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drowning mermaid

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  1. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
    Been trying to defend or bring about the conversation that more need to try and look out for each other regardless of sides. and while I do genuinely believe that it's really none of our business, and that the situation is sad. a simple, "I'm still processing, you have my support, be safe while acting" if even from her managers a direct quote, would do so well to quell and dissipate a lot, at least in the forum, and the people who in a way still do look up to her and her platform.

    she's not responsible for the entirety of it, she's still just a part of the complex happenings and the systems that play a part in our lives.

    And I'm not one for sacrificing the peace/safety of others to impose anything on their lives, bc we should do more for ourselves, ourselves (please be safe), but been trying to operate more from a place of understanding and love, but that simple statement would do so much. then some kind of blackout that's already been.

    she doesn't belong to us. and there are bigger things. but what happened to innocent until proven guilty. like granted we're trying to move on from this particular situation, bc bigger things, but just some damage control. and the truth in the situation is that it is sad. but regarding this, it's all we can really do. 

    can we tone down the swaying from whether or not its right to defend her, bc there's validity to both sides. and be more mindful of how some of our comments are/ can be construed towards each other? for all sides. 

    it's disheartening. 

    Before this post gets ignored or whatever, and we start echoing our comments towards others' faulted delivery, can we just deal w those w something single, and try to move on?
  2. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Girl what the fuck is you talking about
  3. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by irvnex in Instagram Updates   
    I'm really disappointed, I'm not gonna lie. I can't understand how there are people defending her, I've always defended her even when she hasn't been right or has said stupid things, but this is the first time I feel I can't defend her, it's like I see her differently now and  I don't like it. 
    She's white, rich, and she've already screwed up many times talking about politics and social topics because she never wants to get too much involved, but last week she had time to be talking about the same thing four days in a row, even tho I think people twisted her words, she talked in a victimizing like tone. She tried to make clear 453935 times that she's not racist, but now she's not capable of talking about such an important topic? I'm 99% sure she doesn't want to talk because she's afraid of being dragged again, but if you're not a racist, then post something and don't give a damn about what people says, bc the fact that she cares more about being criticized than giving voice to a topic like this just shows what i always thoght, that even she's a good person and she doesn't have bad intentions, she doesn't recognize her privilege and that's the main problem with her, she lives in her own bubble and doesn't care about anything that doesn't affect her. Plus, if you' been dating a tv cop that was even accused of being racist and now, after a week justifying yourself and stating non stop that you're not racist, you stay silent, you can't expect people to think that you care about BLM. As i said i don't think she's racist or have any bad intentions but that's not always enough, she has +16m followers, she could easily post a link and it would help, but i guess she's more worried about people dragging her again as if staying silent is not worst, and enough for people to trash her... a mess tbh, i really hope she speaks up and if she doesn't i'm not gonna stop supporting her because she means so much to me but i feel like i'm seeing a side of her that i don't like at all.
  4. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Like she literally changed the MAC lyrics in her last tour to "I'm fucked up, I know that, but JESUS" and then she devotes time to fighting a bunch of fans in a private IG convo because she's so offended that they wondered if she's having a midlife crisis? 
    K Lanz. 
    I'm not defending what they said, because she'd obviously just had enough, but the whole thing is so messy. 
    And yes, now that Chuck and Charlie have posted, the silence is deafening. The only acceptable reason for the silence I can come up with is that she really isn't in a good place right now and is somehow incapacitated and incapable of commenting (be it because she's had her phone taken away by a friend/family member, she's medicated, or fuck knows what)
  5. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Downtown Baby Doll in Instagram Updates   
    Meanwhile Lana’s friend Jen is posting stories on her IG complaining about the protests not being peaceful/making too much noise/being too close to her home/making her neighborhood smell like smoke and being in shock about the Grove shopping center being looted...
    “The company you keep...”
    I’m so disappointed in Lana fr.
  6. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    its only gonna sound disingenuous if it's disingenous.  btw, police in america originated as runaway slave patrol, protecting the "property" of rich white men. so yeah, every cop is racist.  if youre fine joining a gang that was created by and continually perpetuates white supremacy, you are racist.  periodt.  i hope Lana is genuine ab advocating for the rights of indigenous people, but for some reason i think she's just trying to make up for the racism in her Ride video.  no one has a "duty" to say anything, if we're operating on a completely nihilistic framework.  but i would say everyone has a moral duty to stand for life, justice, peace, equity, equality, accountability, truth, sovereignty, etc etc etc.  and there's no way to get to any of those things without addressing the centuries long racism problem in america.  the reason everyone and their mom is publicly stating something recognizing that black lives matter and that racism is alive and fucked up in the world today is bc we have a moral duty to give a fuck and do something about it.
    maybe if everyone stopped throwing all their "sins" on Jesus or society at large or whatever, and actually took accountability for themselves, we would be dealing with different problems.
  7. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by selly in Instagram Updates   
    people that are saying things such as "you're not a true fan if you criticize her / don't stand by her / agree with her"
    are clearly dumb. yes i can still lover her to death and stan her, yet i don't have to kiss her a*s. just to look loyal
    there's an account on twitter, of a fan, whose first language isn't english. and lana follows her. she keeps on criticizing lana in her first language. and she even said that she wants her to say something. then she says in english that all of those who don't stick by lana in these times are fake stans? you know why ? because she aimes for lana to see the post and think of her as the loyal fan!!! PEOPLE LIKE THIS EXIST. they should have a life. because seeing the recent events, and how she unfollowed so many insta account fans that were with her from the very begining. it shows that she really doesn't much care about people she doesn't really know personally ( and it's the right thing to do ). that's what we should all do. like her/ other artists, but not, let what they think be our principles because we don't know them personally
