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Unreleased songs you want Lana to rework/release

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Roses bloom for you 

Say yes to heaven 

Angels forever 

Starry eyed



Serial Killer 

Queen of disaster

Tv in black & white 


Is this happiness

Fine china

French restaurant

Your girl


Life is beautiful 



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In no particular order:

  1. Velvet Crowbar
  2. Every Man Gets His Wish
  3. Backfire
  4. Fine China
  5. I Talk to Jesus
  6. Last Girl on Earth
  7. TV in Black & White
  8. Motel 6 (Slo Gin Slo III, the best version)
  9. Because of You
  10. Us Against the World
  11. Hundred Dollar Bill
  12. Summer of Sam
  13. Serene Queen
  14. Afraid
  15. Dynamite
  16. Take Me to Paris
  17. Pin Up Galore
  18. 1949
  19. Trash Magic
  20. Money Hunny
  21. Junky Pride (do Sirens songs count?)
  22. JFK
  23. Unidentified Flying Bill
  24. Hollywood
  25. Prom Song (Gone Wrong)


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This would be my take - kind of a mix of those gritty indie-pop tracks she did prior to BTD, some of her more pop-ish takes and some of those magic UV outtakes.

01. Kinda Outta Luck
02. You Can Be The Boss
03. Heavy Hitter
04. Hundred Dollar Man
05. Put The Radio On
06. Trash Magic
07. Serial Killer
08. Every Man Gets His Wish
09. Hollywood's Dead
10. Jealous Girl
11. Us Against The World
12. Say Yes To Heaven
13. Your Girl
14. Fine China

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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45 minutes ago, shadesofdealer said:

do Sirens songs count

I wouldn't add them in myself, since I'd rather the two bre btd albums be released on their own. But if you want some songs on this then go for it. 

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I wish she would do something like Taylor did. Maybe rerecord (or even remake her albums completely, with tracklist changes and everything else) or only remaster them, adding the best outtakes from each album. Anyway, my unreleased collection (based on my personal taste only) would be something like this:


1. Roses Bloom For You

2. Valley of the Dolls

3. Disco

4. The Ocean

5. Heart Shaped Box

6. Freak Like Me

7. Why Don't You Do Right

8. The Good Life

9. Angels Forever (Demo)

10. Your Girl

11. Flipside

12. Unidentified Flying Bill

13. Never Let Me Go

14. Say Yes To Heaven

15. Is This Happiness

16.  Beautiful People

17. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

18. Some Things Last a Long Time

19. I Talk to Jesus

20. Fine China


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In 2017 Lana said that she's planning release album with 25 unreleased leaked songs. If you were her, what would your choice be?


EDIT: I don't remember if there's made post like that.

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1. Fine China

2. I Talk to Jesus

3. Boom Like That

3. Say Yes to Heaven

4. Valley of the Dolls

5. Life is Beautiful

6. The Good Life

7. Chelsea Hotel No. 2

8. Never Let Me Go

9. The whole AKA

10. That one souncheck song from Honeymoon era

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Fine China

Yes to Heaven

Wild One

Life Is Beautiful

I Talk to Jesus



Starry Eyed

Angels Forever, Forever Angels

Your Girl

Hanging Around


There's almost a cohesive album right there :sass: 

And also:

Serial Killer

Velvet Crowbar

Last Girl on Earth


Hollywood's Dead

Us Against the World

Put the Radio On


She's Not Me

Damn You

Live or Die

Prom Song (Gone Wrong)

On Our Way



Back to the Basics

Fake Diamond

BBM Baby

Queen of Disaster

Beautiful Player

Go Go Dancer

Hit & Run


Making Out


Playing Dangerous

Every Man Gets His Wish

You & Me



"I'm wild, I'm free, no man can handle me"


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Give my choises too:



Damn You

Disco (something unexpected)

Driving In Cars With Boys 

Fine China


Hollywood Dead

I Talk To Jesus 


Kinda Outta Luck (kinda released)

Meet Me In Pale Moonlight

Never Let Me Go

On Our Way

Pawn Shop Blues

Say Yes To Heaven (even we know it's gonna be in grave forever)

Serene Queen (it's keeping deleted)

She's Not Me

Starry Eyed

Trash Magic

TV in Black & White

Us Against The World 

Valley Of The Dolls

Velvet Crowbar 

Wild One

Your Girl


But we know that she could totally surprised with her choices.

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I did not see a thread for this so sorry if one already exists. Personally, I really want Other Woman reworked with real instruments. It's a great and powerful story of adultery. I also want to see a full, reworked versions of Lift Your Eyes that sounds like Honeymoon's trap influence. Lastly I want her to somehow rework Daytona Meth, in whichever way she could lol.  

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I'm one of those people that doesn't really want rereleases of old songs despite being an unreleased Lana lover. However, I think reworking some May Jailer material or even songs we know of but haven't heard yet could be cool


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This is a great thread idea! I'm surprised one didn't already exist.


Lana has so many amazing unreleased songs and if I had to pick a few for her to rework I think I'd like:
- Angels Forever, Forever Angels

- Fine China

- Yes to Heaven

- Your Girl

(I know some of these songs have been reworked before for other albums already, but none have been released)


I would also like for some of the BTD outtakes to be reworked, but I don't think that would ever even be possible seeing how different they are from what Lana is doing now with her art. They'd have to be changed completely for it to work lol

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1 minute ago, Super Movie said:

I'm one of those people that doesn't really want rereleases of old songs despite being an unreleased Lana lover. However, I think reworking some May Jailer material or even songs we know of but haven't heard yet could be cool

you and May Jailer girl...:lanasrs: I could post "What is your favorite song from the UV era?" and you'll say Old Money because it reminds you of her song Meth:thumb3:  all jokes aside I could see some of Young Like Me going on the next album

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1 minute ago, XCX World said:

you and May Jailer girl...:lanasrs: I could post "What is your favorite song from the UV era?" and you'll say Old Money because it reminds you of her song Meth:thumb3:  all jokes aside I could see some of Young Like Me going on the next album

I go through phases :trisha: Last week I was in my BTD era, this week I'm May Jailer, next week I'll probably be in my AKA era. I'm elusive, what can I say? :brows:


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7 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Valley of the Dolls


It could be longer and maybe have some more clear production/mixing. I love the melody and the music itself though, so I wouldn't want any tampering on that part

no confirmation on this but i’m pretty sure jack has a finished version of it somewhere


10 minutes ago, Gravitate said:



Lana has so many amazing unreleased songs and if I had to pick a few for her to rework I think I'd like:
- Angels Forever, Forever Angels

- Fine China

- Yes to Heaven

- Your Girl

(I know some of these songs have been reworked before for other albums already, but none have been released)


if lana released an album purely of UV outtakes (maybe honeymoon too depending on which stage of production they were recorded at; eg. first few sessions), with like 50% leaked and 50% unleaked i could die happy

“I’m wild I’m free, no man can handle me”CWVPmao.jpgQMpCskZ.jpg

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probably valley of the dolls, it's a really nice song with a lot of potential, i don't really care for the idea of lana releasing leaked songs (especially after blue banisters, honestly) but i feel like a reworked, finished version of valley of the dolls would be really nice!

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