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Beautiful Loser

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About Beautiful Loser

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    ❀ Child of Yosemite falls ❀ Explorer of Hyrule ❀
  • Birthday May 23

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    Late 2012

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  1. I don’t know if it’s tragic or comical, posts from a year ago sound exactly like the ones we post today.
  2. Tamino, who opened for Lana in the past, talks about her in a newly published interview with Vogue France: VF: Who is your favorite artist from this [folk] movement? T: Bob Dylan, the great master of songwriting. It’s difficult to not mention him when you’re a songwriter yourself. And Leonard Cohen, even though he’s Canadian. Joni Mitchell, too… VF: Would you add Lana Del Rey to this list? T: Yes! She’s one of the greatest living songwriters. “Video games” has stood the test of time, it’s one of the greatest songs of all time. Yet, when it came out, all anyone talked about was her looks, her lips… VF: When can we expect to hear a collaboration between you two? T: You’d have to ask her, I’m definitely up for it! I’ve only met her once, and she was incredibly kind. I’ll be eternally grateful that she asked me to open for her. VF: What’s your favorite Lana album? T: I’d say the latest, Did you know there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd. But I also like Honeymoon. Not the entire album, though. VF: The title track is amazing. How does it start again? “It’s not fashionable to love me”? T: “We both know that it’s not fashionable to love me.” What a line! It’s heartbreaking. Original quote: Source: Vogue France
  3. I think Cupid’s girl is fun :3
  4. Beautiful Loser


    Just had my first listen on my way to work, I think Raven might sonically be the most interesting track on the album.
  5. Wasn’t there some Italian tv show, a nature documentary, that had Cola playing in the background?? I think it went semi viral within the fandom last year lololol
  6. I’m so certain I heard Queen of Disaster play on radio a whole summer, but I must’ve been delusional because no one else remembers this. This was before I really knew of Lana. On Swedish radio: (not including songs in a special radio documentary about her) Blue Jeans, Video games, summertime sadness (remix) Young & beautiful (as a single and a remix) Lust for life, love Mariner’s apartment complex, Doin’ time White dress, Chemtrails, let me love you like a woman, Ocean Blvd (radio edit/non-explicit), A&W (radio mix), Say yes to heaven On TV: I honestly can’t remember but I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Young & Beautiful and Video Games.
  7. You’re welcome! Maybe there is a chapter about anger or suppressed rage but I didn’t get that far. I think the book mixes what you said, it’s like a mix of unlearning social conditioning and understanding why we behave in certain ways, with fairy tales as examples. For me, they’re just fairy tales, so I thought it was really interesting to hear how a psychologist interprets them. “This represents this, this symbolizes that” kind of way. “Everyone has a key, we just need to find the right forbidden door to unlock.”
  8. @The Missing Shade of Blue Tagging you since you requested it some time ago! So I’ve “finished” reading Women who run with the wolves, meaning, I only got to borrow it for two weeks from the library so I haven’t had time to read much of it tbh. I would like to read more of it BUT there’s like 11 people waiting for it… and considering that it took two months for me to get it… I don’t know. I’m not that invested in it. My copy of the book is a paperback, and one page consists of up to 40 lines of text, so it felt like I’ve read a lot… but looking at the page numbers, I’ve only scratched on the surface. The first 20 pages were just the introduction, which felt awfully long. But maybe it was necessary, I don’t know. The author adds in words of Spanish and then immediately translates them into English, and sometimes it’s nice because it’s like you’re reading her head voice or something, sometimes I’m like… gurl, why do I have to read the same thing twice? La creatura, the creature. Yes. I get it. Anyways, to the actual contents of the book. When reading the introduction, I could really see how it has influenced the music video to Chemtrails. It mentions how all women have a “wolf” inside of them, who knows how to protect her pact, heal the wounded, bring life and death, and is strong while gentle. If you’ve lost your contact with this Wolf Woman, you’re unhappy, anxious, basically not yourself. The author makes a point that women have been suppressed in various ways throughout history and different cultures, but we’ve always had our Wolf Woman within us to survive and be able to express ourselves. Without her, we’re lost. Maybe Lana’s version of a country club is where she and her friends can truly be themselves, mentally and physically. The author also mentions in one section about Dark man in our dreams, which made me think of “there’s a man that’s in my past, there’s a man that’s still right here, he’s real enough to touch and in my darkest nights he’s shining”. Maybe that was something Lana could relate to or not, who knows. But in the book, the Dark man appears in our nightmares when (young) women start notice there’s a “predator” (something oppressing who you are as a person) in their psyche, and/or to say that you need to pay attention that something isn’t right in “the outer world”. You need to figure out what it is, and work towards finding a solution. For me, I don’t really know anything about psychology but this book felt a little difficult to take in sometimes, although it’s not written for readers who know psychology. It’s quite the opposite, it’s meant to be read by anyone. What I do like is that the author begins a chapter by retelling a fairy tale, and then analyses it and the characters and makes everything relatable. “This is why women are drawn to bad men”. “This is why the father wouldn’t let him marry his daughters.” “This is why he couldn’t win their hearts.” “This could be the reason why the mom didn’t intervene.” These fairy tales and the way she analyses them is why I want to continue reading the book. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to read very far (only the long introduction, chapter 1 and 2, and part of 4) so I don’t know if or how the book could benefit me but! I have to say it seems pretty interesting, especially for those who seek some kind of comfort and want to understand… themselves? From my understanding, this wolf woman is really just our intuition, and you’re supposed to embrace her and not listen to people who say you’re bad for not behaving in the way that’s expected of you. Not like “go ahead and scream at people” kind of way but more like a “if it feels right, go ahead and do it” kind of way, don’t let people or society stop you from becoming who you are. Evolve, live your dreams. What I don’t really understand is why this book couldn’t be helpful for men, too. Or maybe it is but it’s not marketed to be. Don’t we all have intuition? Wouldn’t it beneficial for men to read the book and, maybe, understand women better? At times, I wonder if my brother, who is struggling a lot at the moment, would appreciate and could find some comfort or help from the book. As I mentioned, I don’t know psychology so maybe we’re really that different and this book is really just for anyone who identifies as a woman.
  9. She’s never said that, it was spread as a rumor sometime after their marriage.
  10. I HAD A HEART ATTACK, the last five pages are from like the past hour and they’re all debating whether she’ll cancel the tour or not, it took forever to realize y’all are just speculating on the possibility of an extended tour leg for Europe this summer I was literally worried I’ve taken vacation days from work and booked accommodation for something that is getting cancelled and thanked the gods I haven’t bought flight tickets yet
  11. I have a feeling this is a host server issue, and that the error messages when trying to like a post, embed an image etc, are too. I know Elle is doing her best though, I really appreciate that she keeps this site open despite the costs.
  12. Beautiful Loser


    I don’t think I’ve registered that it’s out this week either! And good luck with getting your ticket!
  13. I’d need a side hustle gig but I don’t even know what that would be, all and any news are so minimal and sparse.
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