sad day for humanity. 
i feel like the western world is crumbling, America in particular, which is meant to be the pillar of freedom and prosperity and all that jazz. What the fuck is happening

I think build a wall but not on the Mexican border

Make this one between the yeehaw states and the sensible ones and have two countries

Un-United States 

Make sure all the normal sensible people have safe passage to the good Un-United States and let all the bigots and freaks and losers stay in the bad Un-United States

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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6 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

I think build a wall but not on the Mexican border

Make this one between the yeehaw states and the sensible ones and have two countries

Un-United States 

Make sure all the normal sensible people have safe passage to the good Un-United States and let all the bigots and freaks and losers stay in the bad Un-United States

Not the worst idea…all the right wing nutcases can live like it’s the 1800’s all they want then.  

14 minutes ago, Pale Fire said:

This is a very sad day for humanity. 
i feel like the western world is crumbling, America in particular, which is meant to be the pillar of freedom and prosperity and all that jazz. What the fuck is happening

And people thought electing Biden would solve everything…things keep getting worse. You have to vote for everyone in government at a local level for any real change to happen.  

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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No seriously though Americans are fucking crazy. The fact that your entire political system is soooooo skewed to the right that you think people like Bernie / AOC etc are political extremists is so fucking sad. Your entire system is fucked. It makes me so upset for ppl living (surviving) there


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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20 hours ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

whats the point in banning something like this when you could just abort the child without telling anyone, sorry if that sounds insensitive but alcohol tends to work


they don't understand - or perhaps they do - that overturning Roe vs Wade does not and abortion. It only ends legal ones


19 hours ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

What's next, gay rights? Black voters rights? This has to stop and should have been the straw that broke the camels back but we know it won't because people in the US are pussies and we can't do anything about it while we pay their salaries of over $200k a year. Meanwhile, we have a rapist in the Supreme Court who has just decided against a woman's right to choose to have an abortion. 


This is so fucked up. This government does not represent the people anymore and it's clear we need a new system. This country is a fuckhole of corporate greed and religious theologies taking control over other people's rights. Gay rights are next and we're not gonna have any say about it. I fucking hate it here. 


Their next moves are to attack queer and trans rights. then they could go further against woman's rights. If they wanted they could attack the rights of POC but I do not thing anyone let it go that far.rr


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50 minutes ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

“I don’t believe in condoms, if the good Lord wants me to have 9 children then it is His will” :air2: 


not this.. i'm not religious but i went with a friend to their church a few weeks ago and i was reminded of why i'm not religious.. they invited every woman in the church who has had an abortion to raise their hands and come to the front of the church so everyone could "pray for them" and they had them publicly ask for "forgiveness" for their "sin".. it's absolutely atrocious i felt so terrible for them.. i asked my friend if they do that a lot and he said they've prayed for someone to overcome their "homosexual tendencies" and that is why i am not religious bc wtf 😭


25 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

I need an American to help me understanding:

There are these 9 people who are judges in a COURT and COURTS are supposed to be impartial not political but this court is political for fuck knows what reason and they have to keep doing the court stuff 'til they die and when they do the president gets to pick their replacement and of course they pick people from their side of politics and then those 9 people get to strike down 40-year-old laws and the president can't do anything (only if they die) and so these 9 people essentially get to govern over 300 million people



well officially, the supreme court is not meant to be political, it is meant to ensure equal justice under the law by ruling on the highest level regarding all constitutional disputes. the rulings, at least on paper, cannot be partisan and its rulings must be based on the law and the law only. now remember that's just what it's officially meant to be. in reality, it's political, always has been political, and always will be political, because it's america and the supreme court is always going to have a majority of justices on one side or the other with some sort of agenda. for example, the justices that president roosevelt appointed shared his view on on the expanding of federal power, "conveniently" lining up with his new deal regulatory reforms. and the justices that nixon appointed "conveniently" shared his "tough on crime" policy views. the supreme court has always been this way and it will always be this way because the polarized and partisan nature of our politics and society is ingrained into both americans and our laws/institutions.


and the justices do not necessarily "govern"; they cannot write or pass laws. what they do is take the inalienable laws/rights we do have (in the constitution), and interpret and establish its applications in different situations, setting legal precedent going forward. Roe v. Wade was one of these legal precedents set forward long ago, and by overturning it, the court established that our constitution does not protect the legal right to an abortion. they aren't outlawing abortion which is a popular misconception, they're just saying the constitution doesn't protect it (which it does imo)

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