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  1. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Um Chile Anyways So in Back Online!   
    And I thought it got closed because of that thread "have you ever shoplifted anything?" 
    Happy to see LB back online! 
  2. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Elle in Back Online!   
    Hi all, I’m so sorry for the site being offline for so long. A lot of it was just communication with my hosting provider, as they were really slow in getting back to me. Essentially, as we began getting an increase in traffic around Blue Banisters release, I moved us to a larger server, however it was more expensive and I usually auto-bill it monthly to the account that hosts our Adsense funds but at the beginning of the new year I had to pay some of the annual site fees and we didn’t make enough last month in Adsense to have some leftover for hosting and I didn’t realise so they temporarily suspended my account
    That being said, please consider whitelisting us if you use Adblock as 100% of the funds go back into hosting the site! We also offer a low-cost ad-free subscription & accept donations. (DM @admin if interested) I’ve also been planning to offer other subscription packages with other perks, but haven’t gotten everything set up for that yet skkk but I’ll work on it!
    i also just want to take this time to remind you all that even though this was just a billing issue, THIS COULD BE OUR FATE if illegal links to leaks of copyrighted content are shared on the site! So, if this downtime scared you a bit, just remember it the next time you think about sharing an illegal link. 
    Anyway, my apologies again! 
  3. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Her honeymoon account gained over 9k new followers during the 5 minutes it was open! She’s also changed the caption on that post now to just “🥀 “ x
  4. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Instagram Updates   
    exactly i want to see papa rick again  
    or papa dan ( but that's never going to happen ) 
  5. Ariel liked a post in a topic by details in Instagram Updates   
    ok but where's papa rick? that's the real question  if that prick jack can make a comeback, then daddy nowels' return is way overdue
  6. Ariel liked a post in a topic by peachlipgloss in Instagram Updates   
    i can't believe i missed it again im literally going to lose my mind oh  my god
  7. Ariel liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Well, it’s been 3 hours since Blue Banisters came out and I’ve listened to it twice, and all I have to say is…..wow. She really continues to outdo herself.
    This record is full of lyrical and sonic layers that I know I have yet to unravel — the songwriting is just phenomenal, you listen to it and almost run a visual play in your head of Lana’s life story. The lyrical density of this record has been a long time coming, and I’m so glad she went all the way for it. I see exactly what her vision was for this record and it’s really satisfying to see it fully-realized with older and newer songs that, together, work beautifully to paint a thoughtful self-portrait. 
    I’m completely floored and overwhelmed in the best way possible and will have more coherent, analytical thoughts after a few more listens. But all I know right now is that I’m so in love with this record and it’s absolutely one of her best 
  8. Ariel liked a post in a topic by woolridges in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Pitchfork on that sweet carolina verse:
    “It’s funny and real, a reminder that the people we love most aren’t just the ones to whom we dedicate our earnest love songs—they’re often the recipients of our dumbest jokes.“
    I actually really agree with this, one of my favorite verses, I think a lot of people are missing Lana’s sense of humor. and of all publications, PITCHFORK??? Gets it??? for once??
  9. Ariel liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I remember her saying about COCC that it needs one more defining song like Dealer to get it to the place it needs to be at and I feel like Dealer had that exact effect on BB. The song just makes the album as a whole so much more interesting & special imo.
  10. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Brooklynbaby in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    After having the album for a few hours I honestly think this is one of my favourites from her, it’s real and it does exactly what it’s supposed to it goes straight to the point. When I found out it was mostly piano driven I was a bit worried but yet again she’s done it again 
    That one line “Let me show you how sadness can turn into happiness
    I can turn blue into something” fully nearly brought me to tears last night because it’s exactly how I feel right now I’m the happiest I’ve ever been for a long while and I’ve finally found my people and this line really reminded me of that. 
  11. Ariel liked a post in a topic by cherryblossoms in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Just finished listening and it’s so beautiful seeing her settle down into a more quiet/domestic life and better yet, hearing how it manifests through the music.
    There’s a sort of meditative quality/gentleness to the album and it’s so raw, I love it.
    I can definitely see how I Can Fly and Fine China were considered for inclusion at one point given that they both have that sort of idyllic sound and lyricism that sort of lines up with the themes of family and self realization throughout the album.
    Makes me think Is This Happiness could probably fit there too given that it was written in the same sessions as the two above songs and is in the same vein of being a gentle, piano ballad.
    I actually love the samples Rick used in Is This Happiness with the sound of the birds chirping and that whirring sound and I love that some of the songs on the album have that same sort of ambient like feel.
    The strings in the album version of Thunder was especially a beautiful touch though I definitely think the demo leaves a stronger impression.
    All in all, I’m glad Lana always stays true to her creative vision and her songwriting and I’m at a point as a fan where I’m happy as long as she’s happy with the music she’s making.
    Like yeah, I could be nit picky about the technicalities and the production like I was with LFL but fuck it, I’m just gonna sit back and enjoy the music
  12. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Ocean Boulevard in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Yes it's Lana who wants that sound.  But I enjoy the piano on this album way more than on the two past albums if I'm being honest. The piano sounds so beautiful & interesting on this album!!
  13. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Well, but BB kinda proves that "stripped back" does not necessarily has to mean flat songs with the depth of a dinner plate. Compare the impact of tracks like Violets For Roses, Wildflower Wildfire or Arcadia to the emptyness of Not All Who Wander Are Lost, Wild At Heat or LMLYLAW.
  14. Ariel liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    No hate to Jack. But this is MILES ahead of COCC.
    The problem with Jack is not his production..its his equipment and the mixing is horrible ...??? The microphone is shit. It muffles Lana's vocals too much. It is like some angsty poor teen microphone 
  15. Ariel liked a post in a topic by May in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    the punches in question: 

