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Lemonade Tears

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  1. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by bluebonnie in Instagram Updates   
    she didn't start gaining mainstream respect until honeymoon, which is why the first line of that album... "We both know it's not fashionable to love me." also, high by the beach- "the truth is i never bought into your bullshit, when you would pay tribute to me" (God i hate that grammar) she's def talking about/to the media
  2. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Instagram Updates   
    I have seen singer Grace Carter (a woc) liking all her posts, Haley Bonar. Jack Antonoff, Zella Day 
    but yeah I wonder if people have talked to her personally 
  3. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Instagram Updates   
    Madonna and Billie Eilish as well.
  4. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Instagram Updates   
    I am so sure she is mostly talking about Kim Gordon.
    "The extract read: “Today we have someone like Lana Del Rey, who doesn’t even know what feminism is, who believes women can do whatever they want, which, in her world, tilts toward self-destruction, whether it’s sleeping with gross old men or getting gang raped by bikers. Equal pay and equal rights would be nice. Naturally, it’s just a persona. If she really truly believes it’s beautiful when young musicians go out on a hot flame of drugs and depression, why doesn’t she just off herself?”
  5. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Llamadelgay in Instagram Updates   
    I had no idea about any of this. That’s why I asked.
  6. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Instagram Updates   
    Anyone have the Ajayll screen shots?
  7. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Instagram Updates   
    I've been thinking a lot about the LDR-FKA twigs comparison...
    Back in 2014, Ultraviolence and LP1 were released. Two outstanding, brilliant, extremely emotional, intimate and sexual albums. Both were acclaimed, but we know which one got the absolute round of applause and who got trashed with sexist comments by a number of critics and co.
    LP1 literally kicks off with the line "I love another, and thus I hate myself", and no one said a thing. To make things worse, twigs stated: "That’s a sentence I think will always resonate with me, probably for the rest of my life." Not as direct and headline-worthy as "I wish I was dead already", but you get the point.
    Then, the masterpiece "Two Weeks" features this verse and chorus:
    "I know it hurts, you know I'd quench that thirst
    (I can treat you better than her) You say you're lonely, I say you'll think about it 'Cause you're the only one who resonates That chase, mouth open like high   Higher than a motherfucker, dreaming of you as my lover (Mouth open, you're high) Flying like a streamer thinking of new ways to do each other (Mouth open, you're high) Pull out the incisor, give me two weeks, you won't recognize her Mouth open, you're high"   "Sad Girl", anyone? "Shades of Cool"?   In the beautiful, experimental ballad "Hours", we're delighted with this phrase:   "Am I suited to fit All of your needs? Master of all of your needs"   If Lana sang this...   "I'm a sweet little love maker" and "So lonely trying to be yours", from "Pendulum"   "Now I yearn to follow you in everything I do All those years in isolation helped me want for you Lead me to a place I'm free from all the wrongs I do In return I'll live my life forever lovign you", from "Closer" (not only this is submission at its best, but also she's rhyming "I do" with "you" twice in the same verse, something Lana has been criticized for)   "Tell me why I act this way Tell me that I'll change someday I'll be the one that can satisfy you", from "Give Up"   "So I tell myself It's cool for me to wait for you Just for you I collect my thoughts and breathe Because I take your lead", from "Kicks"   Then in the next release, Melissa EP, she's singing "I'm your doll" while being abused as a blow up doll. The short film was acclaimed everywhere and even got some nominations. But Lana has a man with his fingers inside her mouth and it's a scandal; a video of Lana being raped in a Marilyn Manson video leaks and it's an anti-feminism statement.   Anyway, you guys get the point.   One of the reasons I have loved Lana for so long; I'm a very dominant guy, in every single way, and seeing someone being so, so open about her choice to be submissive, to be fragile, to be delicate, was amazing for me. I know quite a few guys and girls who are extremely submissive and fragile and have to pretend they're not or have to hide their kinks. Of course it makes people uncomfortable. And Lana stood for her art and her emotions.   I've been following twigs for so many years now, and it's obvious she has a delicate heart like Lana. I hope she doesn't take her comment in the wrong way.   Edit: With this post, I don't mean FKA twigs hasn't suffered in her career, not at all. As a black female artist, she got trashed for dating a white multimillionaire celebrity, and we can see the damage it caused her, mentally and emotionally, in Magdalene.
