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Coachella would have made for a gorgeous stripped back acoustic folk song, with minimal voice effects and editing, just the words speaking for themselves and some guitar, I think it could have been a fan favorite. 

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I'm so incredibly happy that Get Free has Lizzy Grant sounding vocals


also I wish Lana didn't have so much plastic surgery - I get that it's her body but she looked/looks so pretty so it's kinda unnecessary but I guess she wanted a full transformation like Marilyn


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Since the album came out, I just can't appreciate Heroin, I hear it as a very basic Lana song.
And I'm still troubled how similar it sounds w/ White Mustang. And I do prefer WM. I'll let it grow in me.


+ I love the album, but there's too much FM pop things in it.
I really hope Lana will make something West Coast, slow and mature again. (I really don't like the listening party outfit, It don't fits with the LDR concept to me)
But I know that LDR is a fantasy-persona so it's very legitimate that she brings herself everywhere she wants.
So, I'm kidda mixed-feeling today.


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I love the cursing in Cherry. I see it as her frustrated thoughts beneath, like both cursing at herself and the fact that she still truly gives a fuck in the feels. 

Also as someone who swears in my head 24/7 I can appreciate this :P

I don't like Get Free because of that weird, annoying voice she uses for "out of the dark" and "into the blue".


It's so Lizzy tho! I used to not like that kind of singing from her tho, which is why i used to hate most of her unreleased songs, so I don't blame you! hahah.

Coachella would have made for a gorgeous stripped back acoustic folk song, with minimal voice effects and editing, just the words speaking for themselves and some guitar, I think it could have been a fan favorite. 


OMG YESSSSS  :toofunny:

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I love the cursing in Cherry. I see it as her frustrated thoughts beneath, like both cursing at herself and the fact that she still truly gives a fuck in the feels. 

Also as someone who swears in my head 24/7 I can appreciate this :P


It's so Lizzy tho! I used to not like that kind of singing from her tho, which is why i used to hate most of her unreleased songs, so I don't blame you! hahah.

The thing is, I love most of her unreleased songs, I just don't like it in that song. :toofunny:


Also, I agree with you about the cursing in Cherry, it's amazing and I wouldn't like it as much without it. 


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Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, White Mustang and In My Feelings kind of ruin the concept of the record. I love them all to a certain extent (WM is the worst :rip: ) but I'd literally rather we have 4 more ballads or slow songs with no trap beats.

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Summer Bummer, Groupie Love, White Mustang and In My Feelings kind of ruin the concept of the record. I love them all to a certain extent (WM is the worst :rip: ) but I'd literally rather we have 4 more ballads or slow songs with no trap beats.

I can feel it for In My Feelings too, I think it's the track that deserves to be cut out of the album. Way too pop.


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I hate TNC it's so boring and long I thought my face was gonna melt off, Sean Lennon sounds like a bootleg version of his dad :hooker: and also Lana's styling and makeup this era is tragic, going to your own listening party in workout leggings?  sis..


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I hate TNC it's so boring and long I thought my face was gonna melt off, Sean Lennon sounds like a bootleg version of his dad :hooker: and also Lana's styling and makeup this era is tragic, going to your own listening party in workout leggings?  sis..


Omg I watched her live on IG soon excited to see her outfit....and she's there in a T shirt and adidas leggings w/ her hair up  :defeated:

I love every single track on Born To Die exactly the way they are and they don't deserve to be dragged the way they sometimes are

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