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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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I'm so intrigued by your dislike/ambivalence of Love! I have noticed this among a few members - personally I find the song to be uplifting, nostalgic, light and gives me a warmfuzzy feeling. What drags it down for you? 


It is one of my favourite songs from her.


@All Other Members pls weigh in. 



I remember when it was released, I felt sort of let down. It didn't seem like Lana to me, and it left me feeling sort of worried about the album. (Then when LFL-song was released, I was convinced I was going to hate the album... thank god the album ended up being filled with so many gems I love and is overall one of my favourites and the first two singles just ended up being my bottom two)

I don't know, the song never connected with me. To me, it just wasn't special enough - it seemed like one of those generic pop songs that any artist could have sung. It just didn't say "Lana" to me, and that's what I love most about Lana - she's so unique and different from other artists out there. 


I also think I have a bad memory tied to it (and as I said, this album is full of happy memories, so this one sticks out)

I remember going out shopping at the mall, going to the Cheesecake Factory, finally arriving home, and the very second I walk through the door... I see a call from Ed Millett, Lana's manager. (He had emailed me asking for my number a little after I became LB's new owner to have it just in case.) I was pretty terrified and had also just arrived home, so I let it go to voicemail. I quickly ran to my computer to check LanaBoards, and discovered Love leaked. I listened to Ed's voicemail, and he pretty much just told me to call him, so I did... that was one of the most terrifying conversations I have ever had in my whole life! At first, he was very angry, sort of accusing me about not caring about Lana's art and supporting the leak and all, but I was able to assure him that was not the case at all and that I've never supported albums/songs intended for release leaking. I told him I wasn't even aware of the leak until he called me since I had been out all day. I was able to explain that that's not what LanaBoards is all about and that it's a place for fans to discuss their love for Lana - not to leak material set for release! Anyway, we had a very long conversation about how to do damage control on both of our ends, but yeah, it was pretty intense talking to Lana's manager. That's also why I crack down super hard on you guys for requesting/sharing leaks of content set for release. Scared me straight into ultra-principal mode lol x


• 4.18.14 • 5.1.14 • 9.20.14 • 5.28.15 • 6.14.15 • 7.28.16 • 7.24.17 • 10.23.17 • 10.24.17 • 1.25.18 • 2.5.18 • 12.5.18 • 10.3.19 • 10.11.19 • 11.16.19 • 8.6.23 • 9.21.23 • 10.1.23 • 5.17.24 • 5.19.24 •

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uhhh i just had a bunch of feelings about this album in White Mustangs lyrics and i feel like i should post my thoughts here as well. 


This song(white mustang) always reminds me of Heroin's verse/prechorus. You can kinda sing "IM FLYIN TO THE MOOON AGAIN" over the verse of this song. I really feel like this song had potential. Is White Mustang code for heroin? White horse is a nickname for Heroin. I think this song was def apart of Best American Record's concept album. I feel like this was/is part 1 to Heroin. I think this song really suffers from the two word chorus. I like the song, I just feel like it could go further. 

Is the H of the Hollywood sign Heroin? Did the political songs really ruin the concept of the original album?

Delete Love, IMF, GBA, WTWWAW, BPBP, Coachella,(THESE SONGS COULDVE JUST BEEN BONUS TRACKS) then ADD BAR and Yosemite and it would have been a concept about a junkie failing to write the best album they could dream of. A CONCEPT. Couldve been lanz best album. trump rlly ruined that.

i am the queen of the universe. the waves part, and they engulf me, and the water is warm.   



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Lust For Life ranking:



  1. 13 Beaches
  2. Get Free
  3. White Mustang
  4. Summer Bummer
  5. Change
  6. Heroin
  7. Cherry
  8. In My Feelings
  9. Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
  10. When The World Was At War We Kept Dancing
  11. Love
  12. God Bless America- And All The Beautiful Women In It
  13. Groupie Love
  14. Tomorrow Never Came
  15. Coachella- Woodstock In My Mind
  16. Lust For Life


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Top 5


1. Love

2. Heroin

3. Tomorrow Never Came

4. Get Free

5. 13 Beaches


It honestly blows my mind that people don't like Love... It is so special. I think it is because every other song is so much about her and tied to her experiences that this song stands out so much as her being an observer. When I first heard the song I thought that she sounded so wise and was singing with someone who has experienced life so much more than her earlier songs. I think this song is her kind of seeing herself as an outsider to a younger generation that she is no longer a part of and she is wishing for that new generation to have hope and she is receiving hope from watching them do things for no reason other than being young and in love with life.

