genghis khan 5,111 Posted August 9, 2020 Underwhelmed with the poetry audio book. I thought the music would be similar to Burnt Norton or something in the vain of An American Prayer. Also, every time she reads the part "I am a poet!" I cringe. I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
triangles19 2,502 Posted August 9, 2020 (I love some of the naive lines of Violet, it makes it a little bit more human) 1.One of my main unpopular opinion is that Lust For Life is one of my fave Lana album, I love to listen to it while driving and the songs are pretty accessible in various places/situations. 1bis.Summer Bummer is still one of my favourite lana tracks and I never really liked 13 Beaches 2.I admit NFR might be her best work and I sincerely like it but I rarely listen to it, it misses some classic Lana vibes. + I don't like the Cinnamon Girl mastering, and "hope" is still my fave song into it. 3.Rick Nowels is my fave LDR producer 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluefiona 8,051 Posted August 9, 2020 I've always been passionate about art but i grew up in an environment where the only real careers are business, science, law etc, so artists were just considered a joke and something to be mocked. Because of that I have a sort of self awareness with how cringey professing your artistic genius is, but since Lana seems to have artists in the family i'm guessing thats why she has a lot of cringe lines and doesn't realize it Maybe her poetry will sound better on paper? It's the whole "I'm not rich" and "I'm a poet" stuff that's grating. She got a lot of negative reviews on it too. Can't believe this is the same person who did that gorgeous monologue for the Ride music video. Her poetry is pretty bad. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nevada darling 541 Posted August 9, 2020 Maybe her poetry will sound better on paper? It's the whole "I'm not rich" and "I'm a poet" stuff that's grating. She got a lot of negative reviews on it too. Can't believe this is the same person who did that gorgeous monologue for the Ride music video. Her poetry is pretty bad. This is the thing that really gets me... I'll probably always be a fan of her work and check on the new stuff she releases, and I also don't want to contribute with too much negativity on here because I know there are people who feel differently, BUT whatever it was that she used to have in terms of vision and creativity and that thing you can't put your finger on no matter how hard you try, it just isn't there in the same sense anymore. I would've loved to read some poetry from around the time she wrote the Ride monologue, or even anytime before 2015. There are parts here and there of Violet that I like, but overall it felt more like confirmation that the "magic" isn't really there anymore. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rorman Nockwell 57,503 Posted August 9, 2020 I think if you look at Violet as something she wanted to put out just for herself - and she did say that that was why she was putting it out - then it's fine. If you delve deeper and really analyse the content, you're going to be disappointed. Her poetry is okay, but it isn't amazing, and never has been. I feel like she needs to stop making it such a personal pity party. Maybe I'll like the book better? Sportcruiser is not a poem, it's an entry from Lana's unicorn not-high-or-crying-it's-just-a-filter journal. My favourite poem of hers is the one from the next book - the Sylvia Plath one (I forget the name). That was the first poem I read where I went, "okay, this is actually pretty good." Presumably, it was written after the poems on Violet, so there's some development there. When she was on that live stream, she said she didn't know how to go about putting it out, and everyone told her to do an audio book, so I appreciate that she seems to have listened to fans and did that because we requested it. Originally, she was going to just hand bind this shit and sell it in local bookstores, which I think would've been a disaster. It didn't end up being a dollar, though 9 Quote ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flowerbomb 65,600 Posted August 9, 2020 Probably gonna get some hate for this, but after Honeymoon, her albums have been mediocre at best. LFL had some top tier songs (Cherry, TNC, Heroin), but lacked something overall. I think my main disappointment with that album was how she was falsely projecting this 'happy girl' image which I could easily tell wasn't genuine. Also the concept for the album was good, but didn't come to fruition because of lack of cohesiveness. There