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  1. Distantly liked a post in a topic by PatentLeatherDoOver in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Manifesting White Dress x Dealer x Money Power Glory x WFWF energy. Feral but also poetic 
  2. Distantly liked a post in a topic by boom like that in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    My BB merch came in last night 
    It fits really oversized though, i got a medium and i thought it was a extra large 
    I really like it its so cute, did expect it to be a lighter blue but its still really cute
  3. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional from all this 
  4. Frangipani liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional from all this 
  5. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional from all this 
  6. Distantly liked a post in a topic by yourbbmbaby in Instagram Updates   
    so heartbreaking, her grandma was such an important part of her life and an icon
    sending all the positive energy towards the grant family
  7. Distantly liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Instagram Updates   
    I'm so heartbroken for her. the pain she's facing rn  I lost my gramma a year ago and it was like a knife slicing my heart into pieces
    still is actually
  8. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Instagram Updates   
    If you eat vegetables in this country or buy literally anything in this world you are financially supporting slavery or wage theft in some way. Systemic problems require systemic solutions. Policing individuals is a bourgeoisie way to feel morally superior without actually doing anything about the issue. Also the stans of other artists who do way shiftier promos for really bad companies jumping in on this is….the hypocrisy is deafening. At the end of the day they’re just bullying a woman to get a kick out of their day. I’m sorry its occurring while she just lost her gramma who was extremely special to her
  9. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    I just need to say (cos some people seem to be going down that road in here) I am not a fan of "well, you do/use [harmful thing] so you have no right to call out [harmful thing]" because it's about lessening the impact, not eliminating. It's impossible to live without doing some things that aren't ideal. 
    I'm vegan and people just love being all, "oh well you're VEGAN and you don't eat animals but did you know [this thing] you use contains [thing]?" And it's like I try to use animal-free products (makeup, clothes, etc) but it isn't always possible. It's about making the best possible choices whilst still living your life.
    Anyway I agree that it's bullshit that people are coming for her. Certainly Lana should be aware of where her clothing is being sourced from but there's a time and a place to address that, and that time and place is not right after her nanna died in her IG comments.
  10. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Anthony in Instagram Updates   
    Oh no... 💔 😔
    My condolences to the Grant family.
    Sending all my love. 
  11. prettywhenimhigh liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional from all this 
  12. Distantly liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Instagram Updates   
    Aw. My thoughts are with the Grants. I hope everyone’s able to properly grieve and be with their loved ones during this time. ❤️
  13. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Instagram Updates   
    For what it's worth, sending warm vibes 🧡 hope the family's spending time together well 
  14. Distantly liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in Instagram Updates   
    She is probally very sad at this point... she posted alot about her grandma in her insta and talked alot about her too 
  15. Distantly liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Instagram Updates   
    I hope they all got to be together and say their goodbyes, I regret not saying goodbye to my grandma
  16. Distantly liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Instagram Updates   
    oh no... what happened to her gramma? 💔 I was rooting for her to get better since i heard what she said at Variety last week.
    Thoughts & prayers to her family. We love you Lana. #StayStrongLana 
  17. Distantly liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Instagram Updates   
    She just posted, losing a loved one is so sad
  18. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Post made by Lana on honeymoon. RIP Gramma  
  19. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional from all this 
  20. Elle liked a post in a topic by Distantly in Instagram Updates   
    Emotional from all this 
  21. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    On the day I was born, a butterfly flew by my father and landed on his arm while he was holding me. He always thought that the butterfly was his mother who passed a couple months before then saying hello, and then a final goodbye x
  22. Distantly liked a post in a topic by x VB in Instagram Updates   
    :c sending them love ❤️
  23. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Gravitate in Instagram Updates   
    Wow, I just opened this thread to see her grandma passed away and started bawling. It's so heartbreaking to see  Sending love to Lana and her family. Really hope everyone can be respectful in the comments, I'm worried seeing how some people came to honeymoon to talk about the dress. I hope Lana takes a break from everything and spends some time to grieve and surround herself with positive people in her life. We're all here for you Lana and we love you 
  24. Distantly liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Instagram Updates   
    I guess I can't listen to Gramma yet again today. This was always my jam. But now the lyric just hits so hard, I cant-
  25. Distantly liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Comment left on her father’s post. This is so heartbreaking  sending all my love to her & her family x

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