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Top 5


1. Love

2. Heroin

3. Tomorrow Never Came

4. Get Free

5. 13 Beaches


It honestly blows my mind that people don't like Love... It is so special. I think it is because every other song is so much about her and tied to her experiences that this song stands out so much as her being an observer. When I first heard the song I thought that she sounded so wise and was singing with someone who has experienced life so much more than her earlier songs. I think this song is her kind of seeing herself as an outsider to a younger generation that she is no longer a part of and she is wishing for that new generation to have hope and she is receiving hope from watching them do things for no reason other than being young and in love with life.

This. Love is timeless. It sounds like a song she would release near the end of her career.

I always think about how much sentimental value it’s gonna have like 40 years down the line when we’re much older.

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Omg, so this album to me holds a very special place in my heart for many reasons, but I love this album. It was the first era where I was fully invested in her, like I experienced the Honeymoon era, but it was more casual sort of. I mean I was already a mega fan by late 2014, but didn’t consistently follow everything she did. I still remember the day that the song Love leaked. The first time I heard it I thought to myself, damn I might not be a huge fan of this song, but by the 4th or 5th listen I was Young and in Love lol. Anyway after that she released the Lust For Life song and I was instantly in love. I know a lot of people hate that song, but to me it’s perfect. The beginning of the song sounds so eerie and haunting. When I heard the motorcycle or engine being revved up I pictured this beautiful video. But yea. The lyrics to that song the the only the good die young or whatever hit me so hard, because In August of 2016 I lost my boyfriend at the time in a car accident and I was so heartbroken and it was just a very terrinle time for me. So I felt like she wrote that song specifically for me idk how to explain it lol. But anyway, the more songs she released the more I knew that I was going to love this album. I always think of what could have been had she not taken a more political aesthetic (lol) in the second part of the album. Maybe we would have gotten more cherry like songs and etc, which would have been amazing because Cherry is just amazing. Didn’t she say or there were rumors that the album was originally going to be called “Lost For Life”?

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We were talking about Love for once and the demo appeared. Guys, our power :legend:

I know it was the lead single but honestly I don’t think it gets enough recognition. It’s a great song and was yet another potential hit but had it been released to radio (I never heard it but maybe it was released for airplay idk). I’m salty that it didn’t remain a set list staple

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Yeah yeah I know people think this, but can you break that down a little for me as to why you think that. Lyrics? Melody? Vocal delivery? Production? Circumstance? Personal association bias? 


Just incase someone says 'All of them' or just one word, I'm hoping it could be elaborated on. :)


I remember when it came out and I thought "So this is how people perceive her as a singer". She sounds boring as fuck in Love (except, obviously, for the 'young and in love' line). The instrumental does nothing at all for me (I hate those drums with such a passion). The lyrics are, I think, the only LDR lyrics that make me cringe. And the fact that it's the first song on the album :s Also I really dislike the "crazy crazy crazy" part. 

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I remember when it came out and I thought "So this is how people perceive her as a singer". She sounds boring as fuck in Love (except, obviously, for the 'young and in love' line). The instrumental does nothing at all for me (I hate those drums with such a passion). The lyrics are, I think, the only LDR lyrics that make me cringe. And the fact that it's the first song on the album :s Also I really dislike the "crazy crazy crazy" part. 

