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Movies Everyone Loves But You Hate

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What are some movies everyone seems to love but you can not get into for some reason?





To start this off strong...


'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and 'Pulp Fiction'

I'm sorry but I just can not get into these movies at ALL


Midsommar too but I believe everyone should hate that movie :oprah3:


Steam Community :: :: The Lindsay Lohan

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fucking starwars


if you ever put a starwars movie on near me im ghosting you idgaf.


still love carrie fisher though shes a queen

I also HATE superhero movies like IDGAF if the super hero is curing leukemia like I WILL NOT WATCH IT!!

god loves you

but not enough

to save you

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marvel movies



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I feel like people are simply afraid to criticize certain directors because of them being "legendary".

So after that self-justification it's time for me to come out of the closet...



"Alice in the Wonderland" (2010) sucks. I'm sorry.

The visuals are amazing but the movie focused too much on Depp I felt like I mean, Alice ain't even the main subject in the poster of her own film.

Burton kinda did what he wanted to and I don't know if that created a fully-realized body of work.



I don't know what fully-realized means but it makes it sound like I'm right. :illumilana:


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1 hour ago, Surf Noir said:

i didn't really care for "american beauty" honestly

I agree I thought it was STUPID

Especially the 5 minute scene with the plastic bag blowing down the street

Extremely pretentious and problematic film

Basically I hate that and any other movie that tries to be all thought-provoking and/or abstract but is actually just bad and glossed over with pretentious scenes and a script to boost the director's ego

And then such films win 7 Oscars and the circlejerk is complete


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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35 minutes ago, dollanganger said:

a quiet place..

this! i fell asleep during this movie in the theatres..and never went beyond that. there’s just nothing interesting about it imo and the silence for the majority of the movie just makes me sleepy 


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Midsommar.... booooooo 🍅 🍅 🍅


My bf did not like Ferris Bueler's Day off because the main character got away with everything with no repercussions.  "now I see why white people love this movie" 💀


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I saw a lot of praise for The Black Phone when it came out but I thought that movie was so fucking bad :facepalm: Ethan Hawke was not scary in any scene I just wanted to sit in his lap the whole time and the movie was never very engaging or interesting I knew what was gonna happen and its repetitiveness got old real quick :judgingu:

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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mullholland drive

lord of the rings

basically any american horror movie (asian and european horror is actually scary and my fave genres of film)

marvel movies 



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