I was thinking it was going to be a hippy-folk-tambourine-daisy kinda deal but instead it was something much much watered down. Obviously aesthetics aren't the key to a successful album, but it does help paint a picture for the listener to connect with the music on another level. NFR was also okay, but easily forgettable. Most of the lyrics seemed to serve as shock value ("You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you"), and the production was messy (I think this was the sound engineer's fault tbh). I don't think BAR truly belonged on the album, and she messed up HTD big time. The Greatest could have been a better song had she not name dropped Kanye. There's just too many inconsistencies with the tone of the album. Basically these two albums have been wishy-washy and all over the place. We all know politics isn't Lana's strongest point, and I feel like that's where her art took a bad turn because political topics tend to age, and when you put it in song, those songs will age along with it. For COCC I do have high hopes, perhaps because nothing is being spoiled and she seems to be working with promising people this time around. When I listened to the TJF snippet, I felt delighted that she was getting back in touch with her Alabama Lizzy persona a little bit. Singing about what she used to, and it doesn't seem like she's trying to 'impress' anyone lyrics wise. Just singing from the heart. 21 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blue Ink 5,912 Posted August 9, 2020 Probably gonna get some hate for this, but after Honeymoon, her albums have been mediocre at best. LFL had some top tier songs (Cherry, TNC, Heroin), but lacked something overall. I think my main disappointment with that album was how she was falsely projecting this 'happy girl' image which I could easily tell wasn't genuine. Also the concept for the album was good, but didn't come to fruition because of lack of cohesiveness. There I was thinking it was going to be a hippy-folk-tambourine-daisy kinda deal but instead it was something much much watered down. Obviously aesthetics aren't the key to a successful album, but it does help paint a picture for the listener to connect with the music on another level. NFR was also okay, but easily forgettable. Most of the lyrics seemed to serve as shock value ("You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you"), and the production was messy (I think this was the sound engineer's fault tbh). I don't think BAR truly belonged on the album, and she messed up HTD big time. The Greatest could have been a better song had she not name dropped Kanye. There's just too many inconsistencies with the tone of the album. Basically these two albums have been wishy-washy and all over the place. We all know politics isn't Lana's strongest point, and I feel like that's where her art took a bad turn because political topics tend to age, and when you put it in song, those songs will age along with it. For COCC I do have high hopes, perhaps because nothing is being spoiled and she seems to be working with promising people this time around. When I listened to the TJF snippet, I felt delighted that she was getting back in touch with her Alabama Lizzy persona a little bit. Singing about what she used to, and it doesn't seem like she's trying to 'impress' anyone lyrics wise. Just singing from the heart. I completely agree with everything you wrote 5 Quote Honey, you make me feel I'm invincible Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
West Coast 45,909 Posted August 9, 2020 Probably gonna get some hate for this, but after Honeymoon, her albums have been mediocre at best. LFL had some top tier songs (Cherry, TNC, Heroin), but lacked something overall. I think my main disappointment with that album was how she was falsely projecting this 'happy girl' image which I could easily tell wasn't genuine. Also the concept for the album was good, but didn't come to fruition because of lack of cohesiveness. There I was thinking it was going to be a hippy-folk-tambourine-daisy kinda deal but instead it was something much much watered down. Obviously aesthetics aren't the key to a successful album, but it does help paint a picture for the listener to connect with the music on another level. NFR was also okay, but easily forgettable. Most of the lyrics seemed to serve as shock value ("You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you"), and the production was messy (I think this was the sound engineer's fault tbh). I don't think BAR truly belonged on the album, and she messed up HTD big time. The Greatest could have been a better