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About Demonmic03

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    living legend xx

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    He / Him
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  1. Why was my messaged deleted
  2. no but what if Lana pulled all her old music pre nfr from streaming cause she simply "didn't connect with it anymore"
  3. Also, the difference it makes when the high pitch isn't there
  4. I'm afraid I was too hard on the song. still not her best by a long shot but... YEAH IM A BUTTERFLY YOU'VE JUST NEVER SEEN ME SPREAD MY WINGS YEAH IM ALREADY HIGH
  5. Demonmic03

    Taylor Swift

    At least we got the mirrorball performance so that must be a sign something is coming… right?
  6. Demonmic03

    Taylor Swift

    That’s what I’m hoping for ngl
  7. Demonmic03

    Taylor Swift

    Okay but... do you think we're getting anything?
  8. Demonmic03

    Taylor Swift

    And @X8vinylScratchX exclusive... New Romantics (Taylor's Version) (Ultimate Version) Enjoy xx
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