  8. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Araby in Instagram Updates   
    ....Neither of these articles are music criticism articles...they're literally unrelated to the content of Beyonce's music/her lyricism....& another reference to a far-right politician. Girl.....sleep well lmao
  9. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Instagram Updates   
    you guys are just beating a dead horse at this point
  10. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Araby in Instagram Updates   
    I've yet to see any music criticism directed at Beyonce that matches the level of misogyny present in articles about Lana (especially from 2012-2015). I'm not trying to discredit the shit she's taken because of race. I'm well aware the issues are intersectional. You posted a few articles, and... I've still yet to see any music criticism directed at Beyonce that matches the level of misogyny present in articles about Lana. 
    The Nicki Minaj thing I quoted alone is worse than anything I've seen directed at Beyonce for her gender. Come with better receipts girl.
  11. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Araby in Instagram Updates   
    I literally said myself Lana will never have to endure struggles about race. I also said that was a huge privilege. But to say that Beyonce— the music critics' darling of the 2010s— faces as much criticism rooted in misogyny is simply untrue. Lana sang about her real life experiences with domestic abuse and was basically told she was setting the feminist movement back to the 60s. That being said, Beyonce experiences other biased criticism, and vicious racism that Lana has never and will never have to deal with.
    Also as far as the twerking thing— of course that's rooted in misogyny. But twerking is literally celebrated nowadays; Beyonce and Megan are about to go #1 for a song chock full of sexual innuendo and empowerment, and multiple lines about twerking
    And the quality/reputability of the source absolutely has something to do with it. Think about how many more people click an article from a trusted source. These are outlets that are supposedly well-respected in the music community; of course their words carry more weight than Bill O'Reilly's.
  12. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Araby in Instagram Updates   
    Posting an article about a Bill O'reilly quote doesn't really say anything lmao. Lana spoke about MUSIC criticism. Of course an extreme-right-wing political FoxNews wacko would hate Beyonce. There were literally articles from highly reputable music websites saying that Lana should "kill herself already."But go off
    I don't really think it's comparable to a squabble about twerking. 
    Unlike your references, there are a few reputable news sources. And those are just two I pulled from a one-minute google search. It only gets worse from there. Her entire persona was ruthlessly attacked.
    Here's a quote from the third DIRECTLY COMPARING her to Nicki in a particularly disgusting way:
  13. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    i'd be a homophobe if frankie was my brother...
  14. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Araby in Instagram Updates   
    But the truth of it is that Beyonce doesn't face nearly as much criticism rooted in misogyny. At least not over the past decade. Race is another issue (and I remember all of the unfair shit Bey took online for speaking up about police brutality, or how people try to discredit Cardi as being both black and Latina) but you'd be hard-pressed to find articles about Beyonce that come CLOSE to the level of sexism present in pieces about Lana from 2011-2015. Lana will never be persecuted for her race— and that's a huge privilege— but she takes way more sexist shit for her self-expression than Beyonce or Camila or Doja. jmo.
    Again, it all stems back to how critics deem some female artist's work as "empowering" and others' as "regressive"
  15. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Instagram Updates   
    ariana's under fire now? what happened
  16. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Instagram Updates   
    You have zero clue why she changed her views at all and yet here you are with another book about how you wish Lana would take the red pill so she would be your 34 year old Lolita beauty queen again. BTD is still there, go and listen to that if you miss it so much.
  17. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Instagram Updates   
    It's almost as if people just like having drama and something to argue about.
  18. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by GreatTimes in Instagram Updates   
    O come on! Wouldnt you rather be allowed to hear someone’s true opinion (even if it’s provocative or stupid or makes no sense) than something designed to not offend? If she had people help her with her letter, it should be signed with their names too right? Nothing wrong with that, why should she take the credit if everyone loves it? If you’re more interested in her pr-teams opinions, why not go to them directly?  