song had she not name dropped Kanye. There's just too many inconsistencies with the tone of the album. Basically these two albums have been wishy-washy and all over the place. We all know politics isn't Lana's strongest point, and I feel like that's where her art took a bad turn because political topics tend to age, and when you put it in song, those songs will age along with it. For COCC I do have high hopes, perhaps because nothing is being spoiled and she seems to be working with promising people this time around. When I listened to the TJF snippet, I felt delighted that she was getting back in touch with her Alabama Lizzy persona a little bit. Singing about what she used to, and it doesn't seem like she's trying to 'impress' anyone lyrics wise. Just singing from the heart. The kinda post that I would frame. 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShadesOfFool 20,384 Posted August 9, 2020 i agree i think she was trying too hard to look happy in L4L and NFR...even she admitted it was a farce in Hope. "They write that I'm happy, they know that I'm not." She has been making stronger illusions to medication (most recently on that Valley of the Dolls leak) and being instituionalized (she talked about 5150'ing herself in Violet and her second poetry is literally called Insights from an Institution).... and she's been kind of erratic lately. cancelling tours, spazzing on fans, her ig meltdown... ofc i'm not a doctor, these are just random observations i've made...but if you put them all together, its something to think about i guess. 6 Quote let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lemonade Tears 1,574 Posted August 9, 2020 Maybe her poetry will sound better on paper? It's the whole "I'm not rich" and "I'm a poet" stuff that's grating. She got a lot of negative reviews on it too. Can't believe this is the same person who did that gorgeous monologue for the Ride music video. Her poetry is pretty bad. I honestly expected/hoped Violet would sound like the Ride monologue or the National Anthem monologue. Those two are still so magical and I love listening to them. I haven't listened to all of Violet yet, because I wanted to wait for the vinyl to arrive, but now I'm considering cancelling that order, so I think I'll listen to the whole thing before. Sportcruiser is not a poem, it's an entry from Lana's unicorn not-high-or-crying-it's-just-a-filter journal. I agree, I don't dislike it, but I don't get why everyone loves it so much either. It sounds like she's just telling you about her life, not a poem. So far I like "The Land of 1000 Fires" a lot though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunday afternoon 1,051 Posted August 9, 2020 Je jette le thé chaud - Born to die est et restera son meilleur album car le plus emblématique et le plus parfait. (et Ultraviolence will be the 2nd forever) - Les photos du tournage Honeymoon (ou on le voit en gros plan) sont affreuses et mettent en évidence ses défauts. Tout est naufrage à cette époque, même son petit ami. - J'ai des doutes sur son prétendu alcoolisme. Cela ressemble un peu à un morceau de son esthétique. Fille perdue, alcoolique qui baise des vieux, tu vois, je n'ai pas l'impression que c'est une image et quelque chose qu'elle croit encore une fois, mais qui ne s'est pas produit. - Je trouve NFR surfait, et je trouve vraiment dommage que les critiques parient tous sur cet album comme son meilleur parce que même si un mauvais album de Lana n'existe pas, ce n'est clairement pas son meilleur. L'ultraviolence aurait dû avoir ce privilège. - Je trouve son album de poèmes (Violet ...) extrêmement surfait par les fans. Oui c'est bien, c'est pur Lana, les visuels sont vraiment beaux et mettent en valeur sa personnalité, mais ce n'est pas connaître la vraie littérature pour dire que Lana est une poète. Elle fait partie de ces filles rêveuses qui aiment tout écrire et tout romantiser, mais c'est clairement maladroit, lourd et cliché à tous égards. Littérature bien écrite pour les fangirls de 15 ans. - Je voudrais qu'elle en dise plus sur la vidéo où elle a été "violée" dans le clip Manson, pourquoi elle a fait ça et quelles étaient ses intentions. - Je n'aime pas qu'elle passe son temps à dire qu'elle a grandi seule et pauvre. Elle n'a jamais eu cette vie et est restée 6 mois dans un parc à roulottes pour «vivre» la vie des pauvres. Le reste du temps, elle avait un loft payé par son père à New York avec ses chirurgies. J'avais vu à l'époque des photos d'elle dans une période timide de Lizzy où elle sortait d'un jet privé avec son père, sa sœur et sa famille. Elle a toujours