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  1. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    someone said imagine if blue banisters was just the example text for the font and she left it on there 
  2. Nobody liked a post in a topic by White Dress in Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    The bar is literally at the Earth’s core 
  3. Nobody liked a post in a topic by CyberCherry in Instagram Updates   
    Researching what banister means 

  4. Hallo Heaven liked a post in a topic by Nobody in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    this thread 
  5. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Yosemite in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Has this been discussed here?
    Chemtrails' MV got nominated for this year's Berlin Music Video Awards
  6. honeybadger liked a post in a topic by Nobody in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    this thread 
  7. Nobody liked a post in a topic by past the bushes in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    a gold mine for No Context Lanaboards 
  8. past the bushes liked a post in a topic by Nobody in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    this thread 
  9. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    I just wanted to note on this since the thread took a weird turn especially after the budget conversation (and this is not directed at you, but towards the people speculating budgets. Your post is just a reason for me to explain this further, but this is not geared towards you.)
    I shared my site budgeting after someone asked because they thought it would be helpful to them to make a decision. 
    What I had a problem with was then other people speculating my personal budget. I found that really inappropriate. My personal budgeting shouldn't be brought into a conversation about LanaBoards, even if I am the one who pays for it.
    Just wanted to explain a bit further why I was upset over that. & again this response is not directed to the user I'm quoting, but just a general thought I thought I should share since the topic of budgets has been discussed for a bit x
  10. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    This is frustrating for me because I feel I, myself, am being quite open and receptive to what everyone is saying. May not be the case for everyone here, but I do feel that I am being fair here.
    I am encouraging this conversation - though I wish it was a bit less dramatic.
    Yes, I got upset about someone bringing up my personal expenses/debt, but I feel it was reasonable for me to find that inappropriate, and even then I tried to respond respectfully.
    I'm not being rude to those who don't want ads.
    My responses are meant to clarify things that I sense some confusion on.
    I sincerely apologise if my responses are coming off in any other sort of way. I just felt it would be beneficial to answer things that seemed unclear rather than to remain silent.
    Again the whole point of me opening the floor rather than choosing to make a decision without consulting you all first was to gather opinions and discuss any questions.
    It's just taken a weird turn.
    But again, as I've said in my last message, all the dramatics are simply not worth it, so I likely will not be keeping the ads once the experiment concludes despite it being a good opportunity for the site. Above anything, the thoughts of the members here are what I value the most in these processes x
  11. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    this is just so insane like it’s just an ad. just click off. and where did this idea of favoritism come into this thread cuz it literally had nothing to do with the current conversation djjdhdhsj. some of you are grown adults and btw you are on a LANA DEL REY FAN SITE. it’s not that serious
  12. Nobody liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    Regarding people being upset about differences of opinions: I think it’s one thing to say you don’t prefer ads and another thing to speculate on someone’s finances (which is nobody’s business) and to make very unfair judgements on someone you don’t even know.
  13. Nobody liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    this thread.... 
    elle isn't jeff bezos she isn't a billionare sucking money from the masses just to add insignificant wealth to her insane net worth...
    it's also kinda (really) rude to speculate on her finances. have you ever thought maybe she doesn't want to have to significantly change her way of living in order to fund a website covered in scat porn 3 out of 7 days of the week
  14. Nobody liked a post in a topic by Elle in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    I'm sorry, again I'm really really really trying my hardest to keep my composure here and not come off in any sort of way, but it was extremely inappropriate of you to speculate my expenses, which by the way, have been made up of things I've bought over the past 9 years. Just because in the past I was able to comfortably buy some things does not mean it has always been that way, or is still that way. Also, a cumulation of things bought over the span of 9 years isn't really a concrete display of my current state - especially given the times we're in. I'm a human, I have debt. Aside of LanaBoards related things that people may request to know, are my personal debts/expenses really anyone's business? No. So, respectfully, please do not speculate on them.
    Furthermore, I opened the floor on this matter to gather opinions rather than making a decision without consulting you all first (which I totally could have done by the way and would have had every right to, but I did not feel comfortable doing so.) This wasn't me being desperate for cash or begging for donations, this was me recognising a good opportunity for the site so I wouldn't have to pay as much out of pocket for the site. But I wanted opinions from those who make the community what it is.
    I'm not rich. Far from it. & while I willingly pay for this site and will continue to do so no matter what, I just wanted to gather opinions on the possibility of generating more revenue to go into the site - not to profit from.
    I believe there was a more respectful way to share your opinion against the vignette ads. If you have any further thoughts that are related to my personal matters, you are free to DM me to discuss further. I also apologise for being so candid here, I tried to bite my tongue on this, but I just really felt this was very inappropriate given what this is all about x
  15. Nobody liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in OPINIONS NEEDED: Advertisements   
    Dude. That is such a shallow way to look at it. Speculating on people’s expenses and throwing their debt in their face is a really cruel thing to do when you don't know the full story. The example you have highlighted (even if accurate or correct) is a split cost across almost a decade, in addition to the start up cost of Lanaboards. That would be like you saying "Well you've spent $6k on food per year so why can't you make a regular $100 donation to whatever per month" when the ongoing cost of hosting still exists?? 
    :\ I really like you, but it seems pretty clear that you and the Discord baddies hate how things are here. You can start your own forum
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