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  On 5/16/2016 at 8:26 PM, James19709 said:

In the Sun is terrible lmao

It would make an excellent Skrillex/EDM co-production, I was just making up a remix on my head this morning  :toofunny:

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  On 5/16/2016 at 9:44 AM, GodBlessMe said:

I love Joshy and I. I've been listening to it so much lately.

I second this! It's one of the Lana songs that makes me the happiest, it's so chill.


Also, Roses is really becoming one of my favourite songs ever. I can't explain why. It hits me right where it works


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These leaks are getting more embarrassing than interesting tbh. Comapare these recently leaked songs with her cover of Daniel Johnston's "Some Things Last A Long Time" which she sung gorgeously. One thing these leaks made clear for me she has no place in pop, she needs to go full alternative and she needs a change of topic asap. I hope that I never hear a song about boys from her

I’m not as interested in flip-floppers

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  On 5/17/2016 at 6:33 AM, Flipflopfan said:

These leaks are getting more embarrassing than interesting tbh. Comapare these recently leaked songs with her cover of Daniel Johnston's "Some Things Last A Long Time" which she sung gorgeously. One thing these leaks made clear for me she has no place in pop, she needs to go full alternative and she needs a change of topic asap. I hope that I never hear a song about boys from her




Couldn't agree more. She has so much better in her, that she can do.. (maybe with the right people helping)..

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  On 5/17/2016 at 6:33 AM, Flipflopfan said:

These leaks are getting more embarrassing than interesting tbh. Comapare these recently leaked songs with her cover of Daniel Johnston's "Some Things Last A Long Time" which she sung gorgeously. One thing these leaks made clear for me she has no place in pop, she needs to go full alternative and she needs a change of topic asap. I hope that I never hear a song about boys from her

:oopna:  :brows3:  :lanasrs:  :awk:   

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@@Flipflopfan- what prey tell, is MDM? not everyone can instantly know what initials are.


​That by the way is a pet peeve I have. Sometimes I just bypass something if I can't figure it out as I believe a proper name of a song should always be posted, so people reading in, who might not be the biggest fans, might go

and listen. Someone who might not have heard a leak could not know what is inferred by having only intials. So please folks, write out the name, this ain't twitter. We are not limited to 72

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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I really dislike it when Lana uses words like 'freak', 'insane', 'mad', 'crazy' in her lyrics. I hope there will be none of those on her next album. And I hope there will be no singing about a boy/boys either, she's almost 31 and ought to move on. Having Music To Watch Boys To on Honeymoon was pretty cringeworthy tbh

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  On 5/23/2016 at 10:15 AM, graham4anything said:

@@Flipflopfan- what prey tell, is MDM? not everyone can instantly know what initials are.


​That by the way is a pet peeve I have. Sometimes I just bypass something if I can't figure it out as I believe a proper name of a song should always be posted, so people reading in, who might not be the biggest fans, might go

and listen. Someone who might not have heard a leak could not know what is inferred by having only intials. So please folks, write out the name, this ain't twitter. We are not limited to 72

MDM is Million Dollar Man :)


Also, I agree with you. It's so annoying when people resort to silly acronyms. It comes across as very lazy to me when someone can't even be bothered to type a few simple words properly. And with the amount of songs Lana has, it would take forever to go and find which song is being discussed.

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  On 5/23/2016 at 11:21 AM, kristinaj said:

I really dislike it when Lana uses words like 'freak', 'insane', 'mad', 'crazy' in her lyrics. I hope there will be none of those on her next album. And I hope there will be no singing about a boy/boys either, she's almost 31 and ought to move on. Having Music To Watch Boys To on Honeymoon was pretty cringeworthy tbh


Boys in the song itself refers to the musicians

With Lana being the girl singer and the musicians (as hers are, male).

Referring to Lana love being in the studio, making music, press record and watch the record being made


Personally don't believe there is even one moment of any of the songs on Honeymoon that refers to a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship

and we know the footage used for that video was meant for an earlier song anyhow


the bad honeymoon was the honeymoon with the press and promotion and fame itself, that first was on their terms, and now is 100% on her own terms.

Split personality between Elizabeth and Lana with a fight for survival until a compromise is reached


Sunset Blvd./Mulholland Drive


Starting with "I'm ready for my close up Mr. Demille" and continuing with ....

(tune in soon for the next chapter

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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well, its all a matter of opinion isnt it? 5 people can listen to one song, and you'll get different meanings from those lyrics.

Alot of Lana's lyrics are play on words, with many possible meanings depending how one perceives it 


Like for instance TBD, could be about a ex, or a metaphor for something else if you like..


then again, some performers say, the lyrics everyone super analysed and thought were so great, meant nothing

and was just words put together to sound good for a melody.. 


its all subjective..

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​as the BGs sang ©

​You think that I don't even mean

​A single word I say

It's only words and words are all I have

​to take your breath away

​© Robin, Maurice, Barry Gibb (aka the BeeGees)


Paul Simon is one of the best examples of someone who knows what his song lyrics mean, but as he wrote so cryptically :Some hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest"


ain't that the truth


But as an example- I believe since months after Born to die was released, she has played with the press in statements and interviews, to her amusement,

toying with them because of the irritant the media is. (and then played that point to the hilt in High By the Beach.


and too many still treat her a dumb girl who couldn't possibly have any brains in her too pretty little head, because after all, she is just a girl, and girls can't possibly

think (and addressed in Brooklyn Baby).


and then has to be readdressed again and again because there is still confusion as to what it is she is saying.

with the lyrics being far deeper than she is given credit for

Lana is our modern day Edith Piaf. Totally unique. a mixture of Brian WIlson Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Gram Parsons, Elton & Bernie. Born to Die/Paradise is comparable to Elton's Captain Fantastic. All the records need to be listened whole. Waiting for a box set vinyl of all 400 songs not on any lp

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  On 5/24/2016 at 11:31 PM, letsescapelizzy said:

well, its all a matter of opinion isnt it? 5 people can listen to one song, and you'll get different meanings from those lyrics.

Alot of Lana's lyrics are play on words, with many possible meanings depending how one perceives it 


Like for instance TBD, could be about a ex, or a metaphor for something else if you like..


then again, some performers say, the lyrics everyone super analysed and thought were so great, meant nothing

and was just words put together to sound good for a melody.. 


its all subjective..

Well sure there's subjectivity. But *an argument for something* can be based either on unsupported subjective opinion or some objective data, which can then be subjectively interpreted. In my (unpopular?) opinion, there is not enough of the latter around here. 
So for instance @@Flipflopfan might call out the song Million Dollar Man for being anti-feminist (?) in some sense, but without providing a sense. I mean sure she'd follow him everywhere in that song, yet you still need to argue, not just assert, that the song encourages anti-feminist attitudes, or that it's advocational rather than simply observational. And BTW if you're going to assert something like "the message is just horrible", why does LDR end the song with--"why is my heart broke?", which she sings like 4 times? I.E., you can't just cherry-pick the data. 

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