été privilégiée et peut remercier son père d'avoir payé son producteur Mick Jagger pour BTD. J'adore son univers mais parfois j'ai l'impression qu'elle croit trop à ce qu'elle écrit. - Sa sœur est une pauvre photographe et le rendu est toujours horrible quand elle photographie Lana. Je sais qu'elle aime sa sœur, et c'est plus agréable de travailler en famille, mais je ne vois pas un soupçon de talent en elle à part être la sœur de Lana, ses photos sont impersonnelles et je ne vois aucune différence entre les photos lambda Instagram. D'ailleurs, elle devrait retravailler avec Neil Krug, qui pour moi est la perfection quand les deux se rencontrent, sans oublier les vrais professionnels qui savent la mettre au sommet de sa valeur. - Barrie restera son petit ami le plus inspirant après sa renommée. Le meilleur à mon avis, et celui qui lui convient le plus. J'adore quand elle était avec lui et que ses projets ont été impactés. - Je veux trouver une Lana mélancolique et baroque avec un côté doux et commercial. Je sais qu'elle a évolué dans sa musique mais j'aimerais un album grandiose de BTD: Paradise. - La soif de vivre aurait pu être bonne mais j'ai détesté le fait qu'elle parle de politique, elle n'en sait rien et je n'aime pas les privilégiés qui parlent de choses qui ne les ont jamais préoccupés. - J'aime bien quand Lana parle de religion. Je suis fier qu'elle en soit une et qu'elle soit une place dans sa vie. - Je veux qu'elle garde son univers, son phrasé, sa façon de faire de la musique / vidéo de manière "artisanale" toute sa vie. J'espère qu'elle ne changera pas. - J'aime le fait qu'elle n'ait pas de gros seins vulgaires. Et j'espère qu'elle ne le fera jamais. - Je n'ai jamais écouté "C'est ce qui fait de nous des filles" de toute ma vie, cette chanson m'est totalement inutile je ne sais pas pourquoi. Je l'ai toujours sauté et je pense qu'il aurait dû mettre une autre piste à la place. - "Diet mtw dew" aurait dû être celui avec le verset ajouté dans la version démo. C'est bien mieux que celui de l'album. - "L'autre femme" est une pochette absolument sublime. Peu de gens aiment ça mais j'y reviens toujours, j'aime la vieille voix de Lana. - "Guns and roses" est totalement fade et inutile, il brise la perfection d'Ultraviolence. Comme TIWMUG, je ne l'ai jamais écouté dans son intégralité depuis qu'il existe et je n'en ai pas l'intention. Quand "Fine China", "Your girl" ... ont été éjectés, je n'ai pas compris son choix d'avoir mis ce morceau. - Depuis la fin de la lune de miel, Lana a perdu un peu de ce mystère qu'elle avait dans sa musique. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theweightofthehours 1,836 Posted August 9, 2020 Life is beautiful isn't THAT great. I like it, she sounds beautiful but I feel like the song misses something, or perhaps is a bit repetitive. 5 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bougainvillea 295 Posted August 9, 2020 Probably gonna get some hate for this, but after Honeymoon, her albums have been mediocre at best. LFL had some top tier songs (Cherry, TNC, Heroin), but lacked something overall. I think my main disappointment with that album was how she was falsely projecting this 'happy girl' image which I could easily tell wasn't genuine. Also the concept for the album was good, but didn't come to fruition because of lack of cohesiveness. There I was thinking it was going to be a hippy-folk-tambourine-daisy kinda deal but instead it was something much much watered down. Obviously aesthetics aren't the key to a successful album, but it does help paint a picture for the listener to connect with the music on another level. NFR was also okay, but easily forgettable. Most of the lyrics seemed to serve as shock value ("You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you"), and the production was messy (I think this was the sound engineer's fault tbh). I don't think BAR truly belonged on the album, and she messed up HTD big time. The Greatest could have been a better song had she not name dropped Kanye. There's just too many inconsistencies with the tone of the album. Basically these two albums have been wishy-washy and all over the place. We all know politics isn't Lana's strongest point, and I feel like that's where her art took a bad turn because political topics tend to age, and when you put it in song, those songs will age along with it. For COCC I do have high hopes, perhaps because nothing is being spoiled and she seems to be working with promising people this time around. When I listened to the TJF snippet, I felt delighted that she was getting back in touch with her Alabama Lizzy