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Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 24th, 2023

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4 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:

A.K.A:  She wanted the American dream (I want to be a whole world's girl gramma)

BTD: She took a walk on the wildside of the American Dream

PD: She saw the dark side of the American Dream (In the land of Gods & Monsters i was an angel living in the garden of evil)

UV: She experienced the violence of the American Dream

HM: She contemplated as her American Dream dying

L4L: She wanted to wake up from the American Dream

NFR!: She said fuck the American Dream

COCC: She's just a wanderlust, she wandered throughout the America in real life 👉 the American Dream is no longer an idea

BB: "I'll pray for ya, you need a Miracle - America"


I wonder how the American Dream is going to be represented in this era, and we got some first taste with American Whore tho...


I don’t think the American dream is going to be represented at all, remember, her other albums were focused on world building, this one is not :brows:


edit; American whore, funnily enough, isn’t American at all. It represents what all women of all cultures have probably experienced i their lives! 

like a dream, you glide on the water 


and like a star, I shine from the shore 

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20 minutes ago, lanita said:

lana’s music has had a tremendous impact on my life and shaped me as a person. sometimes, she made me feel heard when no one could.


hang in there love, mental illness is a burden that nobody deserves to have on their shoulders. you matter, your struggles are valid and i’m wishing you nothing but the best! :wub::wub:


also, i wish we could create a venting thread for anyone who needs it. we are human beings at the end of the day, and i think that any type of healthy, positive validation or encouragement could save someone someday. 


i think we already have some venting / conversation threads abt random stuff we're struggling together, but im not the kind of person who tells a lot. Sure, i want to be heard, but im so afraid that people would use my mental issues & life problems to against me and make it out like its my fault, i experienced being misunderstood a lot in the past with my weakness being used as weapons against me.


Which is one of the reason why i feel connected to Lana's music on so many levels, theres a lot of artists i loved before i discovered Lana but im mostly too growned out to listen to them that frequently like i used to, but Lana remains stable in my list since my pre-teen phase.

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

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Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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1 minute ago, lizzycobain said:

I went into target fully believing I'd see the album set out. 

The delutions are real :toofloppy:

i used to work at a record store and im still in touch with some of the employees and they know im a lana fan so they told me that they already received the shipments.. its any day now tbh

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14 minutes ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

I don’t think the American dream is going to be represented at all, remember, her other albums were focused on world building, this one is not :brows:

fair enough, American dream as a direct term was abandoned since NFR era as i mentioned, but tbh its still briefly mentioned here and there in her music afterwards,or at least - hinted.  Its no longer just "American Dream", its some specific shit that attached to it. Lana used to say things like "live on the dark side of the American dream" - American dream in her music then was only an abstract / unshaped idea, or at least - very simple: like u get to LA, get rich, get famous, parties, glamorous, hollywood, crimescenes, movie stars, sex, drugs, etc. and u discovered the dark side of them all. But after NFR, she no longer just mentions the term "American dream" generally,she points put whats attached to it, i.e: the culture (she uses this word a lot post-NFR), the media & whats she experienced after years of being a Hollywood singer and tasted her stardom. She no longer craves for it, she even wanted to leave it and go incognito at some point. In BB,she even prayed for "America", probably because the "culture" has failed her, as well as that "American dream" has failed her.


So imo, there's still that idea of American dream in her music, but it's changed its form,and the way she treats it, represents it different now.

@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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57 minutes ago, taco truck said:

i'm pretty sure 12am est, she hasn't a local release for an album since UV


for us MST girlies it should be 10pm

LFL was a local release :um2:

LORN - ANVIL [Official Music Video] GIF | Gfycat 

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Someone might have asked this before but if you could assign each Ocean Blvd song to a previous era, if possible, what era would each song correspond to? 

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5 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:

fair enough, American dream as a direct term was abandoned since NFR era as i mentioned, but tbh its still briefly mentioned here and there in her music afterwards,or at least - hinted.  Its no longer just "American Dream", its some specific shit that attached to it. Lana used to say things like "live on the dark side of the American dream" - American dream in her music then was only an abstract / unshaped idea, or at least - very simple: like u get to LA, get rich, get famous, parties, glamorous, hollywood, crimescenes, movie stars, sex, drugs, etc. and u discovered the dark side of them all. But after NFR, she no longer just mentions the term "American dream" generally,she points put whats attached to it, i.e: the culture (she uses this word a lot post-NFR), the media & whats she experienced after years of being a Hollywood singer and tasted her stardom. She no longer craves for it, she even wanted to leave it and go incognito at some point. 


So imo, there's still that idea of American dream in her music, but it's changed its form,and the way she treats it, represents it different now.

Ofcourse, but from the tracks I’ve heard thus far and the spoiler lyrics I’ve read, to me I think this one is going back to roots, self reflection on her life from childhood and very real feelings and experiences that we may all have felt or related to which aren’t inherently from the American dream/fame/the culture. 

it all seems much more personal. I know she’s been branded the queen of Americana for years, but I’m not getting that vibe so far! Buttttt I’ve only heard 2 songs, so it is yet to be seen, very exciting :flutter:

like a dream, you glide on the water 


and like a star, I shine from the shore 

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1 minute ago, Thats why they call me Dita said:

Ofcourse, but from the tracks I’ve heard thus far and the spoiler lyrics I’ve read, to me I think this one is going back to roots, self reflection on her life from childhood and very real feelings and experiences that we may all have felt or related to which aren’t inherently from the American dream/fame/the culture. 

it all seems much more personal. I know she’s been branded the queen of Americana for years, but I’m not getting that vibe so far! Buttttt I’ve only heard 2 songs, so it is yet to be seen, very exciting :flutter:


wait until we even see a track she talked about QFTC in the album :hype:


i forgot to mention even in Violet, there's still a bit that she mentioned that "American dream" thing - which was Paradise Is Very Fragile .


@WHORE OF TROPICO   ⇨   @SALVAWHORE             

                                      Pokemon Eevee GIF - Pokemon Eevee Flower - Discover & Share GIFs                                   evee-dancing.gif

Bring Me That Horizon — ianime0: Pokemon XY | Eevee Dancing


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13 minutes ago, barttttender said:


what's with all the ranking? Has it leaked? 

No we just like to revisit the same topics over and over because we’re mentally ill

I don’t really wanna die, I just want the pain to be over

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has it leaked? i'm seeing a lot of ranckings including dyk

Just now, fine china said:

No we just like to revisit the same topics over and over because we’re mentally ill


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12 minutes ago, Brightsun said:
  Reveal hidden contents

For me kintsugi is the new arcadia 



This wasn't on my Ocean Blvd bingo card



"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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