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Lana Sex Work/Stripping?

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i mean she may have been, i think people are denying it cause they think it’s like shameful or embarrassing lol 


there’s no proof, and what she says in her songs (especially the old ones) is not 100% reliable, but i mean…it’s possible, who knows


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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4 minutes ago, ShadesOfFool said:

i mean she may have been, i think people are denying it cause they think it’s like shameful or embarrassing lol 


there’s no proof, and what she says in her songs (especially the old ones) is not 100% reliable, but i mean…it’s possible, who knows

didnt lana say in that interview for them shoes back in lizzy grant days she writes from experience?


**not tryna say lana was 100% a stripper :benmawson:




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2 minutes ago, spinmeround said:

didnt lana say in that interview for them shoes back in lizzy grant days she writes from experience?


**not tryna say lana was 100% a stripper :benmawson:

She also said her voice was breathy cause she fell out of a tree 


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Not saying she was a stripper but I'm also not sure why people are so quick to say she never did and it was all made up just because there's no 'proof'? If she really did strip back in the day, what proof would we even have? 


I feel like most of her older music is her fantasizing or glamorizing her own life, so it's really hard to say.

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If she really was, so what then. This definitely shouldn't be a embarrassing thing though. :oprah6: She has done many interesting things, like many other people in the world.


But what I definitely do know is that LanaBoards guest lurkers are going to browse this thread a lot because somehow the lurkers like to browse Lana threads related to her ass or sex work...


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I'm sure this topic has been made before, and I'm not saying she really was a stripper, but why do some people always get so defensive or pissed when somebody suggests it as a possibility? It's really not impossible

Although songwriting isn't always autobiographical, she's sang about stripping in a bunch of songs, so this is an understandable discussion to have TBH

I do it just to amuse me 

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this reminds me when she said she slept with a lot of guys in the industry and no one could help her to get a good recording contract lol

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2 hours ago, LolitasCherries said:

is there proof for this tho? i'm not saying it's wrong, i'm just genuinely curious. 

wdym "is there proof"... you give me proof that youre not a north korean spy before i believe you aint


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Since no one has proof most likely not. But also since we don’t have proof that doesn’t really mean we know for sure if she did or didn’t, that’s the answer. 

2 hours ago, Escapism said:


i feel like this is just the tip of the lana del rey job resume past work experience iceberg

Something I would love is a timeline of her past jobs though:true:
And I agree with others, lizzyology would prob know the most on that subject 



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I don’t think she was a stripper but it’s possible she used to do go go dancing. That would explain all the references to “dancing for money” (or it was just a fantasy she drew inspiration from). Go go dancing isn’t too wild, people like Jenna Marbles and Rosanna Pansino used to be go go dancers lol.


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2 hours ago, prettywhenimhigh said:

I'm not quick to deny it because I think it's shameful or embarassing lmao please :thumb3:

That wasn’t directed at you friend I would have just quoted you 🫶🏻


i was more reminded of the people I seen on Reddit trying to deny that Peppers was about sex because they thought that was gross and not a good message to her fans 😭😭


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Yeah, I'm definitely not trying to deny the possibility of LDR doing some variety of stripping etc. out of some sort of moral judgement lol :toofunny: I doubt that's anyone's motivation here! Lana's just a special case of an artist who self-mythologizes a lot, seemingly both with intention and without. She has a long history of fudging details even when going on the factual record, so while it's interesting to speculate about what secrets her songs might reveal, I think all us naysayers are just trying to gently point towards their fallibility. And, of course, while we've all made it clear that we'd pass no judgement on Lana if this was a real part of her past, discussions about a person's history with sex work and drugs are invariably going to get kind of thorny, so I think it's necessary to approach speculative discussion like this with a good degree of sensitivity and tact. 


Anyway, cash comes quick when looks can kill :grinds:


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12 minutes ago, ShadesOfFool said:

That wasn’t directed at you friend I would have just quoted you 🫶🏻


i was more reminded of the people I seen on Reddit trying to deny that Peppers was about sex because they thought that was gross and not a good message to her fans 😭😭


sorry for misunderstanding! for a moment I was like nooo not shadesoffool getting me wrong :icant: luv you :kiss:

reddit people are insufferable :oprah3: but yes the possibility of it is always there I just think in lana's case that specific part of her mythos is really just for lyrics

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