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  1. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    just say y'all hate strong latinx women and go
  2. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    Guys she is 34 and 49. She did the cringeworthy Bartender-video, where she displays the behaviour of a 13yo tictoc user.
    The only problem she has is that she's leaning into the rich-priviledged-american lifestyle way too much right now, singing halfassed "political" songs with the depth of a puddle and constantly doing cringy bs with her gUrLs. This is not about persona or race (lol), this is just her posting cringy shit on her insta while everyone waits for her to announce an release, which is fairly annoying.
  3. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Instagram Updates   
    she said she was a moderate. like she literally said it. in her own words. "I'm really not more of a liberal than I am a republican — I'm in the middle.”
    let's remember that not all millennials are liberal. and urban outfitters hippie? you mean a major music label and major fashion brand collaborated to make more profit because they know the demographics of the people who will buy her albums and buy their clothes. had nothing to do with who she is, but more of who the label wants to sell her as. she's a white woman from an affluent family who acted like someone she's not. you know why she's a matcha drinking, soul cycle baddie? that's who she's always been. she got tired of the act. i think some parts of her persona were real, don't get me wrong, but just because she vapes, did drugs, and talks about her pussy, does not make her a liberal, nor does it make her conservative.
  4. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by wahyun in Britney Spears   
    imho clumsy is one her worst songs ever, i cant
  5. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    I recall we did another demographic survey a few month ago (I guess) but we never got the results if I'm not wrong   
  6. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    I recall we did another demographic survey a few month ago (I guess) but we never got the results if I'm not wrong   
  7. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    I think that the whole idea of her being "un-PC" in her early days (as a certain member loves to talk about) needs to be talked about cautiously and carefully and with a lot more nuance than often given to it, but I think it plays a role in why she attracted the demographic she did in the BTD and Paradise days that has been sustained with leaks from her Lizzy era since. There's that quote from a critic about her (earlier) stuff being desperate, shirt-tugging, "don't leave me" that the critic hated, and I definitely think it's there.
    She presented love as an undying devotion with elements of desperation, doom, death etc. that really didn't fit into the zeitgeist at the time because of shifting discourses. The whole femme fatale themes of film noir and to some extent, the 80s (so a lot of the films and ideas she grew up with) weren't popular at the time. I think a big part of why so much of her *active* fanbase is LGBT people and women (and of course the overlap) is because she was a contemporary female artist singing about that destructive and obsessive love while no one else really was, and making it look (and sound) glamorous and sexy. For LGBT and/or girl teens and young adults, there were relatively little artists willing to explore that side of love that you feel so strongly, because (for good reasons) a lot of discourse about love and attraction has been critical. That's probably why there's a lot (a LOT) of overlap between Lana fans and people who want to uncritically enjoy things like Lolita (particularly the Lolita "aesthetic") and CMBYN. Lana gave people spaces for people to be desperate and completely devoted with BTD and Paradise, and then followed up with UV as one of the best break-up albums. Most of the diehard BTD and UV stans don't really like HM as much, as far as I've seen, and I think part of this is because HM is a lot less dramatic in its lyrics and themes and is where change started to happen.
    I'd add some more about the reclamation of things like religion (e.g. Tropico) and power (e.g. the national anthem video) but eh.
    Might be misunderstanding but her detachment from the fanbase is kind of unprecedented in the stan age. The whole "Lana hates us and that's okay" thing definitely contains a grain of truth. I think she has a very understandable disdain for a lot of her fanbase, because a lot of her fanbase have very little respect for her and so she's kind of broken away and doesn't share much of her life now. She doesn't hate her fanbase imo - she clearly likes Win Edwards, who despite all the jokes is in some ways the ideal fan from her pov; clearly adores her but respects her boundaries. A lot of people here see going to every show as weird and obsessive but she's had much worse and much more dangerous than that, which is probably why she doesn't really interact with her fans much unless she's got something to sell. This inactiveness inevitably gets caught up in the "Lana hates us" narrative though. 
    I'd also say that her change in dress and habits put people off. She's not an Ariana or Taylor Swift in that her success drives her to want to do more and better. Her success made her wealthy and she grew out of the more dramatic narratives, maybe got some therapy and didn't need or want to peddle that type of thing anymore. She's a wealthy white woman living in California who goes to church with her friends, wants a couple of kids, dresses comfortably, (probably) wants a husband and, going by what Sean was, doesn't want that husband to be an artistic type, but more on the boring suburban dad side. AKA she's living a very normal and basic heteronormative life, just with a bunch of money. That added to the fact she never really comfortably embraced her LGBT fanbase is what is turning some people off imo, and with stan twitter culture this switch can be read into ad nauseam.
  8. sparklrtrailrheaven liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    I recall we did another demographic survey a few month ago (I guess) but we never got the results if I'm not wrong   
  9. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    Are we sure though ? I agree the majority of her louder fans on social networks are LGBT+ . But are they a majority of her fans ? 
    I don't know for you all guys but I am absolutely silent on social networks. My friends know I like Lana but that's it + my best friend (male) is a fan too, is straight, and does not tell the world about it. 
  10. urgirl liked a post in a topic by Tristesse in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    Well, Lana is a female pop singer. Isn't it enough to be a LGBT icon?
