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Melanie Martinez

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im just disappointed cause i went through a mel phase for a minute and then grew up and got tired of the whole cry baby concept. if she wouldve made one or two songs with these themes in the lyrics, i wouldve been 100% here for that. an entire album with these lyrics was already a bit much for me. you can listen to one song on cry baby and youve basically heard the entire album. then she had to spend four years dragging out the same concept thats already been beat to death, and to top it off the production sounds even cheaper and consistently monotone. I just hoped she could redeem herself and now I think this has just solidified my distaste for her. sorry for the negativity, again im just disappointed


I see what you mean. Personally, I was super into Melanie during the Cry Baby era, but now that I'm older, not only do I feel uncomfortable listening to some of the material on CB, but even more uncomfortable with this new album because the strange underage aesthetic theme has dragged on. I still find her to be an incredible vocalist, and actually don't mind at all when artists never change their style since I don't believe anyone has to "evolve" from a taste, but because it's this specific adult baby theme even all these years later, it makes me cringe/feel creeped out. I interpreted CB as artistic, metaphoric and a lot more, but K-12 seems to really hone in on some sort of obsession with childhoods/children/inappropriate underage exp and all that. 


Regardless, I thought the film was very visually appealing (though hard to watch at times if ya know what I mean) and found her singing impressive again. Hope she explores a different direction next time.

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I see what you mean. Personally, I was super into Melanie during the Cry Baby era, but now that I'm older, not only do I feel uncomfortable listening to some of the material on CB, but even more uncomfortable with this new album because the strange underage aesthetic theme has dragged on. I still find her to be an incredible vocalist, and actually don't mind at all when artists never change their style since I don't believe anyone has to "evolve" from a taste, but because it's this specific adult baby theme even all these years later, it makes me cringe/feel creeped out. I interpreted CB as artistic, metaphoric and a lot more, but K-12 seems to really hone in on some sort of obsession with childhoods/children/inappropriate underage exp and all that. 


Regardless, I thought the film was very visually appealing (though hard to watch at times if ya know what I mean) and found her singing impressive again. Hope she can explores a different direction next time.


Couldnt have said it better myself! 

Just excited for her next album, Trade School!

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Watched the movie... I'm sorry but it was so bad  :lmao:


I give her props for trying to direct her own movie, but girl... This was bad. Like, real bad. Plot didn't make ANY sense, the random scenes between the school setting and just random ones (like her in the orange field dancing around, or the scene in detention when they're in the glass box) threw me off, and the acting... whew chile....


I can understand the bad acting just because there probably wasn't a HUGE budget for this movie, but it really killed the vibe for me. Not a fan.


The album was okay. My favorites would probably be Nurse's Office, Orange Juice and Detention, but WOW are some of the lyrics bad on this record.


"Kelly had a fat ass and trouble was cookin'/She was kissing him and I got jelly/For the throat x24439494"

"If I pass this quiz, will you give me your babies?"

The entire Wheels On The Bus song

"It's really hard for me to say how I feel, I'm scared that I'll get thrown away like a banana peel"
"I faked up a seizure and left outta there"


Overall, disappointed and still not a stan, and I probably will never stan her again.

death grips is online !

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Can you gays understand she's not a director, she's a fucking singer. The movie might not be that great but it's still good enough. :rip:


and actually she did a good work with this movie. Y'all are so negative :tea:

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Just because it's something a lot of other singers are afraid to do doesn't mean that it's automatically a great film... Is2g can people not give their opinions on this site? LOL, I know a lot of people probably loved this movie but it's just not for me, and IMO, I thought it was bad. And my personal beliefs of Melanie are also probably affecting my opinion on this as well, so take that with a grain of salt. Not everybody has to love her!

death grips is online !

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i thought the album + film were cute! maybe not like the best thing i’ve ever heard/seen but i’m happy to add this album to my collection. i’m just glad we got new music after four fucking years. so much has happened since then.


miss born to lose

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Regardless of the quality of either the music or movie, I have to say that the way she rolled it out was one of the most exciting album releases I've been through. I actually liked not knowing almost any of the songs going into it, and having a visual to remember for each song was cool. The YouTube premier was fun to be a part of.


I was very skeptical going in but I like the album a lot, and it grows on me with each listen. I actually get way more of Melanie's personality from this album rather than her playing a character. If you read between the lines, she talks a lot about being taken advantage of by people in the music industry. There is also plenty of commentary about authority even beyond "Principal". I hear her point of view in her music really maturing and there are intelligent subtleties in the lyrics that I am discovering with more listens. Someone earlier said she should write about how fame has affected her life, and I think there is a lot of that in the album. I also hear a lot of progression in her vocals. I have been listening to the album without the movie today and even on its own the songs build a rich world and immerses you in it in a way that Cry Baby didn't. 


I don't find the child aesthetic as weird as Cry Baby, maybe because she literally isn't playing a baby anymore. I am glad we lost the bibs and cribs and got a more high-school-esque thing, which plenty of other artists sing about. I've always seen Melanie's obsession with child-like things as just her way of keeping her life whimsical. The transition from child to adult can be really tough, and she was already in the spotlight as a teen. I don't know, its kind of like adults that make kid's movies in my opinion. I don't think its much more than just liking an aesthetic for her.  


"Highschool Sweethearts" really surprised me, I think that is my favorite! I didn't think much of the snippet, but when it came on in the movie with that slow intro.. whew. That intro is my favorite moment on the album. I wish she hadn't teased the "Detention" chorus because that would've hit so much harder if I hadn't already heard it. Same for "Nurses Office" - I really liked it but we got a verse and chorus beforehand, so there wasn't much new to discover. I don't like the concept or the song "Teacher's Pet" and the scene in the movie was random and made me uncomfortable. They did "Class Fight" dirty in the movie. 


Finally, I wish the movie had more scenes in between the songs. I wanted to know so much more about the characters. There were a lot of little loose ends that just never got tied up. I did enjoy the movie overall though and I think this is a good follow album up to Cry Baby. I think she did well enough staying with the theme and it doesn't seem played out to me? If anything, I am glad we had a breather before becoming re-immersed in her world. Overall it was fun, which is good enough for me.


I wonder since this album has been done for so long if her next will come quick. She's referenced writing music a ton since the album was supposedly done, so she's got to be sitting on a decent amount of material. 

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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I would’ve preferred WDBCF and Fire Drill on this album instead of Teacher’s Pet and WOTB.

Like those songs are so useless. And while I don’t really think Orange Juice is a strong song, I can respect its subject matter.


WDBCF would’ve been perfect because it’s basically a twisted outlook on Sex Education.

Would’ve served for a cool segue into Strawberry Shortcake.


And Fire Drill just because it’s better than 3/4 of the album.

Same way that Play Date should’ve been on CB instead of Alphabet Boy.

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I watched the movie too, I'm very mixed, as I already said, the album is too much like Cry Baby, but the visuals of that movie < <<< Cry Baby videos.

She's a great dancer (detention was hot as hell), but nobody acts well, and the story is non-existent.


I truly ask myself, isn't there a problem with that same edgy child thing after all this years since Cry Baby ? The public grew, it's cringy now.


Btw I listened to the album multiple times, and I got to admit that it's a record I love but hate a little bit too. I like the rythm and the harmony of it.


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Melanie served and made points with The Principal and I declare it as one if he best songs in K-12.


And the essays...... the movie was good though, there are some cringe scenes but I get the whole message of the movie. Beside I don’t see that the movie is in anyway in bad quality or low budget, y’all just wanted to trash Melanie as if it’s a personality trait.




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