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  1. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by violentest in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    I honestly feel sorry for everyone who don't get how great Mark is for Lana's videos. He was the perfect choice especially for SoC, the way he seems so cool but at the same time so vulnerable, his eyes and the way he looks at Lana with such admiration and sadness. I was very touched by him in this video.
    Mark honestly seems like a very nice guy in interviews and stuff. I'm sort of secretly hoping that Lana is or will be dating him in the future......
  2. violentest liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Instagram Updates   
    really girl? she's doing a bit too MUCH!
    honestly, am I the only one feeling that her "wokeness" is rather disingenuous? 
  3. violentest liked a post in a topic by darkness in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    How do we not manage to blame Christianity for the majority of terrorist attacks in the US? There's been double the terrorist attacks from right-winged Christian extremist and up until last night, more deaths from Christians. Why do we not hold their religion accountable?  Because religious and racial bigotry has programmed us to blame people people who don't look or think like us. Americans view the actions of white male Christian extremist as isolated instances over and over and over again, but expect the entire religion of Islam to be held accountable for the actions of a few. 
  4. violentest liked a post in a topic by ZeroZero in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Can we all just agree Isis doesn't speak for Muslims, the same way the KKK doesn't speak for Christians. Cause it's literally the same fucking thing. There's idiotic people who pick and choose parts of a religion and even twist it in ways it never was, and you've got to be really ignorant to think that one person speaks for the world. If Christians truly followed their religion they'd be cutting off their wives hands after cheating, stoning gays, and lots of other disgusting shit that's clearly in their roots. I may be an atheist, but I don't get a kick out of stereotyping people. Google a fucking group that's been around for thousands of years before you decide to slander it. What happened was fucking disgusting and I pray for all the families who lost innocent lives. Don't taint this mourning with the little info you've got from racist news sources ran by white men who want the world against Islam just so they could start wars in foreign countries to obtain oil and valuable resources. Yes Isis needs to be stopped, but don't think for a second that they speak for all Muslims. Don't forget American's past isn't too pretty, but then again they said "sorry" so we're supposed to just push 200+ years of slavery and sadism under the carpet. I agree guns do need to be gone completely from the states, for normal people AND police. To wrap this all up, can we all just get closer instead of pushing each other farther away?
  5. violentest liked a post in a topic by Waywent in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    this thread just keeps getting worse.
    it is the middle of Ramadan. During this time of year, Islam states that Muslim people aren't even allowed to use swear words, let alone commit murder. This did not happen because Islam said it should. This killer reportedly got angry when he saw two men kissing once, and that was enough for him to go into a safe haven for the LGBT community and open fire. the fact that he is muslim is going to be used against him throughout this whole case, but really this was an instance of personalized homophobia and the fact that he could easily gain access to an assault weapon is the problem. obviously his religion could have influenced his homophobia, as it does in christianity as well,  but it certainly did not drive him to terrorism.
  6. violentest liked a post in a topic by Brooklyn Baby in Lana Fragrance/Perfume   
    it would smell like roses with a mix of daddy sweat, cigarette smoke, money, and a hint of alcohol. the design would be a dark blue square bottle cause Lana is boring like that  
  7. violentest liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Lana and Francesco might be back together   
    He might be still waiting until Lana finishes her soft ice cream.
  8. violentest liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Del Rey at the Elle Style Awards   
    Ok so here's how it went for me - I'm still shaken asf I have no idea what even happened and I think I caught a planet sized cold - I ran my literal ass off to the tube (I'm so fucking glad I haven't been slacking on cardio cause holy shit I probably outran Usain Bolt), went there and there was nobody in the area so I got scared, then I saw tons of people waiting including paps and basically after that I waited like 2h, I saw Stella Mac Cartney, a LOT of ULTRA HOT people, Lucky Blue Smith who is like, 3m tall?, Charli XCX who left like a thief, some other famous people I don't know the name of, and most importantly I fucking saw Lana, when she got out it was ABSOLUTE CHAOS, literal ultraviolence, I ALMOST didn't met her but an old lady w white hair grabbed the fuck out of me and slammed me on the barricade and Lana saw my sweater and did an adorable dork face for 0.3s and then took pics with me and I look gross but whatever I'm so motherfucking happy. Didn't got UV vinyl signed but to this point I don't even give a fuck I mean??????????????? Seriously this morning I almost didn't got out of bed because I was depressed out of my balls and tonight I got pics with her? This is the best year ever for me and I'm literally leaking gratitude. Also she looked taller than the other time and so beautiful and Johnny and Ben were here and I SWEAR TO GOD when they got into the car I was the one Johnny was waving at laughing, I think it's because of my sweater, and Lana was waving too so bye I'm going to die, still considering going to the Brits tomorrow but I'm emotionally drained and most probably sick I'm so fucking happy
    My gross pics I'm sorry I look so bad kljflkjdfk
  9. violentest liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Barrie-James O'Neill Says Lana Broke Up With Him Via Interview   
    no offense but what are you taking about
    you have no idea what happened in their relationship, what is all this "not taking no for an answer" talk
  10. violentest liked a post in a topic by Harpunn in Barrie-James O'Neill Says Lana Broke Up With Him Via Interview   
    Not a fan of her cowardness to end a relationship that way. She could have just told Barrie about her decadent feelings about him to end it as is. 
  11. violentest liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Burnt Norton Video Coming!   
    I can't believe anyone is excited for this.
    After the disaster of Tropico, SOC getting no promo, the bootleg as shit video for UV, no video for HM, HBTBoring, and MTWBT having old ass footage that didn't even make sense with the black and white, all of your expectations should be surprisingly low lmao
    Honestly her homemade videos were 10x as exciting as most of her official video releases since BTD. Love her music, but the video game is severely lacking
    I don't blame Lana. Her management team is pretty laughable at this point. They have made some grave mistakes that kills pretty much all of the momentum of her releases (audio, video, interviews, tv appearances, shit even concerts and merchandise)and this has been happening since Born To Die.
  12. violentest liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in Lana Del Rey Covers Billboard (October 22, 2015)   
    ^ Yeah I think she knows Francesco is just a temporary affair. Barrie is her soulmate, but they have a "can't live with you, can't live without you" thing going on.
  13. violentest liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in Lana Del Rey Covers Billboard (October 22, 2015)   
    I think Francesco is delicious cock, and Barrie is her actual soulmate, so she misses him like amputated misses his estranged limb (The Blackest Day?), and Franny's cazzo cannot replace the dark arcadia with B. nor fulfill the abyss that gapes inside of her after that relationship ended, no matter how infected with tantalizing melancholy and agonizing personal demons it was.
    She would probably rather have some magic hybrid between both.
  14. violentest liked a post in a topic by James Dean in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    I want PWIC video
  15. violentest liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    literally laughing my ass off at that pornographic moan @ 3:30 (which explains the extra shaking from that point onward lmao)
  16. violentest liked a post in a topic by Nightmare Boy Online in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    Probably they are jamming studio recordings because Lana wasn't there. I can't find a purpose on rehearsing all those songs if they are not going to perform them. Also this tour is random too. It's not to promote Ultraviolence nor Honeymoon so she can't continue with the same songs all over again. And fans have been asking for those unreleased. 
    I really hope that setlist is true! Serial killer, Off to the Races and Brooklyn Baby omg!! 
    Too bad for us Europeans we will see these songs only on YouTube 
  17. violentest liked a post in a topic by drewby in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   
    the biggest fucking kii in the world would be if the entire setlist was unreleased material, no one but stans would know them
  18. violentest liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Performs Unreleased Songs at the Endless Summer Tour   

