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genghis khan

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  1. WilshireBoulevard liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    not you villianizing lana as a helpless CHILD
  2. love deluxe liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    not you villianizing lana as a helpless CHILD
  3. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Instagram Updates   
    not you villianizing lana as a helpless CHILD
  4. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 
  5. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  6. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by Foxglove in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    all of this.  i think it's really myopic for her to literally say she's always right and knows everything then show a complete lack of perspective on even the issues she brings up.  i think it's wildly arrogant for her to bring up genetics and mental health but appear completely ignorant about how even current mental illness diagnoses are not based on scientific pathology at all and that claims that some mental illness is caused by "chemical imbalance" are untested, unproven, and ... yeah just not backed by science or evidence.  she knows everything and is always right, but can't understand how people took issue with her name dropping Black artists to criticize how she's been criticized?  thinking the new wave of feminism should center delicate, albeit famous and rich, white women?  it's like she has ideas about stuff but doesn't feel the need to actually look into it besides what her instinct tells her - like this:
    like we all don't have the ability to write stream of consciousness and have it turn out alright some times.......  this shit gets to me.  is it like, um, excuse me, she is channeling her glorious muse???? because sometimes it's just called inspiration and it just comes from your own brain.  i think creativity and artistry can totally be divine, and i believe in channeling tbh, i have even received poems that just come to me and i write them down, but at the end of the day it's like-- ok that's still you, the person, the artist, taking inspiration from whatever source and relaying it, editing it, etc.  if she's channeling her poems from some ethereal muse, why are they all 100% about her specific life? "took a ride off a billionaire's jet" etc etc.
    she's not really discussing the human condition, or the nature of the universe, or whatever deep shit she thinks she is.  she's talking about her own experiences, a very specific type of life, only available to a pretty white woman in America with money and the free time and lack of obligations required to ponder about love and not knowing your partner instead of like... how to make rent without getting incarcerated.
    that whole interview made me realize that @Vertimus was right about one thing (tho maybe just the one thing) -- Lana's air of mystery and intrigue went a looooong way for letting fans project what they wanted onto her and her artistry. and now that she's being open and voicing her opinions, it's clear that she's one of those people who thinks she's the deepest thing since the mariana trench when really her perspective barely scratches the surface of reality
  7. fvck liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 
  8. Moon River liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    on an unrelated note: as much as i can't stand the woke behaviour, to be human is such a powerful song i still feel like crying every time i get to the bridge 
  9. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  10. Cry by the beach liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    don't make fun of me for still listening to teen idle as if i'm still in middle school. but i've been going through a tough time lately and now i really can relate to the song. it makes me think about how much i wish i didn't have to be so bad. i wish i could still have my innocence, i wish i never grew older than the age of 4 and i could just be a baby forever so my parents would still love me  and protect me unconditionally. i know it was my choice to live like this, and it was my choice to do this to myself, but i wish i hadn't 
    feeling super super suicidal ~~~
  11. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 
  12. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  13. mkultraviolence liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  14. MargaretThatcher liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 
  15. ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  16. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i would loooove her to do a longer podcast interview, or even fresh air on npr or something (i sort of hate terry gross but still, just any longer audio interview would be cool, loved all the radio interviews for NFR)
  17. AKASAKA SAWAYAMA liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  18. rightofjupiter liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 
  19. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i wish she did more radio interview that are longer than like 6 minutes. Or went on podcasts or something. Not that i'm particularly a Joe Rogan fan but i saw his miley cyrus interview and i like how he really goes in depth in her feelings and experience 
  20. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    I don't even think she was being particularly egotistical here. What your mistaking for egotistical is just an annoying direction of conversation thanks to it being done by a fellow artist and friend instead of a journalist
  21. ModernBohemian liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    Yeah they're real and theres another thread somewhere on here of them. ugh i really hope this look shows up on the rest of cocc because this is probably her best look since Paradise 
  22. Macintosh Manhattan liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    i got so annoyed by the end of the interview  i nearly forgot all the new info on the album she gave us at the beginning
  23. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by ModernBohemian in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    Are these extra pictures real? I found them on Twitter
  24. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    jack annoys me to absolutely no end. like he reminds me of those people who sit in starbucks for 10 hours on their mac writing flavorless poetry and pretending they're the main character of an indie art haus film 
  25. genghis khan liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Lana interviewed by Jack Antonoff for Interview Magazine - September 2020   
    Plus i love that this leaked the old fashioned way. future nostalgia 
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