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Pretty Dull

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  1. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Vinyl Collectors/Enthusiasts   
    My most prized possession! 
  2. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by The Siren in Vinyl Collectors/Enthusiasts   
    whats with the bullet holes????
  3. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Hounds Of Love in Melanie Martinez   
    The irony...
  4. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by AllForYou in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    sunk cost fallacy
  5. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by CoochieSwirlC in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I didn’t expect to click on this thread to see entire college admission essays written about this lady 
    Why don’t we all finally accept that she doesn’t make good music anymore and move on to better things? There’s no reason y’all should care this much about her and the poor career choices she’s made lmaooo
  6. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by eyelovelefteye in Sky Ferreira   
    In hindsight I’m super irritated she wasted slots for 2 actual songs on NTMT B-Sides Part 1 with Everything’s Embarrassing & the awful remix! It was a fucking single & already released on “Ghost”.. b-side where? Justice for “I’m Not Alright” + “Pretty Dull”
  7. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by rollwithme in Sky Ferreira   
    Prayer circle for Pretty Dull to make it to the new set list and be confirmed for Masochism (until the album is reworked 10 more times before ever releasing in 2043)
  8. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by EXODUS in Sky Ferreira   
    lol at them mentioning Animal and As If! 
    Not even available on Spotify. 
    Not even an ounce of NTMT, Ghost not Masochism haha
  9. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in I've written a Lana Del Rey biography and am giving it away for free   
    "regularly expressed interest" ma'am she mentioned it once in an IG livestream
  10. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in I've written a Lana Del Rey biography and am giving it away for free   
    Where are the lizzy stans would somebody perhaps fact check this chapter @Surf Noir  @lizzyology  

    not "lyrics from Ride"
  11. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in I've written a Lana Del Rey biography and am giving it away for free   

    This is the entire chapter. No quotes no sources. The rest of the page is blank.
  12. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in I've written a Lana Del Rey biography and am giving it away for free   
    lanaboards user legotrip showing up to the new york times bestseller list for his factually incorrect lana del rey unauthorized biography 
  13. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in I've written a Lana Del Rey biography and am giving it away for free   
    "I didn't even have enough money to buy Cocoa Puffs. It's not like I crawled out from under the bridge and got surgery."
    Forever one of my favorite Lana quotes
  14. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by AtomicMess in Kim Petras   
    I think it's frustration and desperation, though desperation might not be the right word. Maybe desire? Determination?

    She's *so close* to a breakthrough. She's *so close* to setting some records. She's *so close* to moving into the center lane and off the shoulder in her career. She's been working at this for over a decade now, and just *now* we've had a spark hit with the 'Unholy' feature. I can understand the push to turn that into a fire.
    Now, *none* of us fans, stans, and h8rs know what's going through an artists mind - short of an explicit "Hi, I'm X, and this is EXACTLY what I think and why I think it" statement - but if I had to guess, I just think there's a level of tiredness, mixed with a desire to "make it", over everything she's done thus far. She's had how many cancelled projects now? She's had how many PR flubs and Twitter oopsies? (that seem to have come from frustration at criticism?) If it was me, I'd be putting myself on a lil autopilot here and there just to get by and keep grinding.

    She signed her career to someone who is subsequently a poison pill (Puke), and is constantly getting beat over the head for it. She's got those shame bells ringing all the time. She's got fans clamoring for music and leaks and snips and scraps of projects. She's got pressure there on both the supply side/demand side to handle. To veer into the political - she's a visible (if she wasn't before, she sure is now after 'Unholy') transwoman, with her story and her transition being very publicized and talked about from an early age. There's a lot of pressure and focus on that aspect of her - that minority stress isn't ever going to go away.

    Next part I'm putting behind a spoiler/TW just because it's a sensitive topic (physical appearance/body critiques)
    What mainstream, have hit the radio, in the public eye trans artists are there? None to come to *my* mind, save Petras. And when Queer artists do hit the mainstream, or get close to it, there's always this risk of them being a novelty factor, just a flash-in-the-pan moment in pop culture, where they're everywhere for a beat, and then it's diminishing returns and then a fade out to being the LGBTQ+ locals favorite. Nobody wants that life, I wouldn't think? But how do you avoid that? There's pressure there, too.

