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Crimson and Clover

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About Crimson and Clover

  • Rank
    #1 Venice Bitch Stan
  • Birthday 12/11/1998

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    san francisco
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  1. I remember thinking the Brooklyn Baby snippet sounded so messy I really did not think it was going to be good
  2. I remember being confused and disappointed with West Coast when it came out Tbf I was literally 14 lol and I simply had no idea what dream pop was but I’m thankful for that whole era ppening me up to new genres and ways of thinking about music.
  3. Having the same opening and closing songs span multiple tours in the past but Venice Bitch closing only the NFR tour and then completely taking it off the setlist after MITA
  4. Stan accounts starting to announce fake delays for TRPWS as opposed to the typical fake album covers and tracklists/“insider info” teases is fucking sending me. That’s how you know it’s bad
  5. That shot of her looking disappointed af at the Super Bowl
  6. If you weren’t mine I’d be jealous of your love also I’ll give it back when I get there like what is she talking about lol
  7. I totally forgot Lasso was a thing and just remembered how happy I am she changed that title
  8. They not like us well deserved again. Kendrick has been snubbed for too long
  9. She’s back after like a decade I’m gagged
  10. Bruh I thought it was AHS promo at first
  11. Bruno’s fine af as ever but I can’t get over the fact that I’m taller than him
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