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  1. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Any country that isn't vocally condemning attacks on REFUGEE CAMPS and HOSPITALS has blood on its hands right now
    This conflict is the equivalent of your neighbour's kid throwing a rock over your fence so you burn down their house with them inside
    This is not to diminish the plight of the hostages or those who died on October 7, but there is a distinct difference between Hamas and Palestinian civilians. The latter are being wiped from the face of the earth because of the actions of the former
    I just feel disgust rn 
  2. fishtails liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 
  3. RebeccaJuno liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 
  4. Disney Slut liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 
  5. Escapism liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 
  6. Nahime liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 
  7. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thread on how to purchase e sims so Palestinians can communicate. Less than the cost of one vinyl. Also info on where to donate for that if you can’t afford the full esim or whatever. Me personally, I think I’ll buy a prepaid visa and use that info to purchase the esim cause… I’m completely unfamiliar with that company and I’ve heard of people connected with pro Palestinian orgs and funds being doxxed or put on lists and you definitely don’t want that with your credit card involved. 
  8. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by drippingbeaches in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    IMPORTANT ok guys, i found an app called 5 Calls for usa residents  they have it for android and iphone please download it and fill out your zip code to find your STATE representatives, and click the "call for de-escalation and a ceasefire in israel and occupied Palestine" it gives you a script for you to call and let your voice be heard about demanding a ceasefire in Gaza. please, please let your voice be heard, this app is very easy to use and very helpful. YOUR VOICE MATTERS AND THE PPL OF PALESTINE NEED YOU.
  9. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    There is no massive malevolent "Jewish power" secretly pulling the strings in America. Stop with the antisemitic nonsense
  10. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Barry in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    It's crazy how this is all over religion which some guys just made up at one point hundreds of years ago and the whole point of it when they made it up was probably so that this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
  11. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Barry in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Earlier today Israel dropped 6 one ton bombs on housing in Jabalia Refugee camp, where 120,000 people live in an area about half the size of Central Park in New York. Killing probably 100+ people

  12. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Lana with WaHo Lana at a Halloween party in Los Angeles, CA - October 29th, 2023   
    right, this is the cowgirl skin she's been in since a while ago, she did not dress up  
  13. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Lana with WaHo Lana at a Halloween party in Los Angeles, CA - October 29th, 2023   
    just solved my own question, she is sandyganzer on instagram, shes an la makeup artist (followed by neil krug) and lana also took a picture of her in costume for her <3
  14. Embach liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Lana with WaHo Lana at a Halloween party in Los Angeles, CA - October 29th, 2023   
    just solved my own question, she is sandyganzer on instagram, shes an la makeup artist (followed by neil krug) and lana also took a picture of her in costume for her <3
  15. Embach liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Lana with WaHo Lana at a Halloween party in Los Angeles, CA - October 29th, 2023   
    ctfu i would’ve died. do we know that girls instagram or whatever the source was
  16. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by violettiaras in Lana with WaHo Lana at a Halloween party in Los Angeles, CA - October 29th, 2023   
    just solved my own question, she is sandyganzer on instagram, shes an la makeup artist (followed by neil krug) and lana also took a picture of her in costume for her <3
  17. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Get Drunk in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    For the same reason the US has had any war in the Middle East ever - influence and power over the region. 
  18. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Don’t listen to the Zionists. I’ve followed the illegal occupation of Israel for a decade. Not when it was all over the media and every social media platform. What is happening to Palestinians is unbearable, it makes me sick and I lose sleep. I have followed people who would posts updates that are now dead. Regardless of Israel’s belief to self defense, the number of civilian deaths outweighs the death of “terrorists”
    the constant bombing and slaughtering of civilians only radicalizes Hamas more. And will radicalize younger generations in Palestine for years to come. I will always stand with the oppressed. Do not get confused by propaganda. 
  19. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by LifeOnMars in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Oh yeah you’re right his name is on there. I was wondering who could have passed the letter along to her, since I can’t remember of another time when she has even gotten involved in something like this. 
  20. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    I'm with you on this. We can discuss the letter... but not the reason behind the exact same letter? Weird.
    Since I have no intention of going to another thread and starting the convo, I will tap out
  21. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Rivers in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Israel is holding 5,000 hostages (prisoners of war). Stole 50,000 acres of land by gunpoint weeks before Hamas invaded. Israel sniped children in the face that throw rocks and uses them for child labor in their stolen settlements. They are also trying to starve them to death. They also color code them, which has only been done in apartheid south Africa and Nazi Germany.  They just have to get their land back and peace will return. 
  22. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by details in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    the idea itself of this letter is so stupid i'm sorry  EVEN if they were on the right side (they're not) since when biden needs thank you letters? what a boomer thing to do  this man is paid LOADS of money to do his government job that's the biggest thanks he could get luv. i'm not even talking about lana specifically but everyone on that list… very out of touch celebrities pretending to care saying "look! i care!! i'm an activist!!! ain't i so good and woke?" mess 💀 ALSO, biden needs to worry about his own country. what about idk providing healthcare and higher education for ALL citizens? now that's something worth receiving a thank you letter for, not some overseas shenanigans he's inserting himself in.
  23. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Escapism in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    I think it’s more so to do with lana (and other celebs) expressing their opinions and views on it without being actually educated on the topic which can influence their audiences opinions on it as well. not necessarily their fault that people who follow them are inclined to not do their own research or take the words of a famous person on world issues and be influenced by them.. but like when you have a platform and you choose to connect yourself to a serious topic publicly you should at least know what’s going on 
  24. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Mer in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    Why would I care what any of those ppl (including Lana) have to say about the Israeli-Palestinian war? Can we stop looking to entertainers with barely any real degrees as experts on international relations? 
  25. violettiaras liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Lana signed an open letter to President Joe Biden, thanking him for his ‘leadership’ and calling for the release of all Hamas hostages.   
    ma'am can you stop with the antisemitic tropes about show business? it's really not helping your cause. There are multiple Jewish people on the second letter, and several gentiles on the first. You sound like David Duke when you and the gurl who said she'll definitely win a Grammy now. Just nasty ignorant repugnant rhetoric.
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