I can't disagree more with your points, but while most of these are obviously objective I do find your criticism on the lyrics interesting as I know that you're also a big fan of Love Song (I am too). Love's lyrics are nostalgic and coquettish, but also earnest - I feel there is a very close tie to how straight forward both songs are in their messaging since both thematically are discussing young love, and both a pretty wistful in their reflection. "It's enough to be young and in love" runs the same flavour as "Be my once-in-a-lifetime" and "Thanks for the high life" as it's reflecting on the simplistic joy of being love/in love. I can't say the lyrics on Love are any more, or less, sophisticated than Love Song. But I definitely think the lyrics are more tongue-in-cheek and clever than tracks like say Lucky Ones or Diet Mountain Dew. Also the perception, the retrospective in the tense of understanding she is now not in the same generation is a really charming touch. Worldy, wise and experienced after experiencing what she is singing about - hence the tense changing on the final chorus.


LFL came out in the months that I was getting interested in Lana but didn't really know much of her catalogue, so I wonder if I would be one of the 'people' you mention perceiving her as a boring artist. If that would be the case, I think she definitely defied my expectations. She is singing about how GREAT, wholesome and fulfilling it is to be in love. I think the music video certainly helps with the enjoyment of the song - paired with the track it is so rich with intertextual references. I remember loving her cheeky broad smile and shimmy on "Uh uh / Don't worry, baby" since it's making light and stripping away the drama of 'young love' (which is ridiculous - somehow the most important thing in the world at the time, but on reflection nothing special). It was certainly unexpected for - what I knew as the 'Young and Beautiful singer' - to make a breezy, warm song that told people not to worry, and how even the most mundane things are special when you're in love.  :flutter:


Love the instrumental though - everything down to the Emile's samples that were included in Off to the Races.


It also has the best message - just don't worry, baby.


@Elle, I can understand your perception of the song being really soured, but ranking Love below the identity crisis that is Coachella is . . !


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I can't disagree more with your points, but while most of these are obviously objective I do find your criticism on the lyrics interesting as I know that you're also a big fan of Love Song (I am too). Love's lyrics are nostalgic and coquettish, but also earnest - I feel there is a very close tie to how straight forward both songs are in their messaging since both thematically are discussing young love, and both a pretty wistful in their reflection. "It's enough to be young and in love" runs the same flavour as "Be my once-in-a-lifetime" and "Thanks for the high life" as it's reflecting on the simplistic joy of being love/in love. I can't say the lyrics on Love are any more, or less, sophisticated than Love Song. But I definitely think the lyrics are more tongue-in-cheek and clever than tracks like say Lucky Ones or Diet Mountain Dew. Also the perception, the retrospective in the tense of understanding she is now not in the same generation is a really charming touch. Worldy, wise and experienced after experiencing what she is singing about - hence the tense changing on the final chorus.


LFL came out in the months that I was getting interested in Lana but didn't really know much of her catalogue, so I wonder if I would be one of the 'people' you mention perceiving her as a boring artist. If that would be the case, I think she definitely defied my expectations. She is singing about how GREAT, wholesome and fulfilling it is to be in love. I think the music video certainly helps with the enjoyment of the song - paired with the track it is so rich with intertextual references. I remember loving her cheeky broad smile and shimmy on "Uh uh / Don't worry, baby" since it's making light and stripping away the drama of 'young love' (which is ridiculous - somehow the most important thing in the world at the time, but on reflection nothing special). It was certainly unexpected for - what I knew as the 'Young and Beautiful singer' - to make a breezy, warm song that told people not to worry, and how even the most mundane things are special when you're in love.  :flutter:


Love the instrumental though - everything down to the Emile's samples that were included in Off to the Races.


It also has the best message - just don't worry, baby.


@Elle, I can understand your perception of the song being really soured, but ranking Love below the identity crisis that is Coachella is . . !


I really liked your analysis, and it definitely makes me see the song from another perspective... still though, I cannot like Love as a song in itselfI am, as un-modest this might sound, one of the only fans here that truly appreciate every detail in her music and actually make an effort to analyse the music and its context (just like you did) so I appreciate Love in that sense. And yes the message is beautiful.

