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  1. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by OverYourHead in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Are people still hating on this album? Pfft, Ha. Can’t relate. Have taste.
  2. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by fl0ridakil0s in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Why don't we move this discussion to one of the many threads about her going to churches? I know we don't have any news about the album, but I think we should leave this thread to comment only about LDR6 news
  3. SparkleJumpropeNoose liked a post in a topic by creditcardromancer in Will you ever stop stanning Lana?   
    never. the fact that songs from 2006 can leak and we still eat it up just goes to show how prolific and addicting her work is lol.
  4. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    100 dollars to a newbie that doesn't say "sHe dOesN't oWe uS AnYThinG"
  5. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I feel like the frustration regarding NFR is so misunderstood. We're annoyed because the album is FINISHED and just sitting around not because she's taking x amount of months to write/produce it.
  6. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she totally is part of the tapid liberal consensus that most American celebrities of her range share. They are liberal enough to blame Trump voters for being the underprivileged people falling for populism, not Liberal enough to bring real depth into their perspectives, or look toward places outside America or the Western world, let alone doing it in a way that wouldn't be blatantly neocolonial, giving millions to make them akin to the West but making sure people forget their donations account for 1% of their wealth, and that they support the worst corporations on a daily basis, when they're not advertizing for them. Liberal enough to 'tolerate' or include, to a certain extent, minorities in their content, but not Liberal enough to understand that they won't bring peace in Palestine. Liberal enough to leave aside antifeminist rhetoric, not Liberal enough to stop fueling institutions that are harming minorities, for instance Hillsong but that's only the visible type of ones. To say that climate change is real like 95% of people know but not to take any further action or stop flying private jets two hundred times a year. She's not the only one to do that and I don't think it would be reasonable to ask her to do otherwise, because she's just part of it all, but the media or people acting as if she was taking a stand in ANY WAY by alluding to her disliking for Trump need to stop.
    Plus her submissive position in her 2010 songs was not an interpretation. It was clearly there, not only in the voice, in the videos, in the overall attitude, it was in the words. It's striking when you discover new songs from that time, like Bad Boy. I'm not saying it's wrong though, it's a fact
  7. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    In a radio show she literally said VB is on NFR. And at the Apple event she said HTD was also on the album. Let's not start confusing people again.
  8. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    this. i'd like to point out 'PC' is a term largely used to undermine and invalidate people's care about others' justice and equality as if it's new, trendy and always disingenuous because it's "unnatural". there's nothing 'politically correct' about not being/not wanting to be a shit person 
  9. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    oh my god reading this thread feels like sucking on an exhaust pipe
  10. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    ........ I think we ALL sing
  11. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by cherriesinthespring in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    We really gonna hit 2k on a scrapped album huh
  12. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by poetic jess in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    You really wrote all this...... after you get a thorough answer that acknowledges all these points and explains perfectly why we’re frustrated a page or two back? I can’t even.
  13. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    don't pretend you don't know all-pervasive male domination characterizes our societies and can be found in the type of submissiveness she shows in her songs more than in others. Such submissiveness is not a human constant, it's part of the culture and more precisely part of that vintage subculture she used in 2010. And I'm not saying Live or Die isn't good but once again, it can't be used for debunking her submissiveness
    I'm not asking her to be a feminist militant in any way, I'm asking for her to be considered what she is, that is to say NOT an activist, nor somebody who's politically committed, and i'm not saying that not being such a person is wrong
  14. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by cherriesinthespring in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Can’t believe there’s people here who don’t know graham, aka rob, Lana’s dad. I hope he’s ok and I hope he writes the longest most nonsensical essay in lb history upon his return
  15. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Lets play Love on the moon gays
      :party: :party: :party:
  16. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    same, I can't picture myself listening to the album, either. It also feels so distant and non-existent to me now
  17. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    So. The singles are still considered to being part of the album rite ? 
  18. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i remember when we hit 1000 pages and everyone was thinking "haha how funny would it be if we hit 2000 pages that would be so funny" with us thinking there was absolutely no way lana would let it take that long
    well here we are almost at 2000 pages           
  19. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I was annoyed in March when we didn’t get anything but I thought whatever I’ll chill cause I know by June we’ll probably have the album already.
  20. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    yeah, i wouldn't agree she's an airhead as such. i'd just say she's a creative and politics is largely more about theory and not about idealism. i make NO excuses for her whatsoever cos i don't believe she doesn't have a general awareness she's just ignoring, however it's not uncommon for creatives to have this "everything is about love" "it will be ok" "let's all respect each other" "we'll find a way" viewpoint that's unhelpful and unnecessary imo 
    it's sort of like john lennon singing about no possessions whilst on a baby grand piano worth thousands of dollars
  21. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I can’t believe we have gotten to the point of consulting a YouTube psychic.
    I ain’t opposed tho....
  22. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by divebarsinger in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i'm by no means a skeptic, but i love how we've reached these levels     
    -gets out crystal ball-
  23. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Every time I see one of these “she doesn’t owe you anything” posts I’m tempted to be like sis if it bothers you why are you on this thread but then again, I don’t have time to address that cus I’m too busy being ungrateful & waiting for the music Lana OWES me personally
  24. creditcardromancer liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think she is highly intelligent as well as talented; her lyrics reflect both. I would never mistake her for anything but intelligent. But it depends how she applies it. She’s not necessarily overwhelmingly interested in politics or social causes. Like many artists and introverts, she’s probably fairly self-interested. She’s still young, still building her life.
    Joni Mitchell once wrote, “there’s a wide wide world of social causes and lovely landscapes to discover, but all I really want to do right now is find another lover.” I bet LDR feels that way sometimes too. We all want relief, relaxation, escape. And romance is the greatest escape of all.
  25. lili liked a post in a topic by creditcardromancer in Favourite Lana Lyrics   
    I know this is going to sound so stupid but I love her lyrics that are like "I'll be doing drugs, taking shots, making out in parking lots with every little boy I spot" even her trashy songs are amazing
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