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About rightofjupiter

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  1. YESSSS BFL is the best and his photos w natasha are gorgeous, esp for this album (the bride, her most lana album imo)
  2. I am SO sad there’s no ATL date! Idk I wouldn’t count if any more dates, this seems like a super limited tour sadly
  3. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    wild one vs earthquakes
  4. honestly so jealous of ppl going to stagecoach, think it's gonna be a cool/special setlist
  5. best song she's released since ADIAML title track!
  6. LB keeping my hopes appropriately low thank u for the reality check
  7. Well pitchfork just listed it under the 5/21 date for most anticipated spring releases…giving me a tinge of hope that it IS coming?
  8. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    tulsa jesus freak vs i talk to jesus
  9. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    honeymoon vs a&w
  10. All this aside (cancelling last minute sucks SO bad I’d be gutted!!) I really wish I could attend this tour and that it was hitting more cities, esp in the US- the live videos from Paris are so great, love the setlist. Still in pain over missing the Magdalene tour too!
  11. and boy you're gonna die toniiiight
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