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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by technicolor in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Yeah, I think they had a fling or something, if anything at all, or perhaps she was inspired to write a song referencing him when she finally met him after being a fan for so long. I also completely forgot to mention Axl had issues with domestic abuse and used to hit his wife - violentest kind of love.
  2. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by technicolor in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Hey everyone, this may have been mentioned already, sorry if it was. Just some coincidences I though't I'd mention.
    There are many references to Axl Rose in Bel air: The "Roses, Bel air" part of course directly references the name,
    he even drives a Chevy Bel air and as we know, Lana has a thing for cars. She's also liked Axl since she was at least a teenager, evident in that Gramma video. Also, the "lead me to war with your brilliant direction" line, Axl's stage name is William Axl Rose, and he used to sign his name as WAR. Plus the whole iconic sould, sweet child o' mine.
    As for Cola, at first I thought it might be about Bradley S. with the whole wife thing, but considering she says Harvey's in the sky with diamonds I'm thinking it might be about Harvey Weinstein. Apparently he sleeps around despite being married and his wife tends to look the other way.
  3. technicolor liked a post in a topic by living legend in Indio, CA @ Coachella: Weekend 2 - April 19th, 2024   
    she fucking ate candy necklace and doin’ time. both standouts for me tonight. blake also needs his dick sucked for the performance he gave tonight. jon as well. their chemistry together is 
  4. blackenedrussianpoetry liked a post in a topic by technicolor in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    Hey everyone, this may have been mentioned already, sorry if it was. Just some coincidences I though't I'd mention.
    There are many references to Axl Rose in Bel air: The "Roses, Bel air" part of course directly references the name,
    he even drives a Chevy Bel air and as we know, Lana has a thing for cars. She's also liked Axl since she was at least a teenager, evident in that Gramma video. Also, the "lead me to war with your brilliant direction" line, Axl's stage name is William Axl Rose, and he used to sign his name as WAR. Plus the whole iconic sould, sweet child o' mine.
    As for Cola, at first I thought it might be about Bradley S. with the whole wife thing, but considering she says Harvey's in the sky with diamonds I'm thinking it might be about Harvey Weinstein. Apparently he sleeps around despite being married and his wife tends to look the other way.
  5. Seaside Motel liked a post in a topic by technicolor in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    Old thread, but this is my absolute favourite. I don't really know where it's from.
    "People say your imagination is your greatest tool to success, and I think it's because things manifest in reality from the visions you have in your mind's eye. And so the most important thing is to really have a rich internal world, and live there, because reality will never meet your expectations."
  6. technicolor liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Melancholia   
    Pot will do?!?

  7. Elina liked a post in a topic by technicolor in Memorable Lana Del Rey Quotes   
    Old thread, but this is my absolute favourite. I don't really know where it's from.
    "People say your imagination is your greatest tool to success, and I think it's because things manifest in reality from the visions you have in your mind's eye. And so the most important thing is to really have a rich internal world, and live there, because reality will never meet your expectations."
  8. Wait For Life liked a post in a topic by technicolor in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    I'm also puzzled why people are being so lenient to this because I would not stand for it. If it were a case of well-meaning cluelessness I'd perhaps be a little more understanding, but he is being a brazen little shitbag whinging how Netflix won't stream 4K to his expensive computer while scamming people, poor bb   
  9. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by technicolor in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    You would say that, since Evilentity is tearing you a new one, and has excellent points you cannot possibly refute.
    I'm wondering whether a person could really be this... I dunno, self absorbed, cunty, shameless, but I guess so! I truly hope people sue you and you literally and figuratively pay for the shit you pulled.
    I urge every one of you who he took money from to report him to the police. Perhaps one person/mod could help put it all together since the board owner is friends with this person (which is mind boggling af).  Props to the person who's taking screenshots! He is neither nice nor sorry, he's being maddeningly bratty and infuriating. Judging by his replies he even seem to be enjoying the drama
  10. Venice liked a post in a topic by technicolor in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    You would say that, since Evilentity is tearing you a new one, and has excellent points you cannot possibly refute.
    I'm wondering whether a person could really be this... I dunno, self absorbed, cunty, shameless, but I guess so! I truly hope people sue you and you literally and figuratively pay for the shit you pulled.
    I urge every one of you who he took money from to report him to the police. Perhaps one person/mod could help put it all together since the board owner is friends with this person (which is mind boggling af).  Props to the person who's taking screenshots! He is neither nice nor sorry, he's being maddeningly bratty and infuriating. Judging by his replies he even seem to be enjoying the drama
  11. technicolor liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    i would not blame lana one bit if she decided to never use social media again
  12. technicolor liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Instagram Updates   
    she already went through this. and as she stated last week, fuck off if you don't like it. she'll release (and serve).
    she will. popularity? she's one of the most talked about celebrities this year already + the critical darling of 2019. our girl is safe. critical acclaim? we'll see... if negative reviews towards 'chemtrails...' are filled with political stuff, then we know they're biased.
  13. technicolor liked a post in a topic by DCooper in Instagram Updates   
    Omg now you're complaining about HOW she posted, even though we know now that she was at the protest?

  14. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Instagram Updates   
    Our serene queen is just feeling fed up with the way mainstream has blacklisted her. For whatever the reason. She didn't throw anybody under the bus. She merely drove the bus and ran over those who deserved it.
  15. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    We all know that a big part of her social media fanbase is unbearable. Obsessive, encroaching people who act up as supporting saints but will share every highly personal information, spread every leak they can just to get attention, feel like an insider and act like a special person within the fanbase. She should have never interacted closely with those people.
    Do you remember when ultra-show-off Eclipse teased information for the upcoming LFL album because he needed his daily dose of attention? Instead of getting him sacked up for threatening to ruin her work she actually contacted him in a pretty polite way. That only made him feel more entitled.
    So yeah, she has a point when she tells those people to fuck off. The fact they were not willing to show the full convo and only cherrypicked certain comments to cry about proves the point
  16. technicolor liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Instagram Updates   
    the thing with the stan accounts are that we ALL know how bitchy and catty gays and girls can be. I'm honestly surprised she's put up with fans this long. She is one of the only artist that I like that is this close with fans, at the end of the day there is a reason why so many artist keep there fans at a distance.
  17. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Mer in Instagram Updates   
    mini rant: 
    she's just standing up for herself and speaking her mind. why does someone have to be "in a dark place" to be unabashed. are we so conditioned to censoring ourselves, only the incapacitated can speak their minds? 
  18. technicolor liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    speak for yourself
  19. technicolor liked a post in a topic by lmdr in Instagram Updates   
    She unfollowed win edwards! we really had to go through hell to reach paradise
  20. technicolor liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in Instagram Updates   
    Looks like Lana was right about those group chat gays not actually being fans.
  21. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Instagram Updates   
    I don't agree at all. People's behaviour are not invalidated just because they're on an online platform. If you mistreat people, call them names and have an overall awful behaviour then you're a horrible person, whether you're online or not.
  22. technicolor liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Instagram Updates   
    she unfollowed win edwards
  23. technicolor liked a post in a topic by anwdelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Nothing about this iconic lmfao... y’all be weird
  24. technicolor liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Instagram Updates   
    And we all know Lana fans are some of the most vicious stans out there so I'm not bothered at all by her telling them to fuck off.
  25. technicolor liked a post in a topic by SylviaPlath in Instagram Updates   
    I really doubt she would tell a fan to go fuck themselves like that without being genuinely provoked. They aren't posting the rest of the conversation for a reason.
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