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Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll


342 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Honeymoon?

    • Honeymoon
    • Music to Watch Boys to
    • Terrence Loves You
    • God Knows I Tried
    • High by the Beach
    • Freak
    • Art Deco
    • Burnt Norton
    • Religion
    • Salvatore
    • The Blackest Day
    • 24
    • Swan Song
    • Don't Let Me be Misunderstood

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Music To Watch Boys To and Salvatore are as iconic as anything on BTD. The album has some stellar moments on par with some of her best songs.


Some of you really need to move beyond BTD, honestly it was 3 albums ago and ya'll still holding on for dear life.

This is an issue I have. I just cannot move on from Born To Die and it's annoying for me. I really like Honeymoon, I adore it, but I just cannot put in my No.1 since Born To Die is what made me love Lana. I get emotional whenever I think of my first time listen. Born To Die is such a beautiful record, I really wish I could get over it, I do, but I just cannot. I hope that as time goes on, Honeymoon takes BTD away from my No.1 and I'm happy to say, that this may happen cause I fucking love Honeymoon.


K, bye


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  1. Honeymoon: 9/10

    Love the powerful strings and the swaying harmonies. The theme of escapism is great. I definitely think it sets the stage well for the album ahead-- A lush opening track for a very lush album.

  2. Music to Watch Boys to: 9/10

    This song is sensual and creeping. It gives me a sort of stalker vibe. It's seductive and dangerous, much like a siren.

  3. Terrence Loves You: 9/10

    I feel like Lana is singing to an alien lover here because of the high pitched, space-like noises that appear throughout the track and the sound of the melody, which for some reason reminds me a bit of the main theme of E.T. Overall, the song is an emotional high-point for the album with soaring vocals and a lovely piano-based instrumental.

  4. God Knows I Tried: 8/10

    This song has a great, classic '60s western blues feel to it. The vocals are very lovely, but I do get tired of the repetition of the song title towards the end of the song.

  5. High by the Beach: 10/10

    I still really love the sound of this song. There's a degree of sass and venom that is only really found here on the album. The trap sound over the dreamy vocals and funeral procession-esque synths is unique.

  6. Freak: 10/10

    The sexiest song on the record. The guitars during the chorus are excellent and the overall production is just fabulous.

  7. Art Deco: 9/10

    This song has the best blend of trap and jazz on the album. The instrumental is absolutely beautiful and interesting. Of all the songs on the album, I feel like this one calls back to Born to Die the most.

  8. Burnt Norton (Interlude): 8/10

    The dream-like sounds and Lana's beautiful speaking voice reciting T.S. Eliot's poem make for an excellent interlude.

  9. Religion: 10/10

    The beat of this song is great and the lyrics are beautiful. I feel like Lana is singing about her relationship with music here. This is by far my most unexpected favorite.

  10. Salvatore: 10/10

    I love the Italian sound of the instrumental and Lana's heavenly vocals as they swirl over the melody. The lyrics are a bit strange, but it just makes the song seem more mysterious. Someone here (I don't recall who) said it sounds a bit like Lolita's older, more sophisticated sister and I think that description is perfect.

  11. The Blackest Day: 10/10

    This song has a lot going on and it utilizes it all well. The tale of heartbreak proceeds with a tone of hopelessness and then shifts gears with a more assertive sound once you reach the "deeper and deeper..." section of the song. It reminds me a bit of Summertime Sadness with a more edgy, rocky vibe.

  12. 24: 9/10

    A very jazzy, Bond theme sounding song. I love the melody of the chorus and how it progresses in intensity towards the end of the song.

  13. Swan Song: 9/10

    Here the album returns to the theme of escapism that was brought about in the opening track. I love the sample of High by the Beach at the beginning. The orchestra is also great here.

  14. Dont Let Me Be Misunderstood: 8/10

    This is definitely the weakest track on the album, but it works well as a closing track and sounds almost like a plea from Lana to whoever is listening. The synths and the subtle production are very nice.

Overall: 9/10

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Music To Watch Boys To and Salvatore are as iconic as anything on BTD. The album has some stellar moments on par with some of her best songs.


Some of you really need to move beyond BTD, honestly it was 3 albums ago and ya'll still holding on for dear life.

It's not like there is something wrong with still loving an album, regardless of how long ago it came out. It's great that Born To Die has longevity and people still love it, as opposed to just getting tired of it 3 months after release and hardly ever listening to it again.

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Born to Die is what made me fell in love with Lana too yas promo yas success yas videos yas lips yas blah and I thought I'd never move on from it since I listened to it 2 years straight... but then she released West Coast and every song on it became kinda shit compared to ha magnum opus :oprah: I still haven't listened to the full length album since April 2014 :toofunny: sometimes I play OTTR/BJ/VG and New Americana made me love National Anthem again too but other than that... Goodbye sis you were good!!! It's still a great album but I prefer to enjoy the new bops as they are.

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dddd omg


?????? It really isn't?? I mean as far as I'm aware, but I go to an academically selective high school so everyone is a lot more accepting about stuff, I know plenty of people at comprehensive high schools to be racist and many peoples grandparents especially, but it seems like it's fading out more with each generation. Hmm I'm not sure, maybe personally I just struggle to see it because I'm constantly in an environment that's wholly accepting regardless of race, gender, sexuality etc

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It's not like there is something wrong with still loving an album, regardless of how long ago it came out. It's great that Born To Die has longevity and people still love it, as opposed to just getting tired of it 3 months after release and hardly ever listening to it again.


Its great people still love it, but when you can't enjoy the rest of the music because of it then why are people still even here? 3 years and 3 albums since is a long time to be annoyed by the lack of living up to an older album.


That's just me though.

