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And btw she was clearly not attackingΒ  or accusing those women, she was just providing examples. Yes, she should've been smarter, but also people need to get better in text comprehension. It's not her fault the web is full of functional illetarates.Β 


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what does that even mean omgggg


sunk the dunker means to drown Lana basically, I'm guessing Doja took it personally

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Can I say something as an european? Yeah she shouldnt have mentioned those female artists. But I don't get why in the USA you're all so obsessed with seeing racism even where it's evident there is none. She mentioned black women AND white women. It's clear it's not a racism issue.


You're 100% right but she put her point across in a muddled and incoherent manner. We live in an society now where you have to be crystal clear about what you're talking about BC if you're not someone, somewhere will drag you regardless of the intentions behind what you actually meant.

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the amount of people who really think she was trying to drag these artists is both equally astounding and saddening.Β 


the way she went about this was shakey, yes, but do people not know how to read and comprehend?Β 


so glad i am able to think for myself, form my own opinions and not blindly follow the opinions of a bunch of random 14 year old stans


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I really don't understand why people think she was dragging the artists she mentioned? She's saying that all those women have reached #1 with content that could be deemed inappropriate, so essentially they've made sexualized content mainstream and acceptable, so she should also be able to sing about her own controversial topics, but instead critics jump on her and say she's not a feminist. How does that read as dragging them?


As usual, Lana is misunderstood. And all the valid points she makes are ignored by a ton of people.

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And btw she was clearly not attackingΒ  or accusing those women, she was just providing examples. Yes, she should've been smarter, but also people need to get better in text comprehension. It's not her fault the web is full of functional illetarates.Β 


yea but she kinda invalidated the other artists experiences regarding the same issue.


she might not wanted to bash them and actually support them, but wording is important when it comes to these issues and no name dropping was needed

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Doja replied, cancel attempt over


pretty sure that was meant to be shady towards Lana

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You're 100% right but she put her point across in a muddled and incoherent manner. We live in an society now where you have to be crystal clear about what you're talking about BC if you're not someone, somewhere will drag you regardless of the intentions behind what you actually meant.


Β Honestly? It's true that in this time and age one should speak as clearly as possible. But I'm also tired of witch hunts, judgements on intentions and scapegoatings. These people aren't woke. These people are even more ignorants than the ignorant ones. Getting Lana down, for things she didn't say, will not advance the women or POC causes.


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didn't Doja get to number one in parts due to her promising to show off her tits or something? Also, while 'Say So' is a bop, where are my good up in arms feminist sisters at? Don't they know that the song was produced by our good pal Dr Luke?Β  :rip:

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