persona a little bit. Singing about what she used to, and it doesn't seem like she's trying to 'impress' anyone lyrics wise. Just singing from the heart. I see your point, and no hate at all, but I'm just not entirely convinced she was intentionally trying to please or impress anyone with NFR!, or that she is somehow less sincere or not singing from the heart on it. Frankly, I think she may have been surprised by overwhelming praise from Pitchfork and the likes who appreciated her comments on the culture (which, admittedly, are quite sporadic) and contrasted them to her previous work. Deep down, however, it is as personal of an album as any of her other albums, replete with intimate anecdotes and very Lana sentiments ("You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you'" to me belongs in the same universe as "I fucked my way up to the top, this is my show"––if anything, the latter has more of a shock-value ring to it). I think she was able to very aptly convey, through personal reflections, a broader social sense of apocalyptic dread but I don't see that as a well-calculated decision on her part to pass for more serious or political or anything––I think she truly was in that set of mind. That said, I'm excited to see where she'll go with COCC, both in terms of lyrics and sound. When she announced the album last year, it sounded like it might be in the vein of NFR!, but a lot has changed since then and she probably has new ideas (Sean-related or not) she wants to incorporate. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunday afternoon 1,051 Posted August 9, 2020 These are obviously unpopular opinions. I love Lana with all my heart and I will never hate her because she remains one of the most beautiful artists that the Internet has offered us for a very long time. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Venice Bitch 681 Posted August 9, 2020 I sometimes regret i never attended lana's shows in the past cause i feel like she's really losing her abilities to perform, dunno if it's bc of smoking/vaping i mean, she had some singing highlights recently but overall i think she just doesn't enjoy performing anymore that said, my fav show of hers is the iTunes festival one -- it's really emotional + we got audio and video in decent quality also honeymoon promo on bbc radio deserves a shout out 1bis.Summer Bummer is still one of my favourite lana tracks and I never really liked 13 Beaches THIS! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vanilla Icy 29,606 Posted August 9, 2020 i love ricks production so much but i feel like all his contributions to NFR ruined the album 2 Quote i love you, but you don't understand me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultra Violet 19,278 Posted August 9, 2020 NFR was also okay, but easily forgettable. Most of the lyrics seemed to serve as shock value ("You fucked me so good that I almost said 'I love you"), and the production was messy (I think this was the sound engineer's fault tbh). I don't think BAR truly belonged on the album, and she messed up HTD big time. The Greatest could have been a better song had she not name dropped Kanye. There's just too many inconsistencies with the tone of the album. I really think it was just Jack thinking he was doing something edgy. Like how he explains in the last half of this video, producing HTD. Or if you meant other parts of the album id love to hear a bit more detail in what you mean, cause the word I would use for the albums production is sorta monotone or just lacking. Also, imagine the impact that Kanye line would have made if she just sang it live a couple of times. We all would have SCREAMED. It's the fact that she put it in the studio version that bugs me! Kinda like how she did "isn't life crazy I said, now that I'm singing with Sean" in TNC... IT might have been a cute moment if she did that live with Sean but left the original/alternative line in the studio version. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunday afternoon 1,051 Posted August 9, 2020 The only thing I agree with is that Guns & Roses should have been scrapped from UV (with Florida Kilos). I actually love these songs but I don't think they vibe that much with the atmosphere of the album (but I don't think that's an unpopular opinion here?) Edit : I just saw you were a new member, so welcome! Yes I think this song is not very liked, indeed the opposite would have had more its place here. Thank you very much my friend, happy to finally be part of your community (which I have known for a long time). 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites