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  1. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Yes yes yes yes. Cherry Blossom and Living Legend both play a significant role in interweaving the thematic and musical threads of this record   
  2. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    The year is 2091. Lana is already dead and the remaining fans will still cry about her not doing hip hop beats and Blue Jeans 2.0 from beyond the grave 
  3. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    chill sis, the album has only been out for 4 days, it's not always about whether or not the fandom loves it. Remember: this album is doing all of these numbers without receiving any proper promotion, no radio plays, no playlisting, no hype at all to begin with, the social media is the only place to promo the album and give it more hype but Lana chose to sign off & deactivated all the socials ONE MONTH before the release, think bigger.
    And one more important thing, billboard rules change like everysingle day, and sadly the first week physical sales does not even count.
    Try to understand the situation shall we?
  4. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Many users have stated time and time again that they wish Lana made songs like she used to. The user I was referring to reinforced that.
    I was lukewarm to Lana using old songs as well until I heard them in the project the way she intended us to. With all due respect but simply saying that she’s “lazy” or “unimaginative” because she’s readapting old songs (which leaks she had no autonomy over - what in and of itself doesn’t make it a RE-USE as you said) is just looking at this project through very strained and close minded goggles.
    I can’t imagine a previous project of hers being able to fit in Cherry Blossom and Living Legend within their narratives and concepts for instance. Both songs are so intricately tied to the themes of motherhood through very different meanings and perspectives - considering this is the very first project of hers in which she openly talks about her difficult relationship with her mother and the overall impact her family ties have had in her own perception of intimacy building and how the failures of her romantic relationships are intimately tied with her own upbringing, I’d say this is the first time CB and LL (for example) actually make any sense being included in a LDR album; CB is a lullaby to an imaginary child and LL is an homage to her surrogate mother… which then flows right into SC which itself is a direct reassurance towards her sister who’s about to become a mother herself: these three songs in succession being positioned at the back half of an album that gently delves into the toxicity and abandonment of her own strained relationship with her biological mother figure is a good enough reason for those songs to be included. It’s not just going to a vault and picking up whatever demos she thinks are cool enough to be released - there’s a distinct narrative purpose that is very new in her discography and it makes perfect sense that she would feel like those songs found a home in the vision she wants to share with the world.
    With that said, I don’t want to keep trying to explain whatever concept or narrative reside within this album. Either you get it/relate to it/appreciate it or you don’t and that’s fine. What I think it’s unfair is to try and extrapolate general conclusions about what’s a real fan or not based on individual responses and opinions towards Blue Banisters. I know you weren’t the one who started out this conversation but you intervened and here we are.
  5. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Fingertips in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Reading short stories written by Nabokov as I have the album playing in the background on this rainy day, with no care about chart positions or album sales in sight 
  6. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by May in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    (this is for Dealer)
    HUGE rise in the US it’s now 74 . although the work isn’t over yet, let’s try and aim for 1m+ daily global streams !
  7. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i know for some of y'all, Born to Die era is like her god-tier.
    It's true that Born to die was a cultural reset, it was a beautiful a d influential album that changed the whole pop music scene. But let's be honest here: that fact does not make Born to Die the best in Lana's catalogue, if ur a true fan, you'll know she is so much more than that and has a handful of real deal up on her sleeve. So it's understandable if you're a stan and you don't rank Born to die as her #1, even though it has nostalgia value since for most of us: Born to Die was what introduce us to Lana Del Rey.
    The truth is: Born to Die is no doubt a great album, but from Ultraviolence onward, I doubt that there's anything worse than  Born to Die. Born to Die isn't the worst album, It's just there's no album below Born to Die and y'all gotta accept that. The only way Lana goes is UP & always stay ABOVE.
  8. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Marius in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
  9. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Marius in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Here’a a comparison for anyone who’s interested.
  10. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Dealer update: yesterday it received 801,946 streams on Spotify 
  11. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    thats true! Although I suppose in a sense the way her albums have been released has shown this definite progression of her as an artist. Every album is different to / an evolution of the last, while still being reminiscent of it in some ways. But yeah after COCC & BB back to back I’m dying for some bops. I don’t think my heart can take another piano driven album directly after this
  12. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i hope so. even though i enjoy the new lana sound, i think people would appreciate it more if they were intercalated and not 3 albums with similar productions at the same time

