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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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Based off the COCC pre-release thread, I gather theres a lot of hate for Tomorrow Never Came? 


It was my favourite song on first listen from the album, and along with Get Free, Herion and Change; is a song that I still have in my heavy rotation from LFL. 


Although, I do concede, the bridge in the demo version was much more lyrically pleasing. I have no clue as to why in the world she thought "isn't life crazy you say/now that I'm singing with Sean" was better/more thematic than "baby you have to forget/and I have to move on". The latter is so relatable to so many people, the former is a poor attempt at breaking the 4th wall

I like TNC. It's just that it's kinda of a missed opportunity. I love the lyrics, the melody of the demo, hell I even like now that I'm singing with Sean line. But I don't like the final production and some of Sean's part. 

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LFL 100% should've started w/ 13 Beaches tbh.


13 Beaches -> White Mustang -> Lust For Life -> Love would've been a cute order


I also think it would've made more thematic sense to have 13 Beaches as the opener bc it tells more of a story.... in 13B, she states (via film dialogue sample lol) that she "doesn't belong in the world / something separates me from other people", but by the time we reach Change and Get Free, she acknowledges the she is a part of the world no matter how outcast she feels, that she has to care about the people she feels separate from, that she's ready to move "out of the black and into the blue".


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LFL 100% should've started w/ 13 Beaches tbh.


13 Beaches -> White Mustang -> Lust For Life -> Love would've been a cute order


I also think it would've made more thematic sense to have 13 Beaches as the opener bc it tells more of a story.... in 13B, she states (via film dialogue sample lol) that she "doesn't belong in the world / something separates me from other people", but by the time we reach Change and Get Free, she acknowledges the she is a part of the world no matter how outcast she feels, that she has to care about the people she feels separate from, that she's ready to move "out of the black and into the blue".


Totally agree. I've always through love and lfl could have been cut completely to make a shorter album too, but they would go well near Groupie Love. 

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This album is still in my car CD player, whenever I forgot my phone I’ll listen to it. I don’t understand the hate LFL gets. Some of these songs are in my top 5 ever and not to mention she seemed so happy and free during this era! I miss this album cycle even though it was messy as usual. 

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14 hours ago, 99centlips said:

This album is still in my car CD player, whenever I forgot my phone I’ll listen to it. I don’t understand the hate LFL gets. Some of these songs are in my top 5 ever and not to mention she seemed so happy and free during this era! I miss this album cycle even though it was messy as usual. 

When I still had my car the  LFL CD was what id listen to on longer drives! Definitely a good driving album. It's very calming and mood setting and the vibes are all excellent. 

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10 minutes ago, JehovahThikness said:

coachella's better than in my feelings don't @ me :awkney2:

It depends on the mood! If I'm feeling bitchy, 'in my feelings' is the song to go. Overall L4L sounds kind of bitchy tbh. Love it. 

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52 minutes ago, JehovahThikness said:

coachella's better than in my feelings don't @ me :awkney2:

I LOVE In My Feelings oops, top 5 on LFL for sure :sass:

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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On 7/25/2020 at 12:42 PM, daphnedinkley said:

LFL 100% should've started w/ 13 Beaches tbh.


13 Beaches -> White Mustang -> Lust For Life -> Love would've been a cute order


I also think it would've made more thematic sense to have 13 Beaches as the opener bc it tells more of a story.... in 13B, she states (via film dialogue sample lol) that she "doesn't belong in the world / something separates me from other people", but by the time we reach Change and Get Free, she acknowledges the she is a part of the world no matter how outcast she feels, that she has to care about the people she feels separate from, that she's ready to move "out of the black and into the blue".

Affirmative! The opening strings could have commenced the album in such a magnificent way. Love, on the other side, is confusing as an opening track ?

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7 minutes ago, cashcomesquick said:

Affirmative! The opening strings could have commenced the album in such a magnificent way. Love, on the other side, is confusing as an opening track ?

so true! Love is a cute song but it feels more like a..... cute mid-album track or something?? it's too modest and relaxed to be an opener imo


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I just listened to LFL in full today and had a lot of feelings


1) I love this album IDCCCC love love LOVE

2) I love 13B and I used to hate it, the instrumental is phenomenal

3) I love how in love and heroin, the last chorus goes from you, to I (I’m flying to the moon again, I get ready I get all dressed up)

4)BAR belongs on LFL and you can’t change my mind 

5) I’ll never remember going though my first huge heart break and love leaking like days later and sobbing to the song and video for a month straight 

6) Groupie love is incredible

7) (only lowkey I still love the released) justice for title track 

8) F all you haters it’s an incredible album

"Don’t forget me"

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I was surprised to see my spotify wrapped this year, my most played Lana song in 2020 was White Mustang. Thinking back, I do put it on in the background a lot. I know almost no one agrees but I have been in love with the song ever since she posted the snippets on instagram, and then the album came out, and wow, it was perfection. The obvious standout track of the record. And then I was so lucky because it actually received a music video, and she performed it many many times as well. White Mustang is just such a comfort :heart:

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What seems to be the general consensus for the fanbase around LFL compared to Lana's other albums? 


I used to love this album when it came out, but I have such negative feelings now. When I think of LFL, I have bad feelings regarding it. It feels juvenile and almost like a parody of LDR to me. It feels inauthentic. There's a good chunk of the songs where I'm like "wow this is both pretty bad and good at the same time." There are songs I like individually a LOT (White Mustang, Cherry, Change) and a good chunk of songs that I don't skip if they come on, but as a whole, I just don't like the album. It feels like such a weird album to me, like something about it just doesn't work for me.


The best analogy I have of how I feel when I think of LFL is like an embarrassing high school memory that you try to repress and pretend it never happened to avoid the cringe. But idk why or what made me feel this way about LFL. I feel bad writing this because I'd feel horrible if Lana ever read this, and the album is way better than anything I could ever write, it just feels like a stain on her discography to me compared to everything else she's released (or even not released) so far.


Does anyone else feel this way? :crai:

  It’s not about having someone to love me anymore

This is the experience of being an American whore

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