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Liz Taylor Blues

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About Liz Taylor Blues

  • Rank
    Salt Daddy King since 2013
  • Birthday 04/21/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Pronouns
    He/Him (cis)
  • Location
    Florida (Kilos), Daytona Meth
  • Interests
    poetry prose reading drinking (except for when I quit for a few months) traveling driving too fast on the highway.I love the sea so much one day I shall die in it
  • Fan Since

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    No fucking chance am I linking my twitter

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41,262 profile views
  1. The Right Person Will Stay -01- Hammy Hawk -02- This Land Is God's Land -3: The Right Person Will Stay -04: Ain't it like a woman to leave ( Middle of The Night) -05- Run from the Sun -06- Sex in Topeka Kansas -07- Lavender Heaven Miracles -08- Charlie be gay (again)) -09- Taylor go away 10- Jack is now back (piano talking interlude ft Lena Dunham's Bed Cake Crumbs_) 11- Diamond Ozempic Heart 12- Ivermectin Mommy Milkers 13- I'm the man in this house
  2. A super exclusive source at Interpol just told me Lana is releasing Lasso at midnight nye et!! Its a double album half country half drunk if ya get my drift! How Do I Know You So Well ( Im indebted To You) stans stay winning but what else is new
  3. I VOTED!!!!! Russia, if you're listening, I need 20,000 votes for Liz Taylor Blues delivered by The Lipsters.......-DJT
  4. If I win any of these I will post the thirstiest traps that have ever trapped in the pictures of you thread......within LBs content rules of course.....
  5. yEs tHeRe WaS oRiGiNalLy 30 tRaCkS bUt LaNa BeLiEvEs HeR lAsT sEvErAl ReCoRdS wErE tOo LoNg So ShE cUt Em ShE hAs mAnY fIlMeD mUsIc ViDeOs FrOm PaSt eRaS jUsT sItTiNg tHeRe ShE iNteNdEd tO rElEaSe BuT nEvEr dId Bc "ThEy"rE sO SpOiLeD n ThEy LeAk EvEryThInG AnYwAy LaNa Is An InFoRmAnT fOr ThE FbI eXpOsInG tHe InDuStRy......2025 wIlL bE iNtErEsTiNg........rEaD qFtC aGaIn ItS rEvElAtOrY sHe Is ReLeAsInG hEr UnReLeAsEd AlBuM tO CeLebrAtE tHe JuBiLeE yEaR (aLl pRoCeEdS wIlL gO tO tHe CaThoLiC ReLiEf ChArItIeS 2 hElP tHe GlObAl PoOr ShE wAnTs To tOuR aFrIcA aNd AsIa AnD tHe CaRrIbBeAn On HeR wOrLd ToUr bUt TeAm iS uNsUrE aBoUt ThE lOgIsTiCs ShE iS iNtReStEd iN hEaVy MeTaL aNd BoTaNy fOr ThE nExT rEcOrD SeE yOu L8eR aLlIgAtOr HaS bEeN sCrApPeD iT wAs PsYcHeDeLiC n ToTalLy RaD
  6. Baby if the vote counts aren't true, baby if the dem counts are double
  7. lana has been a fan of their edits for a few years now so its not surprising she liked it.
  8. bro....Beautiful and BBS are on the same album and you're coming for miss WW
  9. When the album is actually The Right Person Will Stay For Xmas and its actually a xmas month dropping next week. What then?
  10. Hopefully This Means The Wrong Person Shall Now Leave (Restraining Order In My Hand)
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