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Yeah, I can see where you coming from but like, you're still calling her basic which I don't think she is. 

But yeah, it's your opinion and it's as valid as mine


So be it. Lana started to come across as basic and uninformed sometimes in the past two-three years. Especially since she stripped away the so called "Del Rey" persona off her music to get into this wannabe vagabond poet from the Valley narrative she's been pushing lately. I also can't with her promoting all this Hollywood alternative science/crystal-rubbing/Gwyneth Paltrow-goop-y BS lifestyle along with her church-cultgoers/instabaddies/Trustfunds girlies she calls friends and apparently she feels like a mother to them now. It comes across as disingenuous and uninformed.


So that's my valid opinion.  :)


Also you guys need to stop playing victims, I'm clearly a fan of her music and have been for close to eight years, she puts all of that stuff out there for us to see, and this happens to be a discussion board literally dedicated to her, stop acting like a bunch of saintes nitouches.

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So be it. Lana comes across as basic and uninformed sometimes, especially in the past two-three years. Once she stripped away the so called "Del Rey" persona off her music to get into this wannabe vagabond poet from the Valley narrative she's been pushing lately. I also can't with her promoting all this Hollywood alternative science/crystal-rubbingg/Gwyneth Paltrow-goop-y BS lifestyle along with her church-cultgoers/instabaddies/Trustfunds girlies she calls her friends. It comes across as disingenuous and uninformed.


SoThat's my valid opinion.  :)

See? Wasn't that hard. There was no need for sugarcoating it.

Also, there were always subtle hints here and there. The main difference was that she wouldn't share so much of her life as she does now. And people change, you just don't stagnate. You learn new stuff, you start liking other things and that's it. It really was gradual, not like "I'm a gangsta Nancy Sinatra" one day and "I love to drink matcha with my girlies. Btw, I'm also interested in herbs now" the next day.


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See? Wasn't that hard. There was no need for sugarcoating it.

Also, there were always subtle hints here and there. The main difference was that she wouldn't share so much of her life as she does now. And people change, you just don't stagnate. You learn new stuff, you start liking other things and that's it. It really was gradual, not like "I'm a gangsta Nancy Sinatra" one day and "I love to drink matcha with my girlies. Btw, I'm also interested in herbs now" the next day.


Fully agree with this. It wasn't something she'd done overnight, she started leaning on the, sorry for a lack of a better word, but basic side or perhaps beige, somewhere in between 'Honeymoon' and 'Lust for Life'. Now that's just her so called aesthetic. Good for her I guess.

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Fully agree with this. It wasn't something she'd done overnight, she started leaning on the, sorry for a lack of a better word, but basic side or perhaps beige, somewhere in between 'Honeymoon' and 'Lust for Life'. Now that's just her so called aesthetic. Good for her I guess.

You can't expect her to be the same throughout this 8 years. 

Don't get me wrong, if you ask me what "Lana" I like better, aesthetic-wise, I'd go instantly: "BTD/UV". 

But like, calling someone who has this vision and writes as good as her basic it's nonsense to me.

She was in her mid-late 20's, she's now on her mid 30's. Let her drink matcha and be interested in baby showers or herbs or whatever


Also, it just pissed me off when I saw you calling her petty because of the Mother's Day situation so I may have sounded passive-aggressive bc of that.


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you can say some specific comment is vapid or ignorant (and I totally agree in this case) but if you think SHE is just vapid and ignorant why r u a fan?


U new here? Most of the users on this board hate Lana at this point. That’s why I haven’t been using it much anymore :/.....

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Lana said one of her favorite of her favorite books was "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill back in 2009 (or awhile ago, I don't remember), plus she's mentioned quite a few other self help books that she likes. She's always been basic and a bit gullible, y'all just didn't want to see it.


ETA: I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I'm just confused whenever people act like she's soooo different now. She's always been this way, which is part of why I like her.

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Why do I feel like when Lana said in that interview that she was waiting a few years for some family members to be away so she could talk about her family, it was about Patty

Yup yup.


There was a whole burst of interviews that had me thinking this way. The Ann Powers thing on thru to the Elton John profile:



I still need to talk my wife into watching Rocketman with me some time so I can finish writing up my thoughts on that.



This is one of the very very few horrible things Lana has ever done. There's no justification for what she just did. None.

In which LanaBoards' mod most given to moral disapprobation defends her here, kinda. In a back-handed complimentary sorta way.


