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The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)

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2 hours ago, blueskiesforever said:

Exactly. Pre-orders should be this month, if it indeed comes out in May. 

So there are no teasers apart from the “Henry” snippet that is a year old, no tracklist, no other hints, no sightings, nothing from her stylists that would suggest they are doing something for this album, it’s super dry atp. 


For LB veterans, would you say this is the worst album rollout? I know the “NFR” lore, but this seems worse to me. 














To me, the NFR! rollout was much worse, the worst.

In a sense, we should enjoy the silence, which is endlessly better than proclamations from Lana saying "I don't know when it's coming out" for over a year, and all the speculation here about whether the trademark/copyright held by the Rockwell family and/or Hallmark had become a legal issue or not.


That was a very angry, nasty time on LanaBoards when almost any behavior was tolerated. Comparatively, today we have Peace in the Valley. 

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16 minutes ago, Candy Necklace said:

I’m not gonna enjoy the silence it’s been over a year since she teased Henry like :brigitte:


But then she changed her mind about Henry and Lasso--as she [almost] always does.Then TRPWS was birthed, and may have been reconceived or otherwise altered since.


For all we know, she could release a single next week or next month and the album might drop in May, June, July, August, or September, or never. That's how she rolls, for better or worse.


And as I've been saying, she's got a lot of things on her mind at most times and especially right now due to her marriage, and fans and especially stans are probably not at the top of her list, which is fair. 

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1 hour ago, Candy Necklace said:

I’m not gonna enjoy the silence it’s been over a year since she teased Henry like :brigitte:

The problem is I have a 30 min drive to work everyday and I’ve run out of Lana songs to listen to. I’ve had reruns of almost all her albums and I’ve nothing left now. So, Lana, if you’re reading this, please give us a song to get me to work every day. It’s getting exhausting. :cryney:

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I like to think that: the longer we wait, the better the album will be, if NFR took so long and was still incredible, I have no doubt that this could be one of Lana's best albums :flutter:

(even if its country, I'm sure Lana would do an amazing job with this, she would give it personality and give it a Lana touch, I also love her work with country... (Pawn Shop Blues, Oh Say Can You See, TNC...) NFR and BB also Gave us a glimpse of her country songs, so I would love to see some.)

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9 minutes ago, jakoblvd said:

She has followed some more people like 3-4 new. Can anyone figure out who that is? Perhaps, that could lead us to potential news

I know that one of the ppl she followed is Gracie Abrams... 😶

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6 hours ago, blueskiesforever said:

For LB veterans, would you say this is the worst album rollout? I know the “NFR” lore, but this seems worse to me. 

Not at all. Ocean is not even 2 years old and even though we're getting fake dates and titles all the time at least we don't have any year old singles yet :hide:


At least for me, what made NFR rollout awful was that she released 2 songs 11 months before the album and another couple of singles before having a real date (plus snippets from every non released as a single yet song except one).

Basically the worst part was getting stuff without having a real date to look forward to so it always felt like it was coming when it wasn't.


Getting fake dates is annoying but as long as she doesn't release the first single or the preorder, for me it's just another confusing pre-pre release with the usual Lana lies :thumb2: but it's not really an album rollout until we get the first taste (and Henry is short enough to not be annoying even though it's old).


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i can't wait for the sequel to be "The Wrong Cowgirl is Gone"


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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I'm just sorta of the belief that if you're willing to share snippets to millions of fans, then you should probably only do so if you KNOW that it will be used in the album. Other wise, why bother? Unless she gets off on pissing around with her fans idk.

I guess she was probably testing the waters when she shared the snippet of Henry, seeing what the fan base think of it. Well bitch we all love it, just release the damn song.

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1 minute ago, Rita Hayworth said:

I'm just sorta of the belief that if you're willing to share snippets to millions of fans, then you should probably only do so if you KNOW that it will be used in the album. Other wise, why bother? Unless she gets off on pissing around with her fans idk.

I guess she was probably testing the waters when she shared the snippet of Henry, seeing what the fan base think of it. Well bitch we all love it, just release the damn song.

Lana is not the only artist doing so. For her, it’s mostly a way of letting us in on her creative process. It also gets us very impatient to get the song 🤣. Father John Misty did the same very often in the 9 months leading to the first single of Mahashmashana, teasing production, takes, etc. FKA twigs teased snippets way in advance… who ended changing production 🙃 And let’s not forget Quavo who teased Tough in May when there weren’t even plans to release the song yet. 

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2 hours ago, Crys10 said:

The problem is I have a 30 min drive to work everyday and I’ve run out of Lana songs to listen to. I’ve had reruns of almost all her albums and I’ve nothing left now. So, Lana, if you’re reading this, please give us a song to get me to work every day. It’s getting exhausting. :cryney:

My only suggestion is to find new fave acts. For four years, Lana was pretty much the only artist I listened to… and it made me miserable in the end. As productive as she is, she will never make enough music for people who only listen to her. It has helped me tremendously with my impatience of pre-releases, finding new artists to love. :kiss: 

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