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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Absolutely. But on the other hand it put her back in public spotlight with Love and the feature tracks. I think its very unfairly looked at by the lana fanbase. The second half of the album is so beautiful.


I think that both halves of the album are good, actually -except from IMF, GBA and Groupie Love, maybe, which I cant stand-. The problem for me was that it didn't feel like a whole. It could have been split in two, but done in a good way, through an interlude, or just dropping a double album. One more pop oriented (Love, Lust for Life, Coachella -yes, I will get staked for this- Summer Bummer were great tracks for that purpose) and one folk-acoustic oriented, with it's correspondent NON TRAP production. It may have worked, I think.

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I think that both halves of the album are good, actually -except from IMF, GBA and Groupie Love, maybe, which I cant stand-. The problem for me was that it didn't feel like a whole. It could have been split in two, but done in a good way, through an interlude, or just dropping a double album. One more pop oriented (Love, Lust for Life, Coachella -yes, I will get staked for this- Summer Bummer were great tracks for that purpose) and one folk-acoustic oriented, with it's correspondent NON TRAP production. It may have worked, I think.


You are right. It never felt like a cohesive album experience. I didnt mind when the album was released, because it was quite chance from Honeymoon which can be a little bit too monotone at the end. But after 2 years, LFL is definitely my least favourite Lana record, it just misses its own spirit like all other Lana's albums.

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Also while we’re discussing Lust for Life (again)



Yeah, it may not be as cohesive or good overall as NFR or her previous records. But I think it served its purpose well: Lana wanted to experiment with a more contemporary sound and lyrical content. I may not like a song or two, and maybe the clash between genres makes it out to be more of a mixtape than a full body of work, but we cannot deny Lana did every genre in her own way. Like, Summer Bummer is trap / hip hop but it’s still got that Lana stamp that makes you want to kill yourself and fall asleep! Same with the poppier songs like In My Feelings and Lust for Life or the Beatles-influenced (and worst song in the album) Tomorrow Never Came. I appreciate Lust for Life for that.

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I listened to the title track last evening in my car( I never heard it before in my car) and it sounds way better in a car. 13 Beaches is still the best Song. Everytime she sings "across the county lines.. It hurts to love you but.." I get goosegumps. And the beat  :defeated: 


Maybe its her messiest album and it is not on the level with the other albums but I'm glad she did it and it is after all not a bad album. And without LFL I would not appreciate NfR the way I do it now. 

thanks babe! and fr, cherry isnt my fave but if she wouldve promoted it more i think it had potential to do pretty well commercially

Thats true. I wish she had put Cherry out as single with a sexy Music Video. This  song is a bop. My sad ass starts to strippin  when this song starts :sluttybunny:


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Love is a literal classic that will transcend time and trend. So pure such class... unparalleled amongst modern releases.... She really made a song called Love

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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LFL hate is so interesting to me cause there are a lot of people who dislike this album but still like a couple of songs, but those couple of songs are always different depending on the person, there aren't like a few set songs that are universally liked by everyone (other than Heroin). The songs that they think are good are disliked by the next peson who doesn't like LFL. I honestly love LFL, the only thing that I dislike about it is that it had way more potential if she kept that 60s witch in space theme going for all of the album.


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I forgot how good 13 Beaches is.  :defeated:

Why is this me? I randomly put it on today real loud and sang along to the whole thing and it was a great experience :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:

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LFL hate is so interesting to me cause there are a lot of people who dislike this album but still like a couple of songs, but those couple of songs are always different depending on the person, there aren't like a few set songs that are universally liked by everyone (other than Heroin). The songs that they think are good are disliked by the next peson who doesn't like LFL. I honestly love LFL, the only thing that I dislike about it is that it had way more potential if she kept that 60s witch in space theme going for all of the album.

Yeah, I even find my own hypocrisy on LFL interesting. There are songs on there that I really love and never skip, but I roll my eyes when the other half of the album comes on. I have my own ideas of how certain songs could have changed to fit the 60s space witch theme- particularly Lust for Life, Cherry and Change, and those were the biggest loss of potential in the album imo

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God Bless America... what a legendary song

It sadly didn't age well for me except the bridge...but I will take a break from this song and the album in general and give it another chance in a few weeks./month.

I liked every song back when it came out but except for 13 Beaches, Cherry, Heroin,Change and  Get Free it is doing nothing for me now. Maybe the bad critics about it brain washed me a little bit but I hope is the last thing that dies and I hope after a break I can enjoy the majority of LFL again...


"Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon."


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Checking back in real quick. I think the thin issue about the record is that it was meant to be a fun record. This was for the fans, I mean she literally said- lol but. She references herself a lot more in this one, past the wordplay, and more in the variety of styles that we knew she was capable of. The issue might be, that the record seemed to wanted to have sounded dated upon release, which is something that might not really be readily accepted by the audience, bc time is kind of an organic sort of force, so the disconnect was definitely there. 