I'm gonna have to disagree here on both points. This might be horrible. It might be perfectly justified. We don't know. And until we know more, it's not our business. It's between them. It's personal. But more to the point, unless and until we find out that she has bullshit reasons for dissing her mom, it has no larger significance or real world impact on anyone else the way other bad things she's done arguably do, like say, intending to perform in Israel, making ignorant comments both when she doubled down on that and when she finally cancelled, dating a reality TV cop who has engaged in profiling and is a de facto apologist for the abusive policing practices of the status quo, appropriating indigenous culture, glorifying all manner of questionable shit, treating journalists just doing their jobs like shit often specifically for doing their jobs well, her lying in general, etc.



I think it’s weird she also said “family of origin traumas” hmmmm

I suspect it's not weird at all...



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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Well damn Lana you didn't have to put your mom on blast like that. The secondhand embarrassment, whew.






Something must have happened seeing that none of the Grant siblings posted anything for Patty. Each year they post something for dad though. Something definitely happened. Who knows what happened. Lana isn't mincing her words.  :rip:


On a nice note, Lana looks very pretty in these photos she posted today. That hair color is gorgeous on her. 






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Maybe that's just me, but like whatever is going on between them, instead of pretending like your own mother doesn't exist and replace her with your older Instabaddie friend, isn't it like the one day of the year you would be the bigger person and try to put differences aside, let go of your anger/issues and try to amend/rekindle things with the one person this whole damn day is dedicated to, no?


That's hard to do when you have a song name "Cola" and your mom hates it. Especially the "pussy" part. 

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i feel like her post was more to shade her mother then to say happy mothers day to candance or w.e, even if that was not her intentions, she really made it feel like she hates her mom omggg


For some reason, I loved what Lana wrote because it's true. Some of us have had shitty mothers. We cling to someone who may not be blood related but they are kind and warm. There's so many people who have it rough on mothers day. Whatever happened, all 3 Grants seem to agree. I'm glad Lana has Candace in her life and look at her as a mother. This is probably the first time in a while Lana has been real. Usually she'll post this or that or her poetry which is all good, but her message today is very real. Goodness knows how many people she comforted today who don't have mom or do have one who's a nasty piece of work. I'm not saying that Patty is evil or anything, just saying, that beef she has with her mom is on her, but her words today comforted a lot of people. Look at all the comments she got under that tweet. 

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Damn I truly don’t understand why y’all tripping on her post... lmao if anything I find comfort in it. Yes she has tons of viewers who see what she says or doesn’t say about her relationship with her mother but I for one have such a up and down relationship with my mom, hell I blame her for the hell ive been through but it doesn’t mean I don’t love her.. just means I’ve grown to with or without her .. I believe Patty was always too judgemental of lizzy and lizzy never felt her mothers love... doesn’t mean patty was physically absent but it’s clear her love was .. idk I just know it’s not easy having a mother who sees life in one way and one way only .. idk idk but don’t hate the girl when she’s just opening up with good intensions and white girl coping mechanisms

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V true. I think w all those words, and the vagueness of it. it's hard not to try and read between the lines. main point tho, she's found something incredibly meaningful to her, happy about it, and celebrating what she can. sometimes letting go means more for love than arguing etc./ staying in bad graces w someone. 

Ok so. check her owtt 

this is album cover material. 


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Why does this sound like a boomer wrote it


and what happened to ~my mother said I have a chameleon soul~. I bet her mom actually told her nothing of this sort and was done with Lana's shit early on. Lana's always pretended people have found her more interesting than she actually is. I know once people started reading her interviews and shit, they realize how vapid and ignorant she really is.

She was better off keeping quiet and sticking to the ~so mysterious~ bullshit her managers demanded every media outlet spread so we wouldn't know she's as basic as every other girl out there, she just happens to be talented at music.



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should she post some mystery "deep philosophical" poems so you can be okay with her and not be shocked?

some of ppl pretend to be feminists but when a woman chose to be whatever she wants "basic or what" they keep talking shit lol cuz basically she isn't what they're hoping for


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i don't have the best relationship with my father but if anything i'd rather just not say anything, or say something pretty general. i just couldn't imagine my own actions between me and one other person affecting my whole family especially when we have to come together for holidays etc. it puts her parents and siblings in a kind of awkward/difficult position like they have to pick sides or something. idk maybe i'm completely wrong we don't really know much about her family but this is just my two cents. i guess i just find it awkward that this is so public, i'd understand more if she posted it on like a private fb or something but lol


also i'm only 21 but i have such bad baby fever so i totally feel her on that, however if she gets a child before me i'm going to be so upset jealous  :icant:


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