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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Love and fear wasn’t bad it was just a boring concept and some of the songs were too commercial sounding and watered down.  I really don’t like clean bandit either,  I feel like she’s made a move to be more commercial and it’s backfired and alienated some of her core fanbase.  She really just needs to accept she isn’t going to be a a big artist like Billie Elish or Dua Lipa.  Sometimes less success means longevity, staying genuine and focused on the art should always be the number one priority.  Björk is a perfect example of this and she is highly respected. 

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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5 minutes ago, partymonster said:

wait really? :rip:

No lol the admin just couldn't fund the site anymore 

Just now, ChaoticLipster said:

Love and fear wasn’t bad it was just a boring concept and some of the songs were too commercial sounding.  I really don’t like clean bandit either,  I feel like she’s made a move to be more commercial and it’s backfired and alienated some of her core fanbase.  She really just needs to accept she isn’t going to be a a big artist like Billie Elish or Dua Lipa.  Sometimes less success means longevity, staying genuine and focused on the art should always be the focus.  Björk is a perfect example of this and she is highly respected. 

Yeah I stanned a modern Kate Bush not Dua Greeka

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Originally thought L+F was going to be Electra Heart 2.0 thematically, lots of traditional 1950's suburban imagery, but with a futuristic flair.
I think MARINABOOK was to blame for that...


Then I thought the theme was going to be greek-heritage galore too lol


But in reality the theme is just a plain Black & White filter.....

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Yeah.. she needs to accept the fact that Electra Heart was her commercial peak. She’ll probably never be that popular again, which is definitely a shame but it doesn’t mean the quality of her music has to decline. :crossed: 

hopefully the next record will have a solid concept / some genuine thought behind it.. we know she’s capable! 


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According to her most recent Instagram post, her next album is almost finished!




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