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About littleredpartydress

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  1. littleredpartydress

    I kinda like her new song
  2. Lowkey I have been expecting tour dates to get cancelled, so not surprised if this is true and they do
  3. Genuinely how do y’all have anything left to say in the jack v rick debate LMAO
  4. Lowkey was praying this was canned the meltdowns when this is boring AF
  5. The way Killah was an assault on my ear drums on first listen and now it’s kind of my fav gag song oh godga
  6. Ya perfect celebrity kinda her best song in like 10 years when you think about it
  7. I don’t remember saying this It grew on me like a rash unfortunately Like this is advanced it’s not shocking I didn’t get it on first listen…..
  8. Ok the killah performance was hilarious
  9. Finally some good news but ya retirement announcement and tour cancellations loading …
  10. Need to live in the universe where this album sounds like the singles, perfect celebrity and can’t stop the high
  11. Also killah genuinely worst song of all time anyone that released that shite should be sent to jail
  12. Love the singles and perfect celebrity the rest of the album is so middle of the road and bland. They sound like songs that would be used in cuts from scene to scene in a corny CW tv show. While none sound offensively bad, the worst for me is the writing. It’s so uninspired and devoid of any creativity (for the 3rd album running…) sure her old albums have bad songs, but at least they felt unique and creative. Just feels so phoned in at this point anyways super disappointing and mad I even allowed myself to get excited for this after abracadabra, as this is the album I fully expected to get until that song made me think she was coming with something fresh and exciting.
  13. The way I thought she was BACK after abracadabra this garbage..
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