    Like I said - she's been at this for a decade. She's had how many cancelled projects and flopped rollouts during that time? She's signed to/with someone who historically (like it or not) has been a hitmaker, but the hits are...where? She's not getting any younger. There's a degree of stress on urgency there. There's a degree of stress unique to her by being an international (from Germany, remember) transwoman, on top of music industry stress as a baseline. Label wants this, label wants that, etc. etc.

    I can see were, reasonably, someone would start to wear thin from frustration from the industry, frustration from choices that were made, frustration from getting recognition (Unholy) and then it going nowhere, or not going anywhere as fast as anticipated or promised, and I can see where that would start to reflect back into our quality of work. And I say frustration specifically as a root note for all of it, because of her basically saying "w/e yolo listen to Problematique leaks I'm fucked and not allowed to release shit anyway". That sounds very "frustrated and giving in" to me.

    It's like - do you double down and commit to the grind, even if it means you have to sacrifice some parts of yourself, if there's a chance you come out ahead in the end? Or do you just throw up your hands and change course/level expectations and go a different route/approach? Not an easy decision when you have so many factors at play, and your work and public image is going to suffer no matter which route you take.

    Not trying to defend anything, or promote anything - just my thoughts on where the perceived quality drop could be coming from and what could be feeding into it.
  15. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by FkaTwinks in The X Trilogy   
    is that Halsey 
  16. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Met Gala 2023 - "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty"   
    This is still Lana's best Met Gala look

  17. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Met Gala 2023 - "Karl Lagerfeld: A Line Of Beauty"   
    he said that lana has too much fillers and a bunch of stuff like that, in the same interview he called adele fat
  18. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Deleted Member in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Breaking my silence simply to say, all you 16 year olds will never understand the impact of Lana’s artistry in early 2010s, before you were even in grade school. The only “problematic” thing about the Ride video and Lana’s early career in general is the headdress thing, but everything else, she was a nearly 30 year old woman perfectly capable of making her own decisions and she had a very strong vision for her art, which everyone absolutely ate up at the time. Obviously Lana still has insane impact, but it was different and a different kind of it 10+ years ago. She was just putting her truth into her music and visuals, while obviously slightly embellishing things in the name of creating an immersive world, just because something from over a decade ago makes you uncomfortable, that doesn’t mean any of your criticism of it is valid. Lana Del Rey wouldn’t be Lana Del Rey without the artist she was back then, and you sound exactly like what the gross journalists sounded like back then. The boomerfication of Gen Z and weird rise in purity culture is so real, no high school aged people should be speaking on how Lana approached her career before they could count to 100 unless they’ve made a conscious effort to understand her. If “grotesque” art from grown ass women bothers you then i don’t think Lana is the artist for you
  19. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by CocaColaCrystalMeth in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Well the album was played at a HMV store (as like regular store music not on speakers or anything) days or maybe even a week before the album release.. Someone had the smart idea to, what I presume was raising their phone or chilling under the speaker in the ceiling and recorded the entire time and then uploaded it.. The quality was impressively good.. So ya that's what I can Remeber.. Along with me crying in bed listening to it freaking out over how good Religion was 
  20. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by mlittle11 in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i still cant get over the fact that lana thought BTD would have a large straight male following when she put it out 
  21. Cum Sock liked a post in a topic by Pretty Dull in Rank Lana's Albums   
    1. Ultraviolence
    2. Honeymoon
    3. Ocean Blvd
    4. Norman Fucking Rockwell
    5. AKA
    6. Paradise
    7. Born To Die
    8. Chemtrails
    9. Lust For Life
    10. Blue Banisters
  22. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Omg just noticed that Lana liked my instagram post I made today of pics of me wearing the Zimmermann dress she wore to award Guillermo del Toro his star at the Walk of Fame
    I can't believe she saw it and liked it, I'm buzzing rn!! So happy x

  23. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in St. Colman Church in Cazadero, CA (Unknown Photographer) - March 22nd, 2022   
    On March 22nd, 2022 Lana was photographed at St. Colman Church in Cazadero (CA).  The photographer is unknown, however it is presumed to be either Chuck Grant or Jack Donoghue.

  24. Pretty Dull liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in New Official @OceanBlvd Instagram Account   
    @oceanblvd on instagram

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