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Lavender Sunshine

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  1. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by daphnedinkley in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    a lana concert is always fun and of course the majority of attendees won't be going in knowing which songs to expect, but i honestly feel like part of what makes this setlist feel less impactful is how its ordered, it feels a bit random and doesn't flow quite as well and the peaks and valleys are just not where they should be, y'know? like if the setlist was the same but in this order, i feel like it would be a little better:  
    that being said.... man, this setlist is just not good. the 2023 setlist wasn't perfect but it was better than this, right? is it just me who thinks that?  not an actual complaint because i'm so so excited to be witnessing this setlist live later this year bc i love lana so it's gonna be amazing regardless! and i get to hear without you and doin time likeeeee that's a slay!! but idk... some minor quibbles / explanations as to why i have an issue w the current setlist:
    i can't help but feel like lana should be performing at least 20 songs. is that unreasonable? even if she shortened some songs so that she didn't get completely exhausted or whatever idk i just feel like 18 songs is not enough (and they're not even all full-length songs either) we need more ocean blvd songs im sorry i know we should stop expecting newer material bc we know how lana works but  playing only THREE ocean blvd songs (and two of them are shortened!!) is WILD, especially when she gave us a full live-band version of peppers before and it sounded amazing and was a breath of fresh air on the setlist - it should have a permanent spot! and not singing let the light in is craaaaazy given its success! candy necklace was a highlight for me when i saw it performed at hyde park last year, but i could've forgiven its removal from the setlist if there was another OB song added to replace it, but there's not! so why remove the song when it sounded soooo good and came from the most recent record!? just crazy. i'll take judah smith interlude live at this point if that's what it takes to get more OB content on the setlist idc as much as i complain about the same old songs on the setlist, no blue jeans feels criminal - yes it's been around for a while but it's a classic and a good sing-along moment summertime sadness def isn't my favourite or most anticipated song, but it's such a huge moment - it needs to come later in the setlist setlist doesn't flow well - jimmy jimmy cocoa puff is so out of place after the intense weight of HIADT, it's like sonic and emotional whiplash young & beautiful's jazz outro is cute but the song itself is not enough of a climax to be a strong closer i'm more than happy for lana to have plenty of ballads on the setlist because they sound beautiful and they're such a significant part of her discography, but... i'm so sorry call me basic and a fake fan but i can't help feeling like the show needs a shot of energy and a tempo change every now and then. these fun songs literally exist in lana's discography too, including on her most recent albums, that's the baffling thing - i wouldn't expect her to give us a setlist full of pussy poppers, but lana has plenty of these more upbeat (or even mid-to-up-tempo) songs, so why not play a couple more!? diet mountain dew was soooo fun last year, or there's always brooklyn baby / OTTR / burning desire / PEPPERS !!! / summer bummer / get free / taco truck x vb / black bathing suit / lolita / fuck it i love you / high by the beach / florida kilos.... ironically, i also feel like she could switch up her ballads a little bit too. it would be cool for the slot after ride to be kinda like a surprise each time, maybe rotating between arcadia / LMLYLAW  / old money / HIAB / american / cherry blossom / sweet / is this happiness or something a new medley would be cool just to give us the chance to hear some more songs, even if it was just a little of each song this is probs an unpopular opinion, but you know how everyone is bored of bartender? well... that's how i feel about pretty when you cry   
    anyway, just having a little rant - realistically i'll be screaming and crying regardless of the setlist 
  2. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    This is some of the most iconic shit (pun intended) I’ve read on this forum
  3. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by liveordieboy in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    The show was amazing, honestly. She was serving vocals now and then, and the atmosphere was kind of mystical: people were quiet + lightnings were popping up in the sky while there was no rain 
  4. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Shadowheart in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    i got fucking diarrhea and a panic attack in the middle of Ocean Blvd and I’ve never felt so humbled shitting in a festival toilet coffin while singing Ocean Blvd and Arcadia
    I also went to the medical tent for Video Games and there was this girl who was crying and it all felt so iconic and like a new core memory
    other that that, slay
  5. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by marcodelrey in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    Guys, I just came back home. Felt sick, felt tired but it was worth it 🥹
  6. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Lavender Sunshine in First Song You Think Of When You’re Tired?   
    For when I'm mentally/psychologically drained, I'll listen to Heroin by Lana or to this song - if I'm physically tired then any song will do cause I just drift right off lol
    IIII'm so tired, sheep are counting me
  7. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by yourlocalhobo in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    Okay I’m just on the bus back and need to leave this somewhere, this is my first Lana Concert and I’m still flashed. I was so nervous and afraid because people were saying the idays venue is shit unorganized and sound isn’t good there. I was fine with being far in squished the back somewhere  and just hardly seeing the screen.  And yes it was unorganized as hell, but omg the sound was so good, my friend and I actually had a really good spot on a hump somewhere in the middle and where standing a bit higher. The stage was so big  holy shhhh. 
    i immediately cried when she came on. Loooo. Vocals slayed. Outfits slayed. Behive slayed. 
    Considering the weird organization: during the grants there where people selling beer and water going around with a blinking light on their head and he stopped right in front of me which was really irritating and kinda disrespectful? But still, it was such a beautiful show, far better than I imagined, the vibe was amazing, she was amazing, I’m going to cry once I’m back in the hotel realizing the concert is just over. 
  8. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Embach in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    Who's gonna tell her that this comment did not age well 😭
  9. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    Guys SHE WAS PERFECT OMG 😭😭 literally her best vocals in years, she did an outfit change and was actually on time!! Everyone was requesting Salvatore but she didn’t sing it  she seemed so happy to be there tho and everyone was singing so loudly ❤️ I also said hi to Chuck!!
  10. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by venicebitch in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    outfit change https://www.instagram.com/p/C7ztWt7uY1L/
  11. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Elle in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    Update - yes it appears to be the same one as the change from Coachella W1! x
  12. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    I was too late to catch any livestreams but wow — without you sounds absolutely beautiful today. Her voice is shining. She sounds stunning. 
    As for the setlist/outfit, most people attending her concerts aren't super fans watching every single show, so it really won't seem very repetitive. And in my experience, when you're there it doesn't matter anyway whether you've heard it all before, because the high is just too good 
  13. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
  14. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    her big beehive looks so much better tonight for some reason I cannot explain! Absolutely a SERVE I am so obsessed with this hairstyle on her !!!!! LIKE WOWOW 
  15. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Grenadine quarantine in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    If she really doesn’t sing Salvatore it’s kinda ridiculous at this point
  16. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by ionut in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    everyone who attends tonight will win if she's doing the priscilla hair and sings salvatore
  17. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    I wish I could but there’s really bad internet here :(( I’ll post all the pics once it’s over tho ❤️
  18. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Milan, IT @ I-Days Milano - June 4th, 2024   
    Btw they said we’re in 67K here omg so proud of her 😭😭😭
  19. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    Oh we know things are serious when we do bring back that damn scribbled notebook as some sort of artifact 
  20. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by ComebacktoCalifornia in 10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th   
    In gonna lose it the Barrie James O'Neil soNH are imo her best songs
    It's the lipsters Rosetta stone
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