    like if it was


    people would see their individualities much more
  13. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I think Lana may one day return to her original trip hop sound for a few songs or even a whole album, like Madonna has, because that's part of being free and doing what you feel like too. 'Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight' and 'Making Out' are, to me, classics of their kind. That they're just superficial pop songs makes no difference to me. 
    The problem with a lot of BTD, as I see it, was not that the production was off (though we know Lana said she didn't like some of it), but that some of the songs were very weak, almost filler. 
    I'm sure she could do a few songs or an album utilizing a contemporary, 2022-2023 version of that sound.
    I think there are touches of the BTD sound on 'Black Bathing Suit,' and 'Wild At Heart' from COCC sounded very like a BTD track to me. 
  14. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I have the weirdest feeling that her next main album after blue banisters is going to really go all in on stylish, evocative bops
    something in the vein of the trio, dealer, wildflower wildfire (outro), more summery surf vibes, trip hop, Mike Dean production….. 
    could be totally wrong but I feel like she’s coming back towards a more pop-centred album next time.
  15. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    This sounds really narrow-minded. Blue Banisters surely isn't what makes us the fans of her like today, but it's what keeps us stay and keeping up with her, love her more for sure.
    And you are actually thinking that Blue Banisters doesn't find its way to new fans for real? "Dealer" is currently trending on tiktok
  16. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    She's going to release a trippy hip-hop sultry folk upbeat disco cinematic surf rock bluegrass country jazzy pop EDM-house-PC-music 300-tracks album
  17. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by lover in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    so funny to me, that whenever lana or any artist gets a negative review / is left without a grammy nomination / etc., some fans are in their feelings, calling the reviewers uncultured and tasteless, or are even attacking them. or rambling about how every award show or reviewer or magazine is biased and pointless and rigged and Lana is better off without them or whatever... but still there are stans talking about how she or her album needs a better score and needs to make it to top ten, and when there are better reviews, nominations, awards or commerical success, the people again, start to act like the validation matters 
    for example: 
    no Grammy nomination for Lana: fucking tasteless old cunts it's all about popularity and sales these days Grammys don't even matter anymore who cares Lana doesn't need them
    a Grammy nomination for Lana: wow a nomination omg taste the Grammys acknowledged her she deserves the recognition she better win or else 
  18. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Glitter Boy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Okay so if you don't stan Blue Banisters and someone else does it doesn't mean they're not fans / super fans / stans / whatever you wanna call it. EVERYONE has different taste and it really shows in places like LanaBoards (duh). Enjoy the fucking music guys, I think Lana is really doing something to give her fans constant releases with QUALITY (don't dare telling me otherwise, she really has standouts in the two albums from this year regardless you like them as whole projects or not), unlike... many other singers who have *smashes* or *bops* in the radio / playlists right now.
    EDIT: True, it goes the other way around as well.
  19. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Taylor Secman in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    All of the songs that he listed are some of the brilliant songs that got us into loving Lana in the first place, none of the songs on Blue Banisters are what make us fans of her, anyone who’s listening to Blue Banisters was already a fan previously which of course is only because its a couple days old but highly doubt any new listeners who will be listening to Lana for the first time with Blue Banisters will be revisiting her discography

    the album is absolutely not cohesive, its a collection of songs and its very obvious with a couple of songs that they were recorded at very different times than the rest of the record
  20. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Haha. Glad you agree the reviews are ott.
    In my opinion, those who rate this album super high aren't really true fans. Because they would know that songs on this record are a far cry from tracks like Ride, Blue Jeans, West Coast, Young & Beautiful, Venice Bitch, White Dress etc. on almost every level.
    A few years down the line, no one will remember any of the tracks off it, the public will have ignored it in its entirety, and it will end up amongst her lowest ranked on Spotify and other streaming platforms, right alongside Honeymoon and Chemtrails.
  21. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Likely scenarios if Dealer becomes a hit.
    Cedric Gervais will remix Dealer and he wins a Grammy instead of Lana. Someone on YouTube will make a "Slowed and Reverb" version of it.  TikTokers will make a Cupcakke remix. (The lyrics will be "I don't wanna cum" instead)  Lana will ignore the song, not make it a single and never sing it live because she's quirky like that.
  22. ShadesOfViolence liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    i think the truth is that lana doesn't need to make every single song on an album a bop. when we think about a lot of the things she's said about herself being vulnerable and being soft, i think we should remember that these things will also reflect sonically. it will always be a mix of experimental, intriguing compositions along with her classic soft ballads. This combination of sounds is the formula for Lana Del Rey, it's a part of her.
    we can go on and on about how a piano ballad could be more and how it could sound better but that isn't the point of those songs. I think artistically there should be a balance, sort of like a cold beverage with your meal or a smoke break during a long shift, a palate cleanser if you will. 
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