    And more

    First of all how dare they

    videos so far

    Shades of Cool

    Off To The Races

    You Can Be The Boss

    Us Against The World

    second serial killer snippet

    Apparent set list:

  19. violentest liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Kim Gordon Says Lana Del Rey Comments Stemmed From Feeling 'Protective' Of Frances Bean   
    It gets really obvious that she doesn't know the hell what she is talking about.
  20. violentest liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Lana's whole life nowadays amounts to she's either damned if she does, damned if she doesn't.
    It's pretty sad, to say the least. I get people are not into the nihilistic self-destruction elements of Lana's work, to each their own. But at the same time, I kinda detest to the whole "EVERYTHING SHE WRITES ABOUT IS ABOUT THIS" spiel because, well, just as much of her unreleased music says that's not the case. I just personally find it ironic that Lana's every critic's go-to for "We don't mind if anyone else does it, except her" schools of thought. Whether or not it's intentional, I don't know. I just feel like people tend to spot sensitive people who are in the limelight and take advantage of it.
    I could name probably more than a handful of artists and an even larger number of songs not from Lana that have romanticized self-destruction just as much, and the criticism barely exists. And if it does, it's like "Wow, they push the envelope but it's fantastic!" I think that fuels my sympathy for Lana a lot more than just because I love her. She doesn't catch a break for doing what many musicians have done/written about. Yes, I'll admit that Lana's interviews, particularly during the UV-era, were really controversial, but it's how she felt. The lot of these criticisms really just seem to revolve around invalidating her feelings and experiences as much as possible.
    I heard somewhere that sometimes we need to stop explaining ourselves so much because the people who love and care about us, don't need an explanation; and the people that don't love or care about us, don't want to hear one anyway. It kinda applies here; none of these people care enough about Lana to want an explanation anyway.
    I really have no other comment on this. I'm not even Lana and I'm offended by how debasing and brutal this statement is at its core. And that last bit was just absolutely appalling.
    I'm not even going to get into that mess of a contradiction in regards to the feminism statement. I'm just not even going to get into this at all. This was just sad; I try to avoid reading scathing bullshit like this because it makes me feel bad for the person it happens to, and I regret reading it in the first place. I'm really feeling for Lana more than I did when she got all that backlash around the BTD era. I just hope that Lana can brush this off if/when she finds out about it, because this is anything but a humane exhibition of compassion and concern. It's intentional vehemence.
  21. violentest liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Haha, so what she said was essentially "she does't even know what feminism is, she can't just do anything she wants as a woman! I will also tell another woman to kill themselves because they are troubled enough to have used/use drugs and have a mental illness (depression)". 
    Edit: Apparently, sleeping with who you want is UNFEMINIST! Kim should stop calling the kettle black.
    Edit: Her twitter is full of this Lana saga, she retweets people saying 'You go girl! I am SO buying this book now!'
    The motives are clear as day.
  22. violentest liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    How she gonna publish a book telling someone to kill themselves? Was she raised in a barn?

  23. violentest liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana + Kanye cover Billboard Magazine Alongside Lucian Grainge   
    kanye doesn't even smile like that when he's with his wife

  24. violentest liked a post in a topic by kik in Favorite Lana Boyfriend   
    Because you remain an alcoholic all your life in most cases. Sober or not. It's mental. Alcohol was like one of her first lovers, the ones you usually never forget.
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