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i feel like this album is an absolute HIT if you're a fame/fame monster era fan. if you're only a BTW/artpop era fan you probs won't fuck with it as much.

since i'm both i'm in the middle but overall it's really good...? objectively no bad songs (can't say the same about all her other albums since artpop)

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for the most part im enjoying it but I cant ignore the cringe writting. Can she leave the "trauma" behind for a little and writte about other things? Its been 3 albums now and seems she cant leave the "scars in my brain", "hurts so much", "Im plastic like a doll", "can u see me?" and "Im my own worst enemy" mindset behind... it bores me to dead at this point and its so cringe... its like chat GPT wrote it. Not a single clever metaphor at sight


Anyway, sonically its great, at least an improvement from shitty chromatica. Garden Of Eden is a cute moment :fabcat:


Its also refreshing for an artist nowadays to take her time with songs, finish them, let em build and dont deliver 2 minute interludes for streams... props to her! If only Sabrina or Charli did this...


From Killah on its givin me major Fame unreleased vibes while the first 3 songs give me BTW. Idk, its a different lovy doby vibe and doesnt fit the first half. Ironically feels lets forced than the dark Gaga shes trying so hard to bring back, and it makes sense since thats her now (a more chill, down to earth person) and theres nothing wrong with that. Yall just want edgy gaga back but since thats not her life path now it feels desengenuine when she tries to content u guys... thats just my take


PS: Love Drug issa BOPPP

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im crying rn this album was so fucking good I can't even :trisha: like I love her so fucking much and you can tell how much genuine passion and love and fun went into this album its so fucking gaga and all the little references she makes while still being something so new and unexpected! like I literally had no clue how anything was gonna sound after the curveball that is Killah :trisha3: this album is genuinely the fucking collapse about to go spam stream it for the rest of eternity like holy shit she's so fucking back :crying: the end of the album especially got me so fucking hard DWAS is a perfect closing track but Blade of Grass!! :crai:im crying again omfg 

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16 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

for the most part im enjoying it but I cant ignore the cringe writting. Can she leave the "trauma" behind for a little and writte about other things? Its been 3 albums now and seems she cant leave the "scars in my brain", "hurts so much", "Im plastic like a doll", "can u see me?" and "Im my own worst enemy" mindset behind... it bores me to dead at this point and its so cringe... its like chat GPT wrote it. Not a single clever metaphor at sight


Anyway, sonically its great, at least an improvement from shitty chromatica. Garden Of Eden is a cute moment :fabcat:


Its also refreshing for an artist nowadays to take her time with songs, finish them, let em build and dont deliver 2 minute interludes for streams... props to her! From Killah on its givin me major Fame unreleased vibes while the first 3 songs give me BTW


PS: Love Drug issa BOPPP

Joanne was about her family, both happy and sad topics. Chromatica was about her traumas but it fit perfectly to the 2020 pandemic context. And I guess that Mayhem


(I didn't listened to other tracks than Disease, Abra, DWAS, Garden of Eden and ZombieBoy, I'm still waiting for the official release in my country :popcorn:)

 references it without being based on it 

It's not like she's only focusing on it.

There's references to her traumas, bad feelings in her music since TFM (and if not pre-fame : Trigger, Rock Show, Love sick girl). 

Marry The Night, Swine, etc...

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9 minutes ago, Bubble Dreams and Cola said:

Joanne was about her family, both happy and sad topics. Chromatica was about her traumas but it fit perfectly to the 2020 pandemic context. And I guess that Mayhem

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(I didn't listened to other tracks than Disease, Abra, DWAS, Garden of Eden and ZombieBoy, I'm still waiting for the official release in my country :popcorn:)

 references it without being based on it 

It's not like she's only focusing on it.

There's references to her traumas, bad feelings in her music since TFM (and if not pre-fame : Trigger, Rock Show, Love sick girl). 

Marry The Night, Swine, etc...


Okay sure, but at least Swine, Marry the Night and so had a more poetic approach in her lyrics. Not just "poor me" if that makes sense... Idk theres something off with her lyrics since Joanne for me... its like a toddler wrote them. Reminds me of Melanie Martinez i nthe sense that she used to be so artsy and creative with her lyrics and seems we wont see that from her anymore. At least vocals and production are on point (she always delivers vocally) this time.


Also u could argue that in Marry the Night shes clearly accepting those sad situations

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okay after listening to the full album a couple times, i don't think the singles are misleading at all. a lot of the songs use similar production elements, and a lot of the songs also have similar ad-libs that disease has (the gasping, yelling, etc)

amazing album i'm in love with it

55 minutes ago, Rock Candy said:

Zombieboy = Summerboy Part 2 :sass:


summerboy mixed with brown eyes YAS


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47 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

How Bad Do U Want Me and Don't Call Tonight could have been cut :awkney:

They really do feel like filler tracks, they still cute though…the one that should’ve been really cut is Blade of Grass and replaced it with Happy Mistake

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