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box of broken laces

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  1. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Nicolas377 in unleaked instrumentals in a good quality (AI)   
    I'm bored and have nothing to do so I'm going to upload these instrumentals that i made and consider listenable. They are not 100% clean
    There are others but I need to finish them 
    WTWWAWWKD: https://krakenfiles.com/view/j7McvTBPEl/file.html
    IS THIS HAPPINESS: https://krakenfiles.com/view/zQ0TppUAmI/file.html
    TROPICO: https://krakenfiles.com/view/OyeThQv39T/file.html
    SHE'S NOT ME: https://krakenfiles.com/view/jQyoCrgn6U/file.html
    WW: https://krakenfiles.com/view/P7sGpZwh9E/file.html (this one has bv)
    BB: https://krakenfiles.com/view/RJzFxut7Sj/file.html 
    JEALOUS GIRL: https://krakenfiles.com/view/XvQdreeoWA/file.html 
    added later
  2. viktoria liked a post in a topic by box of broken laces in Beyoncé   
    she deserved that aoty. there's so much hard work, love and pain in that album. the attention to detail is incredible. 
  3. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by details in Beyoncé   
    so she's gonna do that for every album now? release, disappear, "magically" become active during grammys weekend, go on tour and disappear again? i hate your wicked ways giselle 
  4. Brood X liked a post in a topic by box of broken laces in Ethel Cain   
    i'm just curious have any of yall watched the august underground movies? i haven't and don't plan on it, but it just made me think if anyone else has
  5. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by cainforever in Ethel Cain   
    it actually pains me that she went this whole tour performing dust bowl live and we're gonna have to wait so long for the official release

    tha day dust bowl comes out i will explode
  6. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I searched everywhere from Google for recent news articles about Neil but there were none, only stan Twitter accounts and an ATRL thread. I checked the comments from that Facebook post and there were comments saying that "his family confirmed on Sunday morning he's dead" but there's no source of it whatsoever and there were also many comments that allegedly the person who started "the news" about his death on Twitter said that was a prank. So...what's the truth? I hope for God's sake he's not dead.
    EDIT: yes, I found out that it was apparently a prank, there was a small discussion about that on status updates that it was a Twitter troll  those Twitter trolls need to get a job asap
  7. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Brooklyn Fetus in Instagram Updates   
    right they must be feeling so judged rn plz people from the lanaboards site go support them on insta say something nice to them since lana seems to cant do that to the people that pay her bills
  8. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Instagram Updates   
    There is literally video evidence of people cheering idk why she’s so hell bent on this. That poor fan I can’t believe she blocked them over something so random and harmless.
  9. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    Even if no one cheered, I don't understand why she would care. She's Lana Del Rey. Who cares how people react to an announcement, just carry on unbothered with your next masterpiece on the horizon!
  10. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Waimea Bay in Instagram Updates   
    A total meltdown is on the horizon
  11. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Bitch… you know when she starts blocking fan accounts a “statement” is brewing. I.
  12. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    The mask has plastic inside!
  13. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in Lana Del Rey Resources, Tutorials & More!   
    idk if you're still active but it's Clarendon No 1 Std Bold Expanded, the R is custom and so is the 3 dots above the E
  14. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    Emily is right and she should say it
  15. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Coloringbooks in Instagram Updates   
    She was kind of gagged
  16. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in Instagram Updates   
    I don’t know what I want her to address more. How she’s getting along with someone’s who’s views are opposite her own (or if she changed hers) or if she knows and is totally fine with him liking other women’s sexy half naked dance videos lol 
  17. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in Instagram Updates   
    The comment right below hers I- 

    But kinda wonder if she will respond to this 
  18. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by Waimea Bay in Lana Performs a Private Show on Necker Island (22.2)   
    Ijbol I found blue jeans and a new clip of ride. On a p*rn website of all places
    Why...why...I went all the way to the third page of Google
    Do it for the megafolder ig
  19. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by americangothic in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    This whole thing feels surreal, like a fever dream. I still need some time to have a perspective, as a fan. Trying to find a middle ground between 'The thing I want the most for her is happiness, she deserves it' and 'I don't like the idea of her finding her happiness next to a guy with such beliefs'.
    I just hope critics/news don't start bringing up his Trump posts or all of her "Lasso" reviews will bring up: "Del Rey, recently married to a Republican anti-Kamala transphobic alligator tour guide". It'll be "Chemtrails" all over again...
    Do we know if Patricia was invited? lol
  20. box of broken laces liked a post in a topic by star Iux in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    it’s very poetic for lana to leave the trailer park life only to return after she realized the fame and fortune wasn’t worth it
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