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Florida Dark

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  1. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Twitter Updates   
    ....Cute socks  
    ok in all seriousness, she looks so pretty in that selfie (and the one on instagram as well, as always), sending her love 
  2. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by wild caged animal in Twitter Updates   
    lana alone in a hotel room after an alleged break-up sharing feet pics. I love this vibe

  3. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    How about nothing at all? 
    If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything.
    It's one thing to say you don't like her outfit or something, sure, fine. But to start crticising her weight? Not on my forum.
    Body shaming will not be tolerated here, and that's final x
  4. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    if u don't like it, door's that way henny 
    also PC America? shit like that is offensive anywhere in the world, not just the States, cut the right-wing crap
  5. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    ... anyways i just hope this has nancy sinatra energy.... PLEASE give me summer wine 2.0, some velvet morning  nancy & lee = nikki & lana 
    i'll have country if it isn't the "more and more stripped down" thing that her and jack kept talking about, because "stripped down" country is slightly less appealing to me for lana. not bad at all in terms of music but in terms of lana i love the fullness of her work and being more stripped down just is less appealing to me! but still okay
  6. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    fyi commenting on a pop star's public appearance is not the same thing as calling "the weight and outfit" her worst look ever  that's unnecessary rude and hurtful to everyone even if lana will never see it herself. also btw freedom of speech is less "i can say what i want and nobody can get mad at me for it" and more that the government can't suppress your right to speak ex. restrictions in the press
  7. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Not a warning point on a fucking pop music forum being a freedom of speech violation fjckksks
  8. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by BluebirdXO in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Saying something negative about someone's weight is not freedom of speech, is bullying 
  9. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by ProstituteStares in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Thank you babe
    I take gabapentin medicine - just like Lana probably, as she mentioned about it in one of her poems - for my depression and struggle with weight is REAL. But right now my mental health is more important than these 10 kg more. 
  10. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    going by your set location u live in a country where being gay is punishable by death and women have to ask permission from a male guardian to marry. i feel like this ain't a good comparison??
  11. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Cause you are clearly worried about health here and not just trying REALLY hard to justify shaming people cause of their weight. 
    I'm sorry for all the people who had to go to school with you 
  12. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Aaaaah the old "but being fat is unhealthy!" excuse for bodyshaming and bullying. 
  13. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    you're acting like she's morbidly obese (and if she was, you still shouldn't comment on her size) just because she isn't stick thin doesn't mean she's "fat" or unhealthy, she could be totally healthy, and i gurantee you, you're not pointing out her size because you worry about her health, you're just doing it because you feel the need to insult her, you're not saying anything kind or helpful, so don't say anything at all
    and what's funny is that you insulting her for her size is way more harmful for young, impressionable people, lana being a certain size and literally just existing isn't going to harm someone's self-perception the same way body-shaming will
  14. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Are you a doctor? Who the hell are you to tell Lana she's fat? In the US, a lot of men are attracted to women with thick thighs or a big ass or big tits. A lot of men are also attracted to skinnier women too. There's always someone out there who's attracted to whatever size someone might be. Your sole opinion, which I don't think you're a doctor on Lanaboards, correct me if I'm wrong, but your opinion doesn't validate being rude. In the US, mental health is a big problem, especially with COVID, and along with those are eating disorders caused by people telling other people they're too fat or too skinny. If Lana was 600+ lbs, maybe we could worry about her health, but... she's not even remotely close to morbidly obese. And even then, it's none of our places to scream at her. If she were that overweight, she would know it, she would be able to tell, herself.
    It's nobody's place to be calling her too fat or too thin. Lana is in the public, yes, but saying those things are what causes a lot of people issues with their weight. Some people can't help it, they take medication that makes them gain weight and they can't lose it. Some people are genetically born to be bigger -- they just can't help it. I've always had a body image issue with my weight without anyone calling me fat, so imagine yourself having people tweet "fatty" or any other mean shit at you just because you might've gained 10 or 15 pounds? It's just... rude, public figure or not. And she didn't ask you for health advice -- so keep it to yourself.
    Also, want to point out, people who actually ARE fat, they know they're fat. Pointing it out and saying "Ugh, you're unhealthy and you're gonna die quicker than me hehe" doesn't make you any better than them. That's just plain toxic. You can have opinions, but sometimes you don't have to share those opinions. America is trying to move into a place where people of all shapes, colors, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, whatever are okay to be who they are and how they come. This is just... some weird gatekeeping thing. Not sure about your culture in your country, but people are starting to be open about who they are and trying to get to a place with being happy about who they are and how they look and that's such a healthy thing for people to do in general. If someone is happy being fat, let them live and be fat. If they're happy being skinny, let them live. There's no need to be rude.
    On another note-- Lana herself sings about stuff like this in Boarding School. "I'm a fan of the pro-ana nation - had to do drugs to stop the f-food cravings." If Lana is off of drugs and eating regularly, no one has a place to tell her anything about her weight. We don't know much about if she struggled in the past with eating disorders, but people making comments that she's overweight or anything even remotely close to it is disgusting. 
    And your "American doctors are prolly less concerned about weight" comment is quite insulting. Doctors in the US do worry about weight but not everything is about your weight. Fuck off.
  15. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    right if she's gonna do country it better be like...exceptionally good country. cause otherwise girl just go away. 
  16. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by lili in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I wish she also collaborated with someone with a deep male voice, like that of Nick Cave’s, or the late Leonard Cohen’s. It would really go well with the sweetness and femininity of her voice I think. 
  17. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Churchome Rep in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Having 2.5 albums of lush pop (BTD, HM, parts of LFL) but getting like 3 albums of folk/country is testing my limits ngl 
  18. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by ShadesOfFool in Instagram Updates   
    At the end of the day, nobody knows shit about shit and we are just people on the internet. 
  19. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by details in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    it's the "lana how i hate those guys" line for me, every time i hear it i remember that cursed electra heart drawing from tumblr and it makes me cringe immediately
    and also, the overall message of the song is um... questionable to say the least, but the production is great!
  20. colacoven liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    same i remember when they were gonna work on brooklyn baby together but he passed away :(. felt so bad and i thought she would cover his songs after that but hopefully she will this time round
  21. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i rlly like this is what makes us girls and i dont know why ppl hate it in the fandom so much  i wanna know why no-one likes this song
  22. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    in a weird way the overproduction of BTD is one of the things i love about it. like it's just SO much, it's insane and over the top and kitschy - if you'll let me use that word - and very 2012.

    some tracks on BTD are TOO overproduced though - lolita especially. some songs i really prefer demos of (lolita obviously, as well as diet mtn dew & without you) but the over the top-ness of BTD is just fun to me 
  23. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm not going to go all in on this one just yet. this is the same woman who told us we were getting a cover album on Christmas and a 25 unreleased track album so i'm still a bit skeptical. however, if it does happen, i actually don't think i would hate it even though i don't usually like country. i like breaking up slowly, so i'd be okay with an album of songs somewhat like that. 
  24. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Instagram Updates   
    i came to this forum to talk about what happened and all i see are posts about barrie being into farts LMFAO
  25. YourGirl666 liked a post in a topic by Florida Dark in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    the paradise yayo is just as good as aka yayo. the paradise ver gives me major blue velvet (the movie) vibes and the aka yayo makes me think of her sweet trailer days
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