    I see what you’re saying and I’m not *actually* that against PR-people, but I think not having PR-people is way cooler
    Edit: in a way it’s unnecessary drama, in another way I’ve actually seen pretty interesting discussions (like in this thread) and very different perspectives and maybe learned a thing or two....not saying it was worth it but you know...avoiding drama isn’t everything
  19. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Instagram Updates   
    Can you share? I didnt get to see what she said
  20. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by electra in Instagram Updates   
    i'm sure she's definitely been called a whore. what woman hasn't. there's probably something she's aware of that spawned that comment, whether it was a review or a statement or a comment or something someone said to her. i'm sure she wouldn't pull that out of nowhere.
    also i just looked this up, and this is kind of an awful takeaway from the ride music video:
    and a very good point to "she's a whore as part of her persona" as a literal headline.
    "he’s not so much a femme fatale as she is a self-conscious corporate whore who makes a killing with her slutty image in a slut-shaming world. She’s a gorgeous paradox!"
    what the fuck is that comment? jesus.
    there's probably more. every woman gets called a whore at some point.
  21. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by electra in Instagram Updates   
    i think that her bringing up twigs for for an entirely separate point lana was trying to make. twigs is not an example of what lana was saying in the first rant, but she's an example of the point that she made of lana being labelled a "whore".
    again as lana brings up more people, people think it's immediately an attack. it wasn't an attack. when twigs gets on a pole people call it art, because it's art. when lana gets on the pole, people call her a whore, because she's a whore? that's not correct. if nicki gets on the pole is she a whore? beyonce? sia? dua lipa? marina? rihanna? gaga?
    it goes back to lana's point she's describing extremely poorly - she is a "whore" because she is lana del rey. she is "depressed" because she is lana del rey. she is "dumb" because she is lana del rey. she is "anti-feminist" because she is lana del rey. she is this and that and the other.
    this never happens in the commentary for these other women. critics don't make stories about twigs to build a fake presumed persona and then use that as a weapon. critics don't make stories about beyonce to build a fake persumed person and then use that as a weapon. critics don't make stories about ariana to build a fake presumed person and then use that as a weapon in reviews to drag her down.
    "lana del rey" is a label to describe her as much as "beyonce" is a label to describe beyonce. i think that's the best comparison i can make. when something is compared to beyonce's name, its a compliment, but in reviews about lana's work when they use her own name to describe her work it's an insult because of these pre-conceived notions of her.
    the point is less about twigs not being art and more about lana being a "whore".
  22. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    But Lana didn't name Twigs as her opposite. She named the media's reactions to their art as opposite.
  23. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by FredRed in Instagram Updates   
    Yes! I became a fan barely post SNL. I had heard Video Games but was not as familiar as maybe some of you were back then. I didn't see that performance but read about it and the backlash. I listened to other songs got the album and became a fan. Obsessed almost. On a daily basis I would Google her name and it was astonishing the amount of articles that were written about her. Not just reviewers from music publications but scholarly types putting Lana in as the target of some cultural crossroads that needed to be examined in depth. I am not exaggerating when I say it was truly unbelievable the amount af attention she got for a person that released "1" album. I will never understand it and some day sociologists or someone will look back and unwind all the minutiae to make sense of it. BUT that was then!!! Lana to her credit, God Bless Her, didn't fold and become a one hit wonder or one hit blunder. With her own determination and our support she came through and has created an amazing and solid body of work. So, why now this whole outburst in the past few days. Easy for me to say let it go but she has lived it. Maybe the scars she got early on just won't heal. 
    I have to let go actually! Sorry for my outburst. (I will be releasing a poem shortly)
  24. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Mafiosa in Instagram Updates   
    idc if lana never thinks about ar*ana again. they come from different universes. 
    her whole career and aesthetic is founded upon looking and acting like a little girl. she's a recording artist - her abilities begin and end there. with the help of heavy vocal editing
  25. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Marius in Instagram Updates   
    Yes but idgaf. 
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