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the greatest bitch

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About the greatest bitch

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  1. I know we’re all going to bed tonight upset that we never got to hear Arcadia live at Fenway park
  2. Thank you beyonce for smacking the “country belle/nicki lane” cosplay right outta her. In all seriousness it seems like Lana is potentially in the process of developing a country/folksy sound that is deeper than whatever lasso can offer
  3. This is very accurate thank you It’s the perfect summer song
  4. June is just gonna be birthday shout-out month I fear
  5. Drinking Tim Hortons in the club is so lasso coded
  6. Hm I don’t think so. Cotcc seemed like a rushed work to get out fast following the critical acclaim of Norman. Since then, I think she’s had time to kinda find/develop her country sound (I hope).
  7. ooof another collection of sweets does sound painful
  8. Now breaking up slowly is an acquired taste but there are definitely many unrecognized 'bops' on cotcc and bb
  9. Feeling less alone knowing there are others who bop to Tulsa Jesus freak and black bathing suit
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