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  1. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    forget about hip hop and country she's gonna serve experimental noise grindcore 
  2. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Icecream Icequeen in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I love Lana stans cause we seem to have good taste in music, but when some of you say things like wanting a country album and HBB being the best song ever, I lose faith in us. 
  3. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by therealmikedealer in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    this is why you shouldn't use Windows 95 anymore 
  4. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Not necessarily, because every artist means something different by 'surprise drop.' It's not as if there's a standard, that there's an accepted, established structured process or definition of what a 'surprise drop' is.
    And when has LDR ever stuck to anything that she's said? She's vague on purpose at almost all times. I don't consider it lying, though during the NFR rollout it got very unprofessional.  So right now we don't know what the hell to call what's going on.  
  5. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Lustrouslines in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Leave it to the newbie to be so blunt  you're absolutely right! #Teamcocctober for the win!
  6. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by DeluluKing in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    #TeamDelusional want the album on september (and they will get it )
    #TeamCocctober want the album on september too but they are trying to be smart and realistic.
  7. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    i think at this point team delusional is just team september
  8. clementines liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I love y’all on team delusional but I really don’t understand 
    she made a video announcing what she was doing, and what song it was for, and announced that we’d be hearing a song before anything happens 
    it’s safe to say the surprise drop has been dropped and she’s going to traditional ways 
  9. Lustrouslines liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I love y’all on team delusional but I really don’t understand 
    she made a video announcing what she was doing, and what song it was for, and announced that we’d be hearing a song before anything happens 
    it’s safe to say the surprise drop has been dropped and she’s going to traditional ways 
  10. crazyforme liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I love y’all on team delusional but I really don’t understand 
    she made a video announcing what she was doing, and what song it was for, and announced that we’d be hearing a song before anything happens 
    it’s safe to say the surprise drop has been dropped and she’s going to traditional ways 
  11. Idol Of Roses liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I love y’all on team delusional but I really don’t understand 
    she made a video announcing what she was doing, and what song it was for, and announced that we’d be hearing a song before anything happens 
    it’s safe to say the surprise drop has been dropped and she’s going to traditional ways 
  12. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    the worst scenario is september 5 comes, album doesnt drop, lana doesnt say anything and it turns into nfr type of release and cocc drops august 2021
  13. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    She could release a poetry book with all of the lies.  ‘Lies bend backwards over Lanaboards’
    ’I just changed another release date, I cackled maniacally..I don’t trust myself and nether do my fans’ 
  14. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    It's 11pm there, but the answer will be the same in an hour, and that answer will be "no"
  15. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    27 hours until we can add this to the lies thread

  16. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by The Greatest in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    If it comes on Friday it will be the least messy era I’ve experienced in my fandom 
  17. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by American Whore in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    i swear if we get the album on sept 4/5 everyone’s gonna say “this was the least messy era!” and if we don’t everyone’s gonna complain “ugh, the mess again!” lol
  18. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Forever one of her great songs imo. The bridge is INSANE. The combo of that guitar solo and Lana’s background singing is transcendental. 
    had to go listen to it 
  19. AFFA liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I hate to say it, but I’m bouncing off team delusional
    I think since she posted that video announcing everything, the ‘surprise’ part of the album was dropped, she didn’t say the 5th because it’s not coming the 5th. 
    If it’s going to he streaming only the 5th like so many of you claim, and you also say it takes a day max to upload an album, they wouldn’t be keeping hush hush about it because there’d be no risk 
    prove my wrong lana
  20. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    there really is no usual period. Sometimes it’s a matter of days, sometimes weeks, sometimes over a month
  21. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    i'm team realistic but no fucking way i'm speaking a november release into existence 
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