    + the LGBT community and homosexuals (bisexuals, etc...) are two very different concepts
  11. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by wthebluemascara in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Basing on what I read basically everywhere most of this things are really unpopular but I was wondering if there's anyone else that thinks the same
    I don't think it's a bad thing that her style changed, that she's not that glamour anymore, and I'm not really interested in what she wears when she's spotted somewhere. I think she felt the pressure to always be elegant or stylish in some way because of the spotlight but reality is that she's not that interested in what she wears as it has always been probably (I also remember her or her sister saying she doesn't have a great sense of style), and it's ok, I mean, I'm happy because it seems she feels free to wear whatever she wants now and even if she's famous, a singer etc. I don't thing it's relevant what she wears, I just appreciate her for her music.
    Also I don't see it as negative the fact she doesn't promote her songs/albums like she did with BTD anymore, if she doesn't care about promoting, the charts etc. I respect her decision, and this also applies for things like attending TV shows or interviews. Obviously I'm happy to see interviews and performances but I think it's more important that she feels comfortable doing them.
    Anyway I really appreciate how she changed during the years, and even if like some songs more than others I like the fact she changes producers and tries new things.
    I don't think she's lazy, I think she's just laid back. Just after she became famous she was so overwhelmed and you could see how nervous she was during live shows etc., but now she just adapted to it, she seems more relaxed, it's like she managed to solve her problems with fame in some way and I'm really glad she did, she seems in a happier place now.  
    I think if things aren't in a certain way it's not a big deal for her and I'm like that too, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. For example I think her lyrics on BTD are her best ones too but it doesn't mean songs on the other albums aren't good, "simpler" lyrics are nice too and if I don't like a song it's because of it as a whole, and even then I won't judge her because I'm pretty sure her intentions are good, and I don't know what's/what was going on in her life but probably because of it plus her status as a celebrity she's just trying to take things easy and not be stressed out. 
    Pls don't come at me lol I'm just trying to understand her and I see a lot of people criticizing her but I don't see her behaviour in a bad way   (And don't get me wrong, I am too someone who prefers BTD and UV songs, performances without the 2 girls and in general, I don't like everything she does like I don't have preferences)
  12. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I don't know, to me, the difference is that Orange Trees is one of the few songs on that album that are not try-hard deep. It doesn't take itself too seriously, it's just a fun little bop (a very basic one, admittedly). Enjoy Your Life, on the other hand... You can just tell that Marina wrote it and thought she had done something. But she hadn't. With those cringeworthy lyrics, not even the most amazing production in the world could have saved this song. 
    And that's my main problem with Love + Fear. Marina just shouldn't have tried to make it seem deeper than it is. There's nothing wrong with making "just" pop music. Like, I don't mind Baby, Karma, Orange Trees, Please Don't Call Me... They're nothing special, but they're decent, catchy pop songs. But if you put out an album like Love + Fear and then act like you've written the music equivalent to Freud's Psychoanalysis, then yes, you will get dragged and it will be deserved.
  13. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lady Gaga   
    ...anyways artpop her best album
  14. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Aquemini in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    OMG I forgot Marina wrote a song about killing a dog with technicolour hair lol
  15. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    In no way is L&F a "solid pop album". The production is bad, the lyrics are trite, and it doesn't do anything.
  16. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Crimson and Clover in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Born to Die will forever be iconic. But since I've been sheltered in place for almost a month now and listening to albums non-stop, there's an obvious quality difference between BTD and NFR. NFR is supreme
  17. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lana Del Rey Gifs   
    i'm actually a bit surprised no one's mentioned this iconic gif yet.. 
  18. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Pre-Release Thread   
    Such an unexpected update!!! The album cover is BEAUTIFUL it has to be her best cover   And I love all the nuances you can hear in the background of the clip she shared
  19. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    How to disappear as well. I had problems getting into this song but now I really like this track. It's somehow such a dreamy track.
    And I had a weird "relationship" to the title track. At first, I liked this song but after a few weeks/months I didn't really like the song and now I start to like NFR again.  The TNBAR demo lyrics are superior but I get used to album version lyrics and can really enjoy this track now. Doin' Time isn't necessary for the album but it is nice to have this cute little bop before Love Song. Love Song is soft, beautiful and touching but I think because it is placed after DT it has more intensity..like you are dancing to DT and then Love Song starts and suddenly you find urself lying on the floor with tears in your eyes...
  20. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Life & Style: Lana Del Rey is ‘Taking Some Time to Focus on Music' following split from Sean Larkin   
    I do not doubt this is true whatsoever, but you do not need to be a legitimate insider to conclude that after a publicised breakup a prolific artist whose work has always largely entered around the men in  her life is working on new music about love and breakups and taking time for herself during a global pandemic where social distancing and self isolation is being practiced. 
  21. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    Took shrooms and listened again last night and now the album feels like it clicks.. the CD version of FIILY is suuuuuch a better approach. It’s like laying in a hammock in the breeze
  22. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in LDR7 / White Hot Forever - Pre-Pre-Release Thread - OUT SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2020   
    whoever stanned how to dissapear (album version) back in the day was ahead of their time
  23. Tristesse liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Coronavirus: COVID-19   
    Just to reiterate, coronavirus is probably not going to personally be a problem for anyone here, but you could be spreading it to other people who are much more vulnerable (ie the elderly). This video explains it really well if you're confused.

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