  16. Ariel liked a post in a topic by MagicalTrancePotion in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I just remembered there's the Steven Colbert show tonight!!! I haven't slept in about 36 hours now and I'm still just so excited about everything. I honestly feel like I've had a lot of white powdery stuff from Lana's dealer. 
  17. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    So we're not going to acknowledge the excellence of the 1-2 punch that is Cherry Blossom -> Sweet Carolina to finish off the album, are we?
    Two of my favorites, ends the album on such a gorgeous high. 
  18. Ariel liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I love how classically-arranged this record is.
    Arcadia and Violets for Roses are so pastoral with their strings and choral soundscapes.
    The piano on Beautiful and Sweet Carolina is almost impressionistic and reminds me a lot of Debussy. 

    There is just so much I love about this album. I need to save my thoughts for some longer posts about the record’s narrative pieced together + the actual musicianship that accompanies that narrative! 

  19. Ariel liked a post in a topic by vrtvie in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I didn't even like Venice Bitch to begin with. It's not only piano, his electronic sound on NFR! was simply ugly. No offence to him, it's just certain artists don't necessarily match with certain producers. I do like his contribution to Masseduction, Melodrama, Daddy's Home etc. though. Also, Lana's voice is so so much better here. It feels like her again, previously it was if she was trapped someplace else, for real. When I listen to this album now, I might not be fully content with the instrumental sound, but her voice does remind me of Lust for Life or Paradise, finally; I missed her.
    I am yet after first listen but I quite enjoy this record. Also it's the first time I'm hearing Dealer. Such an interesting tune. 
  20. Ariel liked a post in a topic by DealerBitch in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Bestie what?? 😭😭😭😭
  21. Ariel liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    For the first time I just don't know where to rank this album since I like it so much. It's so easy to listen to. 
    Likewise, I love all the tracks except one. I did a ranker to see what tracks I liked the most and the results if anyone cares:
    Mike Dean . . . hyped up for no reason. Why did it take four people to write the worse song of the album.
  22. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Taco Truck x VB in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    hey guys, i’ve been lurking since cocc leaked (lmao) but i decided to join the day  the chaos begins after the release of blue banisters! glad to be part of the crazy family now!
  23. Ariel liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    so excited to see her on Colbert late show
  24. Ariel liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The black birds singing in the same key at the beginning of Black Bathing Suit 
  25. Ariel liked a post in a topic by FallingCherry in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Cannot wait to listen to the album with my mom. We have this tradition of listening to every LDR record together at least once, and I’m sure she’s going to like this one because she loves Lana’s lower register, and she uses it in quite a few songs   
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