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I also think I have a bad memory tied to it (and as I said, this album is full of happy memories, so this one sticks out)

I remember going out shopping at the mall, going to the Cheesecake Factory, finally arriving home, and the very second I walk through the door... I see a call from Ed Millett, Lana's manager. (He had emailed me asking for my number a little after I became LB's new owner to have it just in case.) I was pretty terrified and had also just arrived home, so I let it go to voicemail. I quickly ran to my computer to check LanaBoards, and discovered Love leaked. I listened to Ed's voicemail, and he pretty much just told me to call him, so I did... that was one of the most terrifying conversations I have ever had in my whole life! At first, he was very angry, sort of accusing me about not caring about Lana's art and supporting the leak and all, but I was able to assure him that was not the case at all and that I've never supported albums/songs intended for release leaking. I told him I wasn't even aware of the leak until he called me since I had been out all day. I was able to explain that that's not what LanaBoards is all about and that it's a place for fans to discuss their love for Lana - not to leak material set for release! Anyway, we had a very long conversation about how to do damage control on both of our ends, but yeah, it was pretty intense talking to Lana's manager. That's also why I crack down super hard on you guys for requesting/sharing leaks of content set for release. Scared me straight into ultra-principal mode lol x



Oh Boy, that must have been some conversation on the phone. I am happy that was sorted out.

I also agree with you. There are songs (or demos) which should only be shared to the public after the record has been released.

I do love listening to a bands demos and other studio outtakes ( I got tons of that stuff), but I would rather hear the original version FIRST,

then later on hear the bands/singers demos, and listen to what was their construction process in a particular song.


So yeah, crack down on unreleased material before the real album comes out. Sometimes it just kills the thrill.

People might get a wrong impression of the entire album if the demo sounds "weird".


Imagine if a demo (for an upcoming album) is of a slow dreadful country song? .... The singer whining and crooning about... "Oh Suzanna, don´t

you cry for me... `cause I´ll be coming home... playing a banjo on my knee "  


then when the record is released, its actually a very cool POP record !



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I have a love-hate relationship with Love.

When i first heard it I felt like I was in a dream, and I actually really connected with the meaning, and was so convinced that Lana's best era was coming. When Coachella came next that just amplified it. I totally fell for the 'she's woke now' shit.

It wasn't until I realised it was really just a phase, and these songs were getting stale after a few months, that I saw the LFL as the messy release and messy themes that it did turn out to be. And I mean those 2 songs got stale because she intended them to be timeless, and to be like a time capsule of 2016/2017, but it's really only surface material. I think she was still trying to find her connection with her young fans (which I think she either gave up on or is still trying to find) and her footing with her political views, and the 'newcomer' vibe was just so strong. It was so clear she didn't know what she was doing, even though her intentions were good. She was only at the shore of educating herself and she didn't really get any further in the end. I think her political messages came out too late, and that's why it feels really outdated to me, like it missed the point, like she was wasn't at the right pace for that time. And now I can't listen to Love without thinking about that, even though it was so glorious for the first 2 weeks of release. 

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I also think I have a bad memory tied to it (and as I said, this album is full of happy memories, so this one sticks out)

I remember going out shopping at the mall, going to the Cheesecake Factory, finally arriving home, and the very second I walk through the door... I see a call from Ed Millett, Lana's manager. (He had emailed me asking for my number a little after I became LB's new owner to have it just in case.)


Never give a cop your phone number.


I was pretty terrified and had also just arrived home, so I let it go to voicemail. I quickly ran to my computer to check LanaBoards, and discovered Love leaked. I listened to Ed's voicemail, and he pretty much just told me to call him, so I did... that was one of the most terrifying conversations I have ever had in my whole life! At first, he was very angry, sort of accusing me about not caring about Lana's art and supporting the leak and all, but I was able to assure him that was not the case at all and that I've never supported albums/songs intended for release leaking. I told him I wasn't even aware of the leak until he called me since I had been out all day. I was able to explain that that's not what LanaBoards is all about and that it's a place for fans to discuss their love for Lana - not to leak material set for release! Anyway, we had a very long conversation about how to do damage control on both of our ends, but yeah, it was pretty intense talking to Lana's manager. That's also why I crack down super hard on you guys for requesting/sharing leaks of content set for release. Scared me straight into ultra-principal mode lol x

Christ, her managers have always been such assholes to fan sites.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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