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I was looking through my old Lana songs and found a version that sounds different than the one we all have

Omg how so?

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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i can't tell if it's slightly different production or just a shitty audio file

you tell me lol


The production definitely sounds heavier to me. The piano at the beginning seems more intricate, etc. I’d love a second opinion tho

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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The production definitely sounds heavier to me. The piano at the beginning seems more intricate, etc. I’d love a second opinion tho

can you imagine I had an alternate demo of Damn You for 6 years and never knew



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can you imagine I had an alternate demo of Damn You for 6 years and never knew

I mean that could be the case tbh

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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I have so many remixes of Ride, Video Games, National Anthem, and various ones from BTD and I have no idea of any of them are official

Also, how many versions of Damn You were leaked in full?

when u say versions do u just mean like alt versions? or demos included? cause i just looked in my itunes and i have two damn you files, one is 4:01 like the pico and the other one is labeled demo and it's 3:51. however a while ago i deleted my lana library to redownload from a masterpost bc mine was too messy and behind on leaks etc. so these aren't what i downloaded when it leaked, i only remember downloading one damn you anyways, that one that broke your ears from youtube lol. the demo one sounds like it has louder vocals but i don't have time to listen to them carefully rn so idk the other differences


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Stan Twitter has discovered that the sunglasses in actor guy's story are, in fact, her Gucci ones.




I'm just dying reading all the in-depth analyses/comparisons of the tortoiseshell pattern. I bet neither of them thought people would figure it out. LMAO.



ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Also I never noticed Lana saying "oh my god" at the end of Damn You

This was always there as far as I know in the one official leaked version we have. It’s really faint at the last few seconds lol


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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hopefully someone can confirm what this one is lol

i feel like it's just a shitty audio file but I do notice a slight difference

its probably just the same damn You demo that we have just put through an audio mastering program to make the song more balanced, so it’s probably upscaled.

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I am just gonna post right here, bc the pre-release thread seems to b in a good mood rn nd I don't wanna ruin it but ohmygodddddddddd I hope this track is really, truly worth it and can sate my onset hunger for therecord, or just any news for it, like what the hell why am i cracking rightnow there's no date whats so ever and she's not posting much of anything hasn't mentioned it formally since when i ---- i need to breathe this is not good, this is not fucking good.gif 143fh90.jpg Lady Lana give us a signnnnn anything it's been so dryyyyyyyy squirt.soda and san pedro vibes ain't gonna save much of anyone the same way a confirmation the gays are thirsting over for so much now what is happening what is the t is the end of a waiting era, is it the end of the pre release thread post thread partum ?? How are ur plants I hope theyre thriving and being pollinated by bees this spring is Chuck reminding u of the cover that u still might be shooting, what happened w Mr. Klein, did he like the work u guys worked on? Will it have a video, Doin' Time? What happened to Ben? Did u think about the color of the special ed vinyl record? How many tracks are on there? What's the tracklist? Hows ur poetry book? Long beach vibes so many blanks to fill what is happening n2n70m.jpg are u doin ok, r u fighting for ur art? Is it an interscope scuffle? Are u winning? So many questions i'm talking to a wall why did u laugh at how u didn't even know the words to HiaB its so beautiful and gay, does HtD still have that same Because of You production? Which track is it on the record? How do feel about it now? Has it grown stale? Why wasn't it released top of the year like u mentioned before this year started? All this overcast 5mkia.jpg


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i literally forgot about joe schilling. wasn’t she also dating that tall white acting coach or whatever for a baseball team before?

Maybe Chase was the coach in Boston not Joe?

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I really envy all of you who've got the privilege of knowing people and friends, that like or love Lana.

If I get a little prettier can I be your baby?


video games GIF

I believe in Flipside/Is This Happiness?/Your Girl supremacy

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I just really got in my feels cause I just remembered those sad tumblr posts that were like "imagine 40-50 years from now your in your kitchen getting railed and you hear on the news that singer songwriter legend Lana Del Rey died" and I'm gonna be like wow I remember when I used to be obsessed with her when was 16 and then you realize its been 40-50 years since you stanned her and how different the world was when I was 16 and how different I was and how easy it was and how I was feeling mentally while checking lanaboards constantly during class everyday praying for something to happen all junior year when in the end not a single thing happened except some of her best song being presented shitly and probably the most problematic lead up to her potentially best album and how sad I was and adult me will be like damn that's really sad and have it effect the rest of my day then ill probs move on but still this is gonna be so sad for me I fear the future

tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo4_250.gif   tumblr_otaqmarVHa1u9dqtjo3_400.gif  tumblr_mlk5fk2dDZ1s6jvbvo7_250.gif


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I just really got in my feels cause I just remembered those sad tumblr posts that were like "imagine 40-50 years from now your in your kitchen getting railed and you hear on the news that singer songwriter legend Lana Del Rey died" and I'm gonna be like wow I remember when I used to be obsessed with her when was 16 and then you realize its been 40-50 years since you stanned her and how different the world was when I was 16 and how different I was and how easy it was and how I was feeling mentally while checking lanaboards constantly during class everyday praying for something to happen all junior year when in the end not a single thing happened except some of her best song being presented shitly and probably the most problematic lead up to her potentially best album and how sad I was and adult me will be like damn that's really sad and have it effect the rest of my day then ill probs move on but still this is gonna be so sad for me I fear the future


Fuck me, if we weren't already depressed enough in this drought. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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I'm actually really fascinated by all the humming, 'ahhs' 'ooohs' etc in lanas songs. I always pick out when one is like homage to another song such as the ahhs in Angels Forever being a reflection of the humms in Ride, or the background vocals of Doin Time being a lot like those of Summer Bummer


Could totally make a video on this when I got the time.

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