  8. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    yeaah strategizing social media posts to appear not racist is not the point.  posting opportunistically, which is what happens if you dont actually care and are jus following a trend, in this case being a dire need for white people to say where they actually stand and what they will do about it during intersecting major global crises heavily involving the impact of violent white supremacy, is not the same as actually advocating for ending white supremacy.  Lana has ample means to actually DO something, even just posting a fundraiser that people will actually donate to just bc she posted.  the fact she doesnt sucks.
  9. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    First of all her management is a joke. They never cared about or opinions, they never utilized criticism, they always made us look like fools. I'm sick of their acts. Second of all this isn't about her you get that? Lastly some of yall really should stop kissing their shoes.
  10. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Tulips in Instagram Updates   
    Wtf is wrong with y'all omg 
  11. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by sjatib in Instagram Updates   
    Sorry to say, man (or woman, don't know), but if you think that focusing on a matter that has been killing and excluding people for centuries (racism, which Lana, as any other one, can be accomplice of just by not explicitly manifesting against) makes this a "b*** forum", maybe you should look for other place to spend your time. For as long as I've been here, this isn't a celebrity/gossip place, but a platform on which world problematics are discussed frecuently, and I think that is the best thing that could be said about a forum centered on an artist and artists and art in general. 
  12. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    I'm just here for Lana's music, her personality ain't it
  13. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Instagram Updates   
    Lana's silence on this is so telling.  Particularly since she seemed very concerned people don't see her as a racist.  Maybe it is more important to not BE a racist than not be SEEN as a racist.  Lana's post didn't start a "race war."  The war has been raging, Lana's been ignoring it, and now it's spilled over into her personal tea.  This would be a great time for Lana to educate herself.
  14. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    He sounds unhinged lol
  15. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by godsmonster in Instagram Updates   
    yeah i changed my mind, lana you need to do SOMETHING
    no more looking for america type shit, you can't find beauty in this nation without first dealing and changing the horrible ugly ways it functions
    do something, post a link, an image, at the very least, acknowledge what is going on
  16. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    The thing is that it isn’t about HER, it’s about how she could use her platform to spread awareness about this topic. Also, she has the time to make a billion posts about singers and stuff like she did the other day but she can’t say shit about this? Is Ben her messenger pigeon? It’s so annoying because it’s not about the fact that she is a celebrity and we want her to make a post, it’s about the fact that she has 16.5M followers and could really use her platform if she’s as woke as she claims to be. 
    She could make a post one of these days though.
  17. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Instagram Updates   
    even if you’re worried about people twisting her words (which is an extremely minuscule thing to worry about considering what’s going on) she could simply post a link to the donations page or other resources. She has 20 million followers and is using that platform for nothing as of right now.
    Very eye opening few weeks here taking everything into account. Maybe she’ll do the right thing today who knows
  18. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    We been knew that she only talks about stuff that involves her
  19. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by alexandro in Instagram Updates   
    She really has the energy to trash these artists for whatever the fuck reason and extend her shit storm for three days, but is completely silent at this. I would have never thought this, but I think she’s lost me for good. She doesn’t represent the values I stand for.
  20. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by AKASAKA SAWAYAMA in Instagram Updates   
    they have no brains to understand this.
  21. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by AngelHeadedHipster in Instagram Updates   
    Silence in white people = suppressed shame
    Yall read Marina's tweet :
  22. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Fr there are huge Lana stan accounts now shading her (as they should tbh), like there's so many Lana stans who are poc and I feel like a lot of white stans forget that 
  23. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by drugsdesire in Instagram Updates   
    some of you care more about lana’s reputation than lana herself. please understand that this isn’t something where her words can be twisted again; IT’S THE MURDER OF AN INNOCENT BLACK MAN THAT WAS KILLED BY POLICE. it’s only right if she SPEAKS OUT, SAYS SOMETHING, POSTS A LINK, STANDS UP FOR PEOPLE’S RIGHTS, SHOW HER LOVE AND SUPPORT TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY. many of her fans have started turning their back on her and unstanning and that’s completely justified. it’s time for her to start recognizing her privilege and get herself out of her bubble. her not posting about BLM is speaking VOLUMES and everyone else who isn’t posting about it is saying a lot. this isn’t about her receiving backlash (she’s been there done that) it’s about having a VOICE for the people who struggle to get their voice out there. grow up and stop kissing her ass.
  24. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by bummersummer in Instagram Updates   
    i get your sentiment, but i'm afraid it's based on a fundamental misunderstand of what cops as an entire class are. they're the enforcers of state-sanctioned violence/oppression and their unchecked power is based on a collective and individual refusal to acknowledge their own wrongdoings. policemen who try to speak up are usually silenced one way or another and, much like the military, they're trained to show solidarity to their own above all else. it's what ACAB as an ideology stems from. i'd be surprised - and i mean VERY surprised - if he did speak up.
  25. drowning mermaid liked a post in a topic by Umaniac in Instagram Updates   
    Wow you guys are really on the wrong path. We're talking about the DEATH of a men. How selfish you and Lanz and ben could be to ignore that? She should post something. Also I'm tired of her, her management and her bands ignorance. Everytime we complain about something they find the mistake on us make us look stupid and rude. This happened with BLM now, tour cancelation last year, setlist issue 2 years ago and maybe more when I wasn't following LB. I don't think I'll be able to stan her anymore. Maybe listen to her songs but that's it. And this coming from someone who defended her for 4 years now. I'm tired and I can't do this anymore when she keeps making mistakes over mistakes.
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