I've always loved this record, maybe not for the same reasons as her others, but bc of the hope, and aesthetic she was going for. Anthology Lana. It's kinda like her artpop. What I didn't really appreciate was the cover at the time, not bc she was smiling, loved that, but bc of the milky? quality of it, and legit like, how she looked photoshopped on it. It's still a bit iffy to me, when I look at her smiling, her eyes look like I won't even say it, but I guess it's saved by how she was styled. 

Not gonna ref the praise I've for this album, past post's'll b there, ah but back to my original thought. 

Love was released like years ago, and I've been listening to it through different filters n even ranges of emotion/thoughts. And. it's just so pure. I mean, clearly, it's not the most practical of songs, but then u get, "don't worry baby", "doesn't matter if I'm not enough". Being young in spirit and heart, and how innocent that is, remembering how it feels to being in love or getting close to it. I think sometimes, it's a forgotten art. It's not about sex, or money, or maybe love might be a drug, but I see it more as a powerful motivator. Like, u can do anything. 

I legit teared up today listening to it, bc sometimes u just feel like you're not enough, but love's supposed to be better than that, and the track's a great reminder of unspoken bonds, and how unconditional love can be. that u don't have to be enough, and that it's ok. Those who're there, will be there, maybe even thru memories u thought u lost. It's just been a difficult thought for me to process u know? Like hell yeah, feel love's soft glow n warmth to the t's but, I guess I also like the little ad libs she's got going on there that bring things back to earth in a solid way. People can be weird lol 
but I digress, it's a beautiful reminder to keep fighting and seeing things through. maybe I'm just being a romantic rn, but I mean come on- like. we're best when in love, or even in anticipation/ ballpark around it w/e. there are bio health benefits around it. people do things in the name of love. I'd like to think most people are born out of love. *cue that one proud grandma meme being responsible for the creation of the peeps in the room* Six types. Damn im getting all kumbayah, imagine how we'd be if we were kinda just more patient, understanding, n loving we were towards others in general. Like, that can b pretty fuckin tough, especially if ur guarded, n hurt, and just people can b so un-self-aware, Jesus fucking Christ somebody get this track to play on NYE, worldwide alreaaaaaady- but imagine? How can we make that happen? 


Strength to move past hurt. That takes a lot. Be an advocate for Love, today. KrIZ.gif PSA over ty 


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I like Lost For Life a lot more when I think of it as a compilation album for the years she worked on it rather than an intentional record. I like all the songs on it at least a little bit, and the lyrics actually reference each other a lot more on re-listen so it is cohesive thematically. It's a cute album, it just doesn't fit in with the rest of her discography as it lacks a cohesive sound and statement. I think we'll grow more fond of it in a few years as nostalgia for that era grows. LFL brings back fond memories of the LFL Pre Release Thread, the LA to the Moon tour, driving in my car with guys with this album on. I can't dislike this record for that reason. It's like a time capsule


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I'll echo everything everyone had already said - my issue with the record is just cohesion. I arranged LFL into 3 EP sized playlists. I never listen to the album from start to finish, instead opting to just hit one that is good for a mood.


Always in the mood for top quality Lana:

Love + 13 Beaches + Heroin + Change + Get Free


Political + Folky:

GBA + Coachella + TNC + BPBP + War


Trap Beats:

Summer Bummer + Cherry + In My Feelings + Groupie Love + White Mustang + LFL


The experience is a lot more enjoyable and way less jarring. Again, I'm glad we got a gazillion tracks instead of getting less material. But it's a messssss.


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Been listening to Lust for Life a lot this week. I’ve always thought the album deserved more appreciation, but it was still the only album that didn’t become my new favourite Lana album when it came out. Sometimes I wonder if I wouldn’t have appreciated it either if it didn’t have the witchy aesthetics, the Shangri-La’s vibes, and the Stevie collab (those just happened to be things I lovelovelove). But I do consistently seem to like the album more and more over time. More and more over time I’ve been finding the album is a lot more thematically cohesive than it seems at face value. And idk it’s the album that most feels like an opera almost by the way the songs line up. Like I can almost visualize the curtains opening and closing with the discs as acts. Anyway, it’s kinda funny how I’ve been listening to this so much lately. It’s nowhere near as good as NFR but it’s a lot better than even I give it credit for most of the time. In general, 2017 was just an awkward sounding year for music, so I think with that in mind, Lust for Life was pretty darn good. Also, I still soar towards the heavens whenever Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems starts. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that song. I do hope we start seeing people come around to this album more over the years because it is a beautiful album with lots of layers we still haven’t made our way through yet. Sorry if I had nothing new to add, I’ve just been vibing with this album and had a bunch of nothing to say about it lol.


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