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i'm so conflicted. i love honeymoon, but what it suffers from is a lack of variety. the songs on their own are great, but the album is all so slow/barely mid-tempo that it becomes laborious to listen to the whole thing at once. all of the songs have a similar 'feel' to them. the thing is, i like that 'feel'! but those songs don't get to shine in an album that lacks variety. we can't appreciate the slow, sensual moments as much because the entire album is that way.


let's think about ultraviolence. i've heard so many people say that was an album of sleepy songs. but we also had songs like west coast, MPG, FMWUTTP, & florida kilos to break up the monotony, you know? 


this is the first time i really feel like the lyrics are besides the point. they are more a vehicle for the melody than anything. she was right when she described HM as being more "surrealistic" and less personal. 


that said, i can appreciate pretty much anything lana puts out. i am here because of her voice & that has never disappointed me. on this album her vocals are even more self-assured & fluid & reach new heights. i'm glad she stopped trying to change her natural vocal range. 


the album highlights for me are the blackest day ( :defeated: perfection), salvatore (get out of my head!), freak (hot), terrance loves you (watch me cry), & music to watch boys to ( :heart: )

  let me be who i'm meant to be

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i'm so conflicted. i love honeymoon, but what it suffers from is a lack of variety. the songs on their own are great, but the album is all so slow/barely mid-tempo that it becomes laborious to listen to the whole thing at once. all of the songs have a similar 'feel' to them. the thing is, i like that 'feel'! but those songs don't get to shine in an album that lacks variety. we can't appreciate the slow, sensual moments as much because the entire album is that way.


let's think about ultraviolence. i've heard so many people say that was an album of sleepy songs. but we also had songs like west coast, MPG, FMWUTTP, & florida kilos to break up the monotony, you know? 


this is the first time i really feel like the lyrics are besides the point. they are more a vehicle for the melody than anything. she was right when she described HM as being more "surrealistic" and less personal. 


that said, i can appreciate pretty much anything lana puts out. i am here because of her voice & that has never disappointed me. on this album her vocals are even more self-assured & fluid & reach new heights. i'm glad she stopped trying to change her natural vocal range. 


the album highlights for me are the blackest day ( :defeated: perfection), salvatore (get out of my head!), freak (hot), terrance loves you (watch me cry), & music to watch boys to ( :heart: )


Good points!, Yes its is slow thruout, give it a few weeks/months of listening too, we'll still love it I'm sure, but if it lacks some more uptempo stuff (variety), that will come thru if you stop

listening to the album in full only a few weeks from now..i'm wondering what a concert would be like as far as mixing up the older stuff with HM songs..

it will be super exciting to see, the next tours songlist (if she tours..)


should start a thread- next years setlist. :O :D

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Good points!, Yes its is slow thruout, give it a few weeks/months of listening too, we'll still love it I'm sure, but if it lacks some more uptempo stuff (variety), that will come thru if you stop

listening to the album in full only a few weeks from now..i'm wondering what a concert would be like as far as mixing up the older stuff with HM songs..

it will be super exciting to see, the next tours songlist (if she tours..)


should start a thread- next years setlist. :O :D


yes! i definitely forgot to mention that i am psyched to hear what the songs will sound like live. will blake be on tour with her? the recorded songs aren't guitar-heavy but i wonder if there will be some variation on tour. that i'm excited to hear.

  let me be who i'm meant to be

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I feel similarly lol, when I see posts about people fuming bc of simple things like a white girl wearing a bindi, sari, etc or having her head in braids, with some stupid justification that is usually along the lines of- oh white people hate my culture they're so racist, yet here they go again appropriating it and using it to look stylish and cool- like... Unless you have a screenshot of the same white chick posting something that says "I hate (insert ethnic group)" like?? Don't attack someone for something they haven't done??? I see it more as cultural appreciation and like the direction we're headed towards?? Then again here in Australia racism isn't really a big issue, we're a really multicultural society and everyone is really accepting of one another, so I'm sorry if I'm blind to it being more of an issue overseas. Anyway sorry for drifting off topic lol, just had stuff to vent!!!



hahahahaha are we living in the same motherfucking country? i wanna go the utopia ur talking about


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Born To Die had Nancy Sinatra x Lolita vocals, dramatic orchestra x hip hop beats, samples and e-drums, romance x tragedy ... all of these combinations made it very diversive and iconic.

Paradise had this power of evoking many emotions with each of it songs, it sounded like desire, loneliness, fragility and happiness ...

Ultraviolence is almost concept album-esque, with all it's dark yet summery vibes. It has a very raw and emotional sound and the lo-fi-rock was something different.


I really like the album with it's minimalistic yet very effective instrumentals, the use of more "uncommon" instruments and the laid-back atmosphere. It's coherent, yet each song is very unique.

I like every song (GKIT and TLY may be weaker songs, but I still really like them) but ... somehow the album's missing something to be her "greatest album so far" or my favourite one. It#s great to have Hobeymoon and I appreciate it a lot, but somehow it feels "least special" for me so far.

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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?????? It really isn't?? I mean as far as I'm aware, but I go to an academically selective high school so everyone is a lot more accepting about stuff, I know plenty of people at comprehensive high schools to be racist and many peoples grandparents especially, but it seems like it's fading out more with each generation. Hmm I'm not sure, maybe personally I just struggle to see it because I'm constantly in an environment that's wholly accepting regardless of race, gender, sexuality etc

It's not that you struggle to see it, you just choose not to see it, and you couldn't even if you wanted 'cause honey you're white and you go to a selective school (idk wtf that means but i'm guessing private school) so i can assume your family has money so just shut up

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so sorry to Lana but I was so impatient.. I respect her in every way and will buy every music items she put out.

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