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Book Thread!

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I own a lot of artist biographies. I have always been kind of fascinated by... eccentric human beings and so I accumulated a tremendous collection of books about/by painters, singers, actors, directors and anything else in-between. I shall post a photo of them later. As a matter of fact, I don't read a lot of fiction. There's just a few novels by authors I particularly like, but that's about it. So I spend a lot of my reading time studying human beings. :creep: It's also lovely to get lost in somebody else's life for a while without needing to deal with your very own. 

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I moved to a different country a couple of years ago so most of my books are back home. I only have a select few here, I'll try to post a pic tomorrow. It's a mix of some faves I brought with me + new ones I bought here, and it's mostly fiction, some work-related ones, a couple on architecture & painting, and artist bios (I have an embarrassing & borderline creepy amount of books on Pink Floyd & Syd Barrett :ohno:).

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Yasss love books. Although I guess my collection is embarrassing if you consider that I'm trying to get a degree in English/writing because the spines are all very colorful and mostly I gravitate toward the ~poignant young adult book~ (John Green is the beeeeeest)


Here's where I store all the series I collected in middle/early high school that I'm not really into but can't bear to part with:






LMAO you can also see how childish my room is. Those wooden vehicles are a similar result of hoarding past memories and good times with my mom, there's a fake menorah just bc, Halloween decor, puppy birthday banner (my 17th birthday double lmao)

Also the only reason I kept those Twilight books is because they were a gift when I was reeeeealllllly into it and a super expensive boxset








Second shelf used to be full as well and also under my bed but I had a big cleanout earlier this year because my room is tiny and I'm pressed for space.

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I only read fiction books once and then I either chuck them onto my sister's bookshelf or give them to charity so most of mine are ones that I haven't thrown away yet or non-fictions. I also have some old Milly Molly Mandy books and other books from the 70s about posh, snobby, English kids who live on farms that my mum thought I'd love when I was little. I'll take pictures anyway just to embarrass myself.


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Yasss love books. Although I guess my collection is embarrassing if you consider that I'm trying to get a degree in English/writing because the spines are all very colorful and mostly I gravitate toward the ~poignant young adult book~ (John Green is the beeeeeest)


Here's where I store all the series I collected in middle/early high school that I'm not really into but can't bear to part with:






LMAO you can also see how childish my room is. Those wooden vehicles are a similar result of hoarding past memories and good times with my mom, there's a fake menorah just bc, Halloween decor, puppy birthday banner (my 17th birthday double lmao)

Also the only reason I kept those Twilight books is because they were a gift when I was reeeeealllllly into it and a super expensive boxset








Second shelf used to be full as well and also under my bed but I had a big cleanout earlier this year because my room is tiny and I'm pressed for space.

diaries of a hoarding lana fan.  :brows3:


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I used to have a bible to read just for fun, but my friends used it to roll joints  :facepalm: If there is such thing as heaven, I'm not gaining entrance.


absolutely dying. i have 3 bibles, if i ever do weed, i know what i'm going to do  :thumb:


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I used to have a bible to read just for fun, but my friends used it to roll joints  :facepalm: If there is such thing as heaven, I'm not gaining entrance.



and that's enough for me

absolutely dying. i have 3 bibles, if i ever do weed, i know what i'm going to do  :thumb:

I have at least twenty different Bibles, of all sorts of different translations and types...it's lironic how many different facets of Christianity necessitate the use of a specific type, when, if you read the book itself, unity among the body of the 'church' is what should really matter.  :toofunny: I've read about some Bibles that are in high demand among collectors, and some of them have really obvious translation errors. 

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I collect a lot of Beat writing.


On The Road - Kerouac

Howl - Ginsberg

Desolation Angels - Kerouac

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Thompson

Big Sur - Kerouac

Here’s to the crazy ones. The rebels. The troublemakers. The ones who see things differently. While some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. - Jobs

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Just finished "The Fall" by Albert Camus and now started "The Garden of Eden" by Ernest Hemingway


Pretty clear I'm on vacation since I have so much free time :creep: I'll check some titles you guys have read and put them on my books queue 


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I'm reading Pale Fire. It's a sort of poem from Vladimir Nabokov and it's great.

i found myself a copy of this along with ada and the defense, once i've finished the bell jar and ariel by sylvia plath i'm moving on to those!!


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