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the ocean

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    jiafei news and updates
  • Birthday 06/06/1966

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  1. this album feels like the complete polar opposite of sirens in every way, it's the maximalist hyperconfrontational foil to it's minimalist escapist themes i will not elaborate further
  2. the ocean


    apparently the woe björk remix is more of an re-recording and it sounds like a totally different song, and there's apparently also going to be ANOTHER remix album and nymph_o is more of a deluxe reissue of nymph
  3. the ocean


    i can't stop crying. we did it kids now the other singles
  4. wait you snapped with this also not related to the quote above but lana looked gorgeous
  5. i was already sideeyeing a lot of people before the leak fiasco but that leak fiasco made me lose respect for a lot of people here
  6. some most of y’all are incredibly stupid and i hope y’all know how foolish you look right now
  7. not that we ever doubted kintsugi but this basically confirms he’s a legit insider
  8. yeah i’m waiting until it leaks in full and untagged (and ideally HQ but